Saturday, 1 December 2007

A smile is a gift, when freely given

Good Evening, or whatever greeting it is, in your part of the World!

We ended up watching the movie, 'Miss Potter', and Renee Zellweger was purrfect for the role. Very warm hearted character. Incredible how talented Beatrix Potter was; wonderful drawings to 'bring to life' her animals in her creative tales; ie of Peter Rabbit. I so loved the stories when I was a child! Imagination is a gift; and good on her, for having recognized her awesome talent.

The image of Mrs Rabbit, tucking a little bunny in bed,(yesterday's post) was similar to what we are doing with Alan's parents; tucking them into more of a quality TLC (Tender Loving Care) life. They are very fragile with all the 'unpleasantness' from 'them'. We are doing our utmost, to remedy the situation; as mentioned in previous blogs.

When we were at the old age home last night, it is so horrible to see all those 'old souls'. waiting (possibly wishing) to die. Quite literally; not only can you see it, you can feel it. Music and love is definitely not in the air at that 'care' facility. Their very life has been sucked out of them; you can see it in their sad and downtrodden eyes, whilst they sit limpid and 'vacant' of expression in their sterile wheel chairs. There is no joy, no life, just waiting and waiting and waiting, in the wheel chair line up. And, 'these old souls'. who were they, in their lives?

So, at least the parents are now away from that horrid 'hell hole'. There was a woman, when she was wheeled into her tidbitz size of a room, who shouted,"Let there be Light"; when her light switch to her room was turned on for her. I could not help but feistedly bittidz back and say ' Absolutely, and good on you!' She smiled (a sad smile), but at least she caught the empathy of a person, walking by.

Once 'things' are a bit more settled, we will be taking a bittidical stand against the old age 'care' home facility; not only because Alan's parents were treated poorly, but others have been subjected to the same manner of neglect or emotional 'abuse'. Some of the administrative and medical staff will be taken to tidbitical task re: their inhumane attitude towards the elderly; as well as some of the questionable tid types of 'overly prescribed -medications'. Hmmm? Can some of you relate? Am sure, there is much of "this indifference", complacency, or whatever, that goes on, 'elsewhere'; however, we will 'reprimand' this particular 'establishment'; so that this 'treatment' does not persist in the future.

Tidbit - Time goes by so quickly. Life is 'like a snowflake'; it appears for an instant, and then it is vanishes. Enjoy your life, while you are still young, or "young at heart", and healthy. Because, you too, will age and pass on.

Bittid - Perhaps you can do a TLC deed for an elderly person today; be it a parent, a friend, or even a stranger. A genuinely warm smile often does wonders! It will mean a big thing to them; and give them some courage and hope. Giving a tidbitz of kindness and empathy, makes a bittidz of difference. And, why not start now? 'Tis the Christmas Season'... Christmas can be also a very sad time to many people. So, for those less fortunate, consider them, and GIVE - even a smile, which costs nothing; because a smile is a gift, when freely given. I love the above photo image; and its message is very true.

God Bless.

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