Tuesday, 13 November 2007

If you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains!


Just reread some of my tids of blog bits. Hmmmmmm. I write a blog because it is like a diary / journal / my thoughts; as well as an uplift to all readers, as well as to myself.

Am feeling a tidbitz poorly this am; and thought I would reread some of my friends' blogs, and also some bittidz blogs of mine. I have caught a bittid head cold from Alan; who was not feeling too great last week. So, Sunday, Monday and today, find me just 'puttering / resting' a tidbit.

Tidbit - "When a door closes, another door opens!" That is so true; in every regard.
The courage is to have the FAITH to accept that, and carry on!

We have a lot happening; but then, who doesn't? We reaffirmed our Prayers this morning with Him; and basically we are leaving everything up to Him; as we are in His Service. He says to 'Come Boldy before Him, and Dream Big'. We have been doing this all along; and we are awaiting His solutions. That brings me to when 'a door closes'. He says,'another door will open'.

As mentioned earlier, Alan has been helping out his parents; and we are looking to relocate them to a better place, where there is a quality lifestyle; for the remaining time they have left.

We just received a phone call from one of our 2 tenants. We basically have rented out our old one bedroom abode to a "tenant from hell" and I should add, we also have a 2 bedroom penthouse, that is rented to a "tenant from Heaven". The tenant from "Heaven" has to return home to London to help his Dad out; who has taken a turn for the worse. Alan's parents LOVE the penthouse (close to their Church etc) so, we are hoping to move them there; or at least for the time being, until our "tenant from Heaven" comes to a decision. We are cutting him the slack; because he is such a great guy! The place is already fully furnished by our tenant; so this is a win/win currently. Our other tenant, we are not sure what we are going to do with her. She has been a "piece of work" in the past; and twice that she has taken us to Arbitration (telephone conference call), she has been soundly defeated. The Resolution Dispute Officer, was incredulous both times, and she was severely chastized for her avarice and greed towards us. She frustrated the real estate deal). I did a tidbitical about her in some earlier bittidical posts; so you can refer to those if you wish. You might want to pour yourself a stiff drink or strong beverage, should you read that. Makes the hairs stand up on your body!

We feel that the parents would ultimately be better served to be in the one bedroom, as it is by a lovely park and closer to us. The other place is downtown etc. However, we are prepared to have the tenant in the one bedroom apt, stay on; if things are such that the parents prefer the penthouse; that is, if our wonderful tenant chooses to leave the country for good. We have about 10 days or so; to come to some form of fair arrangement, for all those concerned. We are also going to be increasing the rents for both places; so that may be a determining factor for the tenant in the one bedroom apt. She may choose to leave; and our lease is up at the end of Jan/08 with her. She has not created any further hassles; so here is Praying that she has mended her ways. I know things will work out for the best; because He will be providing us with resolutions for all those concerned in these matters.

He created the Universe in 6 days! So, "All Things are Possible with Him!" I am trusting with that FAITH.

The legal appointment is today; so Alan and his parents (and the other POA) can further assert what is to happen. At this stage, Alan's Mum can be relocated; but because the other siblings still have the POA (which is also going to be taken away from them) for the Dad, there is a slight challenge; in that he may not be able to move out, just yet; until the "new guard" replaces them. Hmmmmm...I posted about those scenarios in earlier blogs. Hmmmm. Quite sad how older people are treated by some of their children, some financial institutions, some doctors, some old age homes; as if they no longer matter; because they are "old." Unfortunately, these things are generally about money; and in this case, it appears that this is a very probable situation, plus Alan's siblings have been jealous of Alan, their younger sibling, since Day One. There is not a lot of money involved; just the malice of it all. There is also not much left; as funds appear to have been 'misappropriated'; so, things are now going to be resolved appropriately, and equitably.

Plus with not feeling particularly energetic (foggy clogged up head cold etc), I do not have the "oomph" to be anxious or worried or whatever. This also includes our many business projects.

Bittid - He says, "Fear Not". So, I am in that M.O. space; and just surrendering everything to Him to deal with. And it is true: "Live one day at a time!"

Further tidbit - "If you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed,you can move mountains!" Right on! I love the 2 above photo images. One is an image showing the size of a mustard seed; AND, the other image is showing the HUGE size of a mustard tree, from ONE tid seed!!! I wrote a bittid about that in my Blog of May 15/07 and also an earlier bit, on April 15/07.

Praise Him in All Things and God Bless you.

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