Sunday, 30 December 2007


Good Afternoon, or whatever the appropriate greeting is, in your part of the world!
Here it is one day before New Year's Eve; much to reflect upon for both 2007 and

We are looking forward to embracing 2008; as we have so much to be thankful for! Even for just appreciating such Blessings, such as water, available food sources, gentle climes, and a wonderful place in the world to live!

Have spoken with a tid few of 'old' friends of many years today; and it is comforting to know that we are still genuinely good friends with each other. As one gets older, one is a bit more 'wary' in their expectations and discernments of loyal versus artificial friendships. As Joyce Meyer in her T.V. ministries eluded to today, there are times when the branches need to be clipped from the tree; in order to encourage new growth, to come to "fruition". "Fruition" is such a comparable description.

Tidbit - Many people are "busy" and 'always in a hurry'....Hmmmmmm. Sure you must have run across some of 'those' who are always professing those treadmill words. I know of what I speak, because I was on one of those churning gerbil machine/ like 'treadmills'; for some 15 years; before I accepted Him into my Heart, in 2002. He has given me clarity; and He, is whom I ask for daily Help and Guidance. I agree with Joyce Meyer, that generally and sadly, 'those busy' people often are empty and are not happy with their own personal lives or set of circumstances. But, to everyone else, they look 'fine'. He does not have a time frame; so it is good to just "slow down", enjoy, and work at being "fruitful" and leave the rest to Him to guide you in your endeavours. You do not always have to be "busy'; more importantly, just be "fruitful" in His Service.

Bittid - Good to have a purpose, 'goals' you can visualize, to be passionate about; to dare go for it! That is what He wants! Just lean on Him, and He will provide what you need; as He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

Alan and I have a fair 'entourage' of projects to handle. 'Bringing things to fruition' and relying totally on Him to do so. Those are wonderful Blessings to be grateful for; and we gladly give Him Thanks. Praise Him in All Things.

I love the above photo image; something 'so down to earth!' Am working on deciphering the tid print of directions for our digital camera; and in a bit, I will be able to post authentic pictures for you!

God Bless.

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