Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Gift From the Heart

Good Afternoon, or whatever the appropriate Greeting is in your part of the World!

Today, it is pouring with rain; quite mild temperatures. What a bit contrast to yesterday; which was chilly and frosty; and having received a bitful of snow the night before. Presently, the tid chickadees are happily flying back and forth on our tidful tree branches!

Blogging of 'flying', we are leaving within the next bittidz, for our tidbitz vacation for a couple of weeks. Looking so forward to our destination, of warmth and sunshine! Will blog, til we leave our fair country; and then will resume upon our return! We are missing a tidbit flurry of Christmas parties; but at the same time, it will be nice to enjoy a bittid of much needed R & R!

Was just thinking about a comment, my beloved Alan made yesterday to me. He tidbitically said that he has not given me much in the way of 'presents'; and that this year, same thing. I replied, that I have bittidically done the same with him over these 5 years of our married life. And, to not to worry I stated; because he is a wonderful "gift' to me everyday. He treats me like a "Queen"; very much like the European way that my Dad cared and looked after my Mum. We have a beautiful Love Story...One of these days, I will write a bittidz of "An Answer to Prayer". We Prayed for one another; I eluded to that, several tidbitz blogs ago.

Tidbit - Presents are lovely and much appreciated. But what really matters, is the gift from the heart.

You can observe many people that "appear" as if they have "everything"; and if they do not have a genuine loving relationship with each other, they have "nothing". I was speaking with a young friend yesterday; and she was saying she and her 'significant other' are "happy, but broke". I gently "witnessed" to her; and basically said, "Money does not buy Love or genuine longterm happiness". She was most receptive; and when I told her a bit of our story, she was inspired. It is, in being the "right" partner, the "right" combination; and Alan and I are perpetually thankful for our gift "from the heart" to each other.

Bittid - Life is full of tid obstacles. It is a POSITIVE attitude (Nov 25th posting) that helps carves your way; and also how you interact with your mate, in challenging situations. You work things through, because you are a "team". Alan and I know that we work better together, than separate; although we each have our own merits. And, most importantly, we place our Faith in Him to provide DAILY Solutions.

Now that I think about it, Alan has given me some very generous 'presents'; (I have not really given him anything; gulp) but we like to "pool" our Blessings and all our resources together; not only for our enjoyment for each and every day; but for the future. Call it "long term planning".

We have much to be grateful for! I LOVE the above photo image!

God Bless!

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