Home! Yahoo! We arrived home a bit while ago; ordered in a pizza, and enjoyed a tid glass of red wine!
We moved Alan's parents in; but only partially; as there is still more "stuff" to pack. So, Alan and I went to their "prison" earlier this evening, and "cleared out" his Dad's 'pathetic' room. His things filled our car; and with a couple of "Mr. Glad" Garbage bags, from his Mum's 'sad' room, not even a tidbit olive could fit into our car! LOL! Currently, our overly packed car is safe in our garage; and we will continue with the remaining task of the move tomorrow. The main thing is, that the parents are "out" of their old location!!! It was tragic to see all the "old people" lining up in their wheelchairs for dinner, and then lining up after dinner, in single file again, to return to their bittid rooms via elevator. There were a couple of 'fights' and nasty words amongst 'wheel chair line crashers'; unreal! And, the only 2 elevators in the old age home, are "slower than molasses" to boot. All we could say, is "Thank God, the parents are OUT of here!"
Tidbit - Appreciate being in your own home! And, for as long as possible! I plan to NEVER be in that dour situation; because it is the 'kiss of death' - quite literally.
Bittid - Have compassion for the 'older folk'. You will be there one day.
Having said that, I am going to 'limp off' to bed. There is a good movie, "Miss Potter" on tonight; so we are going to enjoy watching the acting antics of Renee Zellweger as, Miss Beatrix Potter. I like Renee Zellweger; she exudes a genuine warmth; and I feel the role is a good one for her. We caught a tidbitz glimpse of the movie last weekend; ; but we already had made some other bittidz movie plans. So, tonight, this will be purrfect; to appreciate the talented works of Beatrix Potter. She was very talented as an artist / painter, and with her creative imagination, she published: 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit'; and other such delightful childrens' stories!
It was Alan's Mum's birthday today; she was a "happy camper". Instead of being in a tidbitical tiny room,(with not even a bittidical view), she is in a lovely penthouse in Yale Town, with a full panoramic view. She and her beloved husband are on "Cloud Nine!" The sunset was glorious; and the golden rays were wonderfully reflecting against the surrounding buildings. Our tenant is staying there in the spare bedroom, before he leaves on Monday. And the nice thing is, they all get along very well with each other! Interestingly enough, his parents are the exact same age as Alan's parents.
Good Night and God Bless.
Friday, 30 November 2007
We have been Blessed with another beautiful day of sunshine! Chilly but blue sky everywhere! Our tid geraniums are still "blooming" from our bit balconey planters.
There was a conference call this am with the lawyer; that was a good strategy in putting together the final tidbitical touches; and if necessary, to court, we will go. It would be bittidically better for the "others" to fully cooperate with us, and to be transparent with our repeated requests for all outstanding germaine data. However, if "they" still wish to ignore, and not further comply, this will now legally be to their grave detriment.
Alan's parents are moving into our penthouse this afternoon; so we are just heading out the door. It will be a wonderful moment of relief and long awaited freedom for them! All the medical and the health care details have been taken care of yesterday; so that when we leave for our vacation, things will be "in order".
Tidbit - Uplift others; even if you feel a tidbitty weary along the way.
Bittid - You will feel better too, when you help others in bittiddy ways.
The above photo image is so amusing to me; need a sense of moving humour! The chesterfield on top, (or, I think it is) is quite similar in pattern, to the 2 love seats we had years ago; and ultimately chewed up in bits and tids, by our old dog, "Rocky"; as in the ROCKFORD Files. Loved that show!
Have to move; will be back later!
God Bless.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
The World is your Oyster! Hmmmmmm. It is what you positively make of it; AND with Him to Guide you!
Hi! It is later afternoon here; and we have been Blessed with a beautiful sunny, yet cold day! The snow did not stick, save for the bit build up of further frost upon the rooftops and in the tid 'shady' areas. Hmmmmmm. 'shady' - has different meanings; and as of late, we have been exposed to the rather 'shady' antics of others.
Slept 'like a rock' last night! Best sleep in a very long tidbitz! I think with all the "fluff stuff" , that has been largely unnecessary, has worn us all down a wee bittidz. Am not going to go into the legal tidbits at this bittid time; suffice to post, it is very tiring. Very hard too, on Alan's parents; because they have had to come to the stark reality of the 'conspiracy' of some 'trusted' family members, and "others", who have had a 'murderous and crippling' agenda all along.
We were even wondering whether we should now go away on our long awaited vacation? However, since we have already made our trip arrangements a tidbitual ago; we will go; and, we should be in a better bittidual 'space', once "away". We have done our best for the parents; so we are trusting in Him, that all will run smoothly in our absence.
We run the 'bulk' (never thought of it that way!) of our business from our home; and we are so appreciative and grateful for that luxury; working from our home. We LOVE our cosy abode; and yes, others may have bigger, better homes, newer and nicer furniture, whatever... However, "HOME IS WHERE YOUR HEART IS"; don't you genuinely figure! Plus we are all so fortunate to have roofs over our heads! Many people, 'living' in other parts of the world, do not have that vital option. And more likely than not, they are amongst the 'walking dead!' "Praise Him in All Things", keeps hitting me squarely between the eyes and in the heart. I guess that is a bit of a bittidz, for the space between our ears.
Have now lit a roaring fire and with the lively sunshine pouring in, the 'rainbow' prisms are glistening back and forth from our scattered pieces of crystal; as in our 'dancing' decanturs, which look majestic in the natural light.
Now unearthed another oyster plate (now 29 in total)and it is also in the books; increasing our number, from three to four plates. The above photo is the replica of the oyster plate that I 'fell upon', whilst 'browsing' on Ebay. Where would we be, all of us, without an "Ebay!!!" Both books (mentioned in yesterday's blog)have the plate listed as quite valuable; unbeknownst to me, as I ended up buying it for next to nothing! Blog about an uniquely exquisite purchase; and I now have it on a tasteful mahogany 'plate stand' in our wonderful cabinet! The vibrantly hand painted colours on the plate, are magnificent, along with 2 dear tidbitz crystal 'shot glasses'. I suppose the 'bohemian shot glasses' could also be enjoyed as 'shooters' when inhaling oysters 'in the raw!' LOL!
Tidbit - "Home IS where YOUR heart is" or, "where you hang your hat!" - An appreciative truth!
Bittid - "Live one day at a time" and best not to worry about the 'next day'; although, it is easier said than done, at challenging times. Simply leave it to Him to Provide Daily Solution; and to put things right.
Alan is currently out helping his parents 'pack' for their move tomorrow afternoon. If you wish, you can refer to earlier blogs, to become a bit more familiar with the present tid of activity.
Further reflective tidbitz - Surrender everything to Him, for His Help; so that He can Provide you with a calm AND a peace.
God Bless.
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Collecting can be interesting!
Hi! Glad it is the end of the day. It has been a full tid of a day.
Alan went to the doctor this afternoon; and his leg injury is on the mend; but it will take at least a few bit more months to heal properly. His injured shoulder, from an old soccer encounter, some 25 years ago, is not "fixable'. Basically, he will just have to put up with the uncomfortable pain that flares up every now and then. He just has to go back for some blood work, to complete the physical.
Also, the legal bittiduals are a real mess. Too exhausting to do tidbituals at the moment. Save that, we have a very strong position; and we are prepared to take it to court, because there have been some major wrong doings here. Enough of that for now.
We accomplished a lot of our bittidz business; as well as getting tidbitz things organized both on the home front, and on the business side of things; before we leave next week.
Enjoyed a relaxing bath before dinner; 'just what the doctor ordered!' It was soothing to my soul, and comforting to hear the down pour of rain on the above skylight. And lit candles, made it all the more an enjoyable ambience.
I also did a bittid of rearranging our oyster plates. Yes, oyster plates! I have collected them over the last tidbit of years; and thought I would place them where I have an easier access to use them! I LOVE oysters! Alan is not an 'oyster fan'; however, he loves his prawns. I have a couple of books on the history re: the collecting of 'oyster plates'; 3 of our 28 plates are listed in these 2 books! Think I will have to invest in another oyster book! Collecting oyster plates is an interesting hobby; perhaps some of you can relate? Or, whatever it is, you have an avid interest in collecting. If we had oodles of room in our home, I would hang the plates on the wall; and / or put them on valences; as you see in restaurants.
Tidbit - A collection is considered to be more than one of the same tid item! So, as a start, if you have 2 pieces or more, you are a collector! Plus, appreciating whatever it is you collect (or about to collect! LOL!), can be like a "breath of fresh air", when you are a tidbit weary; as it calms your mind from bittid 'stuff'. We have these 2 books (same as photo image); and the above photo image of the oyster plate, is very similar to one that we own.
Also, as a relatively new collector of oyster plates, there are many many oyster plates out there; and some of the designs are incredible! Wonderful plates that can hold 4, 5, 6 or more oysters! Have a couple of 'oyster shooters'. Literally you have one raw oyster (or a tiny few; depending on the type of oyster) in the bit oyster shooter (photo image is similar to the individual shooters we have) and you just swallow it whole, with a bit of tabasco and lemon; or whatever sauce, is of appeal to you! - Mmmmmmm. Mmmmmmm. Yummmmmmm.
Bittid - Was having computer difficulties earlier; so am a bit late in blogging tonight. Am going to call it a night now. Listen to your body when it is saying, "Go to bed". I think I will dream of delicious recipes of oysters tonight! LOL!
Good Night and God Bless.
Gift From the Heart
Good Afternoon, or whatever the appropriate Greeting is in your part of the World!
Today, it is pouring with rain; quite mild temperatures. What a bit contrast to yesterday; which was chilly and frosty; and having received a bitful of snow the night before. Presently, the tid chickadees are happily flying back and forth on our tidful tree branches!
Blogging of 'flying', we are leaving within the next bittidz, for our tidbitz vacation for a couple of weeks. Looking so forward to our destination, of warmth and sunshine! Will blog, til we leave our fair country; and then will resume upon our return! We are missing a tidbit flurry of Christmas parties; but at the same time, it will be nice to enjoy a bittid of much needed R & R!
Was just thinking about a comment, my beloved Alan made yesterday to me. He tidbitically said that he has not given me much in the way of 'presents'; and that this year, same thing. I replied, that I have bittidically done the same with him over these 5 years of our married life. And, to not to worry I stated; because he is a wonderful "gift' to me everyday. He treats me like a "Queen"; very much like the European way that my Dad cared and looked after my Mum. We have a beautiful Love Story...One of these days, I will write a bittidz of "An Answer to Prayer". We Prayed for one another; I eluded to that, several tidbitz blogs ago.
Tidbit - Presents are lovely and much appreciated. But what really matters, is the gift from the heart.
You can observe many people that "appear" as if they have "everything"; and if they do not have a genuine loving relationship with each other, they have "nothing". I was speaking with a young friend yesterday; and she was saying she and her 'significant other' are "happy, but broke". I gently "witnessed" to her; and basically said, "Money does not buy Love or genuine longterm happiness". She was most receptive; and when I told her a bit of our story, she was inspired. It is, in being the "right" partner, the "right" combination; and Alan and I are perpetually thankful for our gift "from the heart" to each other.
Bittid - Life is full of tid obstacles. It is a POSITIVE attitude (Nov 25th posting) that helps carves your way; and also how you interact with your mate, in challenging situations. You work things through, because you are a "team". Alan and I know that we work better together, than separate; although we each have our own merits. And, most importantly, we place our Faith in Him to provide DAILY Solutions.
Now that I think about it, Alan has given me some very generous 'presents'; (I have not really given him anything; gulp) but we like to "pool" our Blessings and all our resources together; not only for our enjoyment for each and every day; but for the future. Call it "long term planning".
We have much to be grateful for! I LOVE the above photo image!
God Bless!
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
What Goes Around, Comes Around
Good Afternoon, or Greetings!
We have had a whole tidful of bitful experiences today. Including the concluding of tid legal matters, re: the unethical conduct of Alan's siblings. Their 'apparent' devious behaviour and spiteful actions, are directly backfiring on them; as in a 'boomerang' result; or as in a 'ripple effect' of cascading dominoes. Their 'house of cards' is collapsing gravely; and "what goes around, comes around", is now simply the case. The above photo image is right on!
In between all these bittidual matters, I am becoming more discerning between "Friend" and "Foe". I can not help but think, that Alan's family clan's motto ( for over 1000 years, at least!) is so appropriate! "We Force No Friend, and We Fear No Foe". That is such a strong and true tidbitual!
Tidbit - Look around you closely, take a good look; and be joyfully appreciative for all you hold dear and true in your life. Be it your mate, family, close friends, your home, job, sports, hobbies, interests, and / or whatever you genuinely enjoy.
Bittid - Christmas is coming upon us all. It is a timely time to reflect and genuinely spend with family and a few special friends; and to be truly thankful for one's Blessings.
Today, has been an interesting tidbitz; with good tidbit results, and also some bittid disappointments. Regardless, always do your best, to embrace COMPASSION, GRACE, and LOVE in your daily lives; and, 'Rise above ALL things'; even if you do not feel like doing that, in certain moments. 'In a nutshell' bittidz, "Praise Him In All Things".
God Bless.
Monday, 26 November 2007
Geraniums Blooming and First Snowfall!
Where has the day gone? To tid it off, it has been a dark and dismal day; with snow forecasted for tonight. Currently, there is a mix of rain and snow; so quite possibly tomorrow, we will wake up to a bit of a white blanket.
Last year, when I planted our first batch of 'primula' flowers, it snowed that same night; unfortunately, there were no survivors. I re-planted some more 'primulae' another month or so later; and darned if the same thing did not happen again! ie It snowed; however fewer casualities. I re-potted the surviving tidbitz 10 of the 14'primulae'; and they are currently blooming up a colourful bittidz, in our front flower boxes! I have been told that 'primula' is a very hardy flowering plant, and thrives wonderfully in cooler temperatures. I think with the first go around, there was a total shock to the system; as it was early Fall; thus an unexpected cold. The next batch was hardier; possibly. Both times it snowed, after the yellow, pink, purple, red, and blue tid flowers were planted in their bit containers! And, I just watered / fertilized our geraniums yesterday! Hmmmmmmmm.
In between tidbitical tasks today, we went to the Passport Office; as our passports are coming up for renewal in the new year. We have to provide 2 non family references, along with their addresses, and our photos; so we will return to the Passport Office, when we have all the required data. It was not all in vain (in the rain). We "witnessed" to a "street person"; an old man; as well as giving him some tidbit change for a coffee. It turns out, that he already has a book of tracts; but we could see an appreciative warm glow in his eyes; as a 'thank you'. And, particularly with the winter weather descending upon us.
Tidbit - It is so much better to give, than to receive. You feel inspired and uplifted when you help someone in genuine need. Your problems become 'bittidical'; don't they?
We are so looking forward to our vacation in a sunny clime! After numerous phone calls, I was able to track down my favourite suntan lotion; and because I purchased it in quantity, I was given an excellent discount!
Alan picked up some more info from the bank re: the financials; and we are hoping that before we leave, a lot of this tedious tiddy bitty 'stuff' will be sorted out. There is going to be a bitty tiddy of a legal and unpleasant upheaval for 'those in question'. But, 'they' quite literally, have brought it upon themselves.
Our penthouse tenant has successfully worked things out for a "temporary" home, for his beloved cocker spaniel, 'Annabelle'; with the kindly older gentleman. Wrote a tid about that in a recent post. This is a win / win for all those concerned. We will be moving Alan's parents into the penthouse shortly; and our tenant may end up staying with us for a bit night or two, before he leaves for England, to look after his his Dad.
Bittid - Have a calm and focus on whatever needs to be done. And remember to always, 'Praise Him in All Things', each and every day.
The snow looks like it may be sticking! Perhaps you can relate to the silent and majestic beauty of the first snow fall, that you experienced, when you were a small child!
We are heating up "Shepherd's Pie" (from Costco); and it smells so good; it is perfect for a chilly night like tonight!
God Bless.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Seek, and Ye Shall Find - LOVE this photo image!
Sunday afternoon, our time! A glorious day! Sunshine, clear blue skies, and a bit cold; but wonderfully crisp!
Just gave some "TLC" (tender loving care) to our geraniums. There are still new tid buds coming forth; and green foliage as well! A magnificent Blessing!
We have so much to be DAILY thankful for! This am, Alan brought me my coffee, then a "Value Meal" from Macdonald's. The 'breakfast' would not rate as the most 'healthy' food; but, it tasted so good; and it hit the spot!
Enjoyed watching T.V. again, this Sunday morning, on the Vision Channel (105); with Dr. Robert Schuller, then Joyce Meyer, and then followed by Charles Price. I have mentioned their programs, in various blogs..ie November 4th ('Seek, and Ye Shall Find'); November 11th ('Remember in Rememberance and always have FAITH'); and November 18th ('Keep it Simple!'); if you wish to refer to those tidbitical tidbits.
With Dr. Robert Schuller, he quoted from Matthew, Chapter 4, verse 19: - "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men". Very true! He works with us; when we OBEY Him.
On Joyce's program (I really relate to her!), she had John Maxwell, the author of "The Difference Maker" as her guest on the show. His book is right on! Basically it covers ATTITUDE. ie 'what is INSIDE of us'. 'CHANGE' does not necessarily make you grow; but when you GROW, you experience CHANGE. For example, if you have adversities in you life, how do you cope with them? Do you turn around and BLAME everybody else? Do you become a "victim", to continuously be 'enabled' by others; and / or remain in the 'status quo' of being in a "comfort zone"; as in passive?
Joyce referred to an area in Psalms (Please forgive me, I did not catch which chapter or verse) but she endorsed that it is better to be with "positive" people than with "negative" people. Why stick with people who constantly want to hurt or maligne you? Nobody needs that; and yet so many put up with that type of conduct from others; out of fear, or loss, or failure, whatever. In other words, 'quit hanging around' with the negative ones; simply take responsibilty to make positive choices, to be with those that have genuinely POSITIVE ATTITUDES! You are better off to be "alone" than "poisoned" by spiteful behaviour and negative attitudes from others. When you "Walk in the Spirit", things CHANGE; your life CHANGES. Am sure there are those of you, who can relate to these bittidical bittids. And, there are situations, where you just have to "let go".
In Charles' message: ie in John, Chapter 5, verses 1-9, is the story / miracle of the diseased person, who had been diseased for 38 years; and he was never able to get to the Pool of Bethesda (house of mercy). The question, that Jesus basically asked of him, was: "Do you want to be HEALED?". There were various excuses given; because this person had been constantly 'enabled'; and blamed others for his various misfortunes. Jesus told him to just get up, pick up his mat. The man was healed; made whole, because he had the FAITH to OBEY Him.
So many of us can or wish to be "paralyzed" by our fears, doubts, insecurities, whatever is 'within', and various 'circumstances' around us....Accept Him genuinely into your hearts, and LET HIM work the 'miracles' for you. It is not up to our own understandings to work things out. TRUST HIM AND HAVE THE FAITH IN HIM. Then you will experience GROWTH AND CHANGE.
Tidbit - Read the Bible; the BEST book ever written!
Bittid - I have recognized that the Bible is the most accurate source of TRUTH. I must re read it as well; and because I enthusiastically WANT to! Again, when He says, "Seek, and Ye Shall Find", He wants us to read His message to us, in the Bible.
Hope this is of encouraging enlightenment, to all who read this Blog!
God Bless.
Saturday, 24 November 2007
It is now dusk; and we are glad that we are "in" for the night! Alan has lit a welcoming fire; and we are so thankful for our cosy home.
My daughter's nice father-in-law came over; and it makes such a difference to see the Ladies now happily all "aglow" with light. We are very appreciative that he helped 'put it right'; because, when the cabinets were built, the 'electrical' work was sorely lacking. Only Alan and I, and our gifted 'jack of all trades' friend, know that the work was not completed properly. The three of us enjoyed a bit of lunch that Alan "whipped up!" ie. Devilled egg sandwiches, with fresh chives from our tid garden! A bit good, if I tid so myself!
We had some tidbitz errands to do; one of them being that I needed to locate some practical and attractive sandals for our vacation; as my sandals, after 5 years, had finally 'seen better days'. FOUND some, and on SALE! The price was so reasonable, that I ended up with a comfy 'walking' pair, along with 2 other pairs of colourful rubber soled sandals. Interestingly enough, both the pink pair and the blue pair, go with all my summer short sets and bathing suit attire! The "walking" pair is an off white; also rubber soled and extremely comfortable! So, as a female, this was a wonderful bittidz buy! I am sure you all can relate! LOL! From being on sale, attractive, and 'durable'.
Also, it looks as if "Annabelle" has found a 'temporary' home! This also means, we can move Alan's parents into the penthouse by the end of this week. We leave shortly after for our vacation; so we want everything set up properly, before we head out of the country!
Christmas will be interesting this year; more so, we feel, than previous years. You can refer to my posts of November 17th('To our "MoMo" - She LOVED Christmas!'), and of November 18th('Keep it Simple!')if you wish, for your perusal.
Tidbit - Joyful appreciation and being genuinely thankful for each and every day!
Bittid - Kindness goes a long way. LOVE CONQUERS All. (Wrote a bittidical in a tidbitical post, November 15th). LOVE the above photo image! So powerful!
God Bless.
Saturday Morning - A Good Morning!
Good Morning, or whatever the appropriate Greeting is in your part of the world!
To tid a bit: It is a "Good Morning!" Do not even know why; except that it just is!
Perhaps, because it is Saturday; and there is a tidbitz of time to enjoy the quietness of no ringing telephones, and decision making. It is a peaceful lull! Have utilized the above photo image before; it looks so calm; and I love this artistically misty and serene setting. (post of 'Quiet morning Autumn mists', Oct 27/07)
Or maybe, because I just washed my hair; and doesn't one feel a bittidz more 'awake' when that happens? Plus, Alan brought me a wonderfully brewed cup of coffee in bed; so it has been a lovely time, so far. It is about 40 degrees F; so it is warmer than yesterday. It does look however, as if it might snow.
Our ever blooming geraniums, which I made mention of in a recent blog, November 20th ('Place your Faith in Him')are incredible! Praise Him in All Things. The neighbouring flower boxes around us, are empty and lifeless; we are most appreciative of this thriving Blessing. We have not tended to our bittid balconey planter box; however, I will give our geraniums some "TLC" (tender loving care) by trimming off some tidbit 'stuff', watering / fertilizing them; AND saying a Prayer of Thanks!
This morning, my daughter's father-in-law is coming over to help us with the lights in our 2 cabinets, that house our wonderful "Ladies". "Ladies" refer to our Lady Head Vases, that I have collected since 1991. It will make such a bittidical difference to have tidbitical lights in our cabinets!
Tidbit - "Let there be Light!" That is so true; and most illuminating, when you live your life, full of hope and appreciating your DAILY Blessings.
We received a phone call last night from the gentleman who is interested in looking after "Annabelle" (yesterday's post); so we are hopeful that things will work out for our tenant and this kind man. Turns out, he is 84 years young, is as 'fit as a fiddle', and has an "R.V". (recreation vehicle). He is driving South for the month of January; and as "Annabelle" has her US papers; this should be no problem! Post about a "Two for the Road" education and fun adventure for them! He is well travelled, as is our tenant; so we think this may be the 'dog solution!' that He has put before us all.
Bittid - Pray to Him and Have the Faith that He will Provide!
Must go and get myself and our house, a bittid ready for our friend. I also picked up some tidbit muffins from the Christmas Bazaar (see post of November 22nd); along with 'bumbleberry' jam; which may be a delicious and creative combination!
Will be back in a bit, when there is more tid to blog!
God Bless.
Friday, 23 November 2007
Glad it is the weekend! Whew!
Good Afternoon or whatever the appropriate Greeting is, in your part of the world!
Right off the bat - We are delighted about the Himalayan Goji Juice! The taste is awesome; and we have noticed a tid of a difference with our wellbeing! Also, MORE of an important bit, Alan's parents have both really rallied forth with this product. Their skin colour, their increase in energy and alertness, as well as receiving wonderful sleeps, has just been fantastic! Alan's Dad already went to his doctor; who said, "Just carry on, with whatever you are doing! You look great!" Alan's Mum will be seeing her doctor next week for her blood results; so that will certainly be a major tidbit of news! That is WHY we became interested in this wonderful product;(and a business is there for those who wish it); because of her terminal cancer etc.
We have been in the process of structuring the "move" for them; and there are a lot of hoops to bittid through. However, it will work out; in between everything else!
Our "tenant from Heaven", has a gorgeous wee bittidz of a 2yr old cocker spaniel, called "Annabelle"; and we are looking for a "temporary" home for her, while he is away in England, visiting his Dad, who unexpectedly, took a turn for the worse. We may have found someone, to take in "Annabelle" for a tidbitz. His dog apparently, just passed away, and he is broken hearted about the loss. So, this may be a win/win situation for the time being; and who knows, what the future will bring...it might turn into a permanent stay for them both.
Our Blue, will be at a 'doggie day care camp'; whilst we are away; and it is not our first choice, as we would rather leave him with a neighbour, family member, or close friend; even if just at night time; and he could spend the day at the "camp". If we could take him with us, great; but pets are not allowed, where we are vacationing.
Our British tenant, was going to take his beloved "Annabelle" with him, but the dog has to go through challenging quarantine medical measures / tests to leave the country; and the waiting process would take far too long. 'Time is of the essence' for our tenant; sadly it is better for him to leave the "puppy" behind, until his return.
Putting together more of the "puzzle pieces" re: the POA scenario. Hmmmmmm. Not looking good at all for the "others". They are now "caught"; and they are doing their best to 'backpedal'. ie. Like a fish that can not get away; no matter how hard it tries to "run". The "dodges" are so obvious; and now "they" are in a corner. Next week, will be very interesting; because the full measure of the law is coming down on them. Unfortunate, it has to be this way; but "they" have not been cooperative or transparent.
Tidbit - The TRUTH always catches up with you. You may think you can fool some people; but He, alone, knows the reality; because, you can NOT EVER fool Him.
Bittid - Better to "fess up", have a clean conscience, genuinely make apologies / amends; with whatever it is, that you may be faced with. "Seek, and Ye shall Find"; is so true; because "He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light". I know I have blogged this tids of times; but it is all TRUE bits. It is never too late to change your way; just INVITE Him into your heart; amazing what happens after that one step!
Friday already! Here is wishing you all a joyful start to the weekend. Love the above photo image of tuckered out "pups"! Spaniels?
God Bless.
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Christmas Bazaar!
Good Evening!
Am now home! So nice to be home for the night!
This morning was a bit of a whirl; as there were tids of the unexpected, happening. Glad I was going out with my very good friend to a Christmas Bazaar and lunch; Alan was left to man our business; and to peruse the tidbits of financial information, that is still incomplete.
It was wonderful to attend the Christmas Fair; today was its opening day; and surprisingly, it was not jam packed! Most likely, the traffic will pick up later in the subsequent hours, and over the next tid days! My friend found some impressive "sticky" doodad bittids for their windows, and I ended up being tempted by bits of goodies in the 'Coach House', Bakery section! LOL! I left with a tidbitz of canned preserves; and 2 packages of "Split Pea Soup". Also, invested in a couple of books that did a bittidz on "Women Leaders", who served on / led the auxiliary committees / boards over the years; as well as the history of the old monied family, that built and lived in this magnificent colonial mansion, with classic and elegantly simple "Greek" columns, and lush gardens. "Tara" comes to mind, from "Gone With the Wind". It is also the 100th year anniversary of the 'Womens' Organization'. Have been to many a wedding, fun parties, and events in that Edwardian house of heritage antiques. Across the busy street out front, exists a huge apartment building; well, that used to be the family's bittidical vegetable patch! Can you imagine that as a piece of tidbitical?
Our next door neighbour was also at the Bazaar. We are looking forward to inviting them over for some tid appies and drinks in the next bit. At least they do not have far to walk! LOL!
I was able to pick up a couple of business cards. ie One re: the mentally handicapped; and the other, re: a garden shop. The baby / children knits, as in booties, sweaters, etc and Christmas decorations were quite awesome; you would not know that the clothing and other bit items were made by these challenged people. I say good on them! The other had beautiful floral arrangements and Christmas topiaries; one exquisite topiary, I "fell in love with". Did not even glance at the price; however, if I win a lotto, I know I will pay that shop a tid visit!
It is American Thanksgiving today. Once again, "Happy Thanksgiving" to all those who are celebrating this special day! I have re borrowed the photo image of the turkey! It looks sooooooo good! Christmas will soon be here!
When I returned home, there was our Blue, waiting for me, and happily wagging his tail, at the door! Remember the saying about how 'a dog is a man's best friend?' Well, he is our best buddy. Alan lit us a nice cosy fire; and, basically, the information requested by the lawyer for today, has not happened. Why does that, not surprise me? Hmmmmm. This continual lack of cooperation, is not boding well for all "those concerned!" "They" are just making things worse for themselves, by prolonging the inevitable.
Tidbit - A fun "outing" with a good friend, is special, and great for one's spirits. She and I barely 'scratched the surface'. We have agreed to get together more often!
Bittid - Appreciate your home! "Home is where the heart is!"
The other photo image you see, is of the gorgeous Manor, built in 1909; and completed in 1911. The Manor still retains its elegance and gracious style today; eventhough, there are now developments, such as apartments and busy roads, on what used to be gardens in abundance!
It is very cold outside; so I think tonight, we will turn up the heat a wee bit. Plus, we will be snuggling a tid in our bed; and enjoying a profound movie.
Good Night and God Bless.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Still trekking! Some tids and bits were sorted out!
However, wanted to wish all those, who are celebrating their Thanksgiving tomorrow, a "Happy Thanksgiving!" ie. Americans, and whomever else is participating in the Thanksgiving festivities.
In Canada, we celebrated our Thanksgiving in the second weekend of October. You can refer to my bit blog of Oct 6/07, if you wish. Hmmmm..the word, "wish" has different meanings as well. Turkeys have "wish" bones, now that I tid about it.
Tidbit - Each and every day is like a "Thanksgiving" to us. 'Praise Him in All Things' is so true! We have so much to be grateful for! Having watched the movie, "Birdman of Alcatraz" last night, really hit a few tidbitical chords within me.
Bittid - Appreciate your loved ones; and be thankful for whatever bittidical Blessings and meaningful joys that are in your life. Make the best and the most of it!
Good Night and God Bless.
Inspiration - Birdman of Alcatraz!
Good Afternoon, or whatever the appropriate Greeting is, in your part of the World!
Well, we stayed up again last night.....til 1:00 am; but, it was well worth it! There are those "well" words again; if you have read about "well", in some of my previous blogs. The word, 'well', with its many different meanings.
We watched the movie "Birdman of Alcatraz" - what a film! AND IT IS A TRUE STORY!
That poor man; I feel he was innocent; he stood up for what he felt was right; and he ended up being the tid scapegoat, which haunted him for the rest of his bit days.
Talk about his life, challenges, and how he turned a horrid existence into "something" great! Robert Shroud, was a genius and what a wonderful man! He made the best of what he had been given. He was / is a true hero. I do not know whether he is still alive; but he was transferred from Alcatraz to another prison; most likely his last prison. In a tidbitz, his indomitable spirit, is further illustrated, when he implied that he was going to a 'better place'; where there was more space and fresh air. I thought "Wow!" After all that he had endured, he was still courageously hopeful and an inspiration to all! He was the most knowledgable man about birds in the world; ie about their care, treating diseases; and he did this while serving time. Wonderfully, he made the prison, a nobler place; ie with canaries - singing! The above photo image, is of yellow singing canaries!
Tidbit - Life really IS what you make of it! I recommend this movie to you, BIG TIME. By watching it, you may learn more about the special gift and character of this incredible man; as well as other human beings' character, being both good and not so good. So sad, that because of the 'jealousy' of his mother, he was sentenced to a life in prison, for the rest of his days. It would appear that she could have assisted him with his final parole / pardon; if she had so wished to help him. But, since she was second choice to his wife, the mother chose to ignore his chance for a well deserved life of happiness and freedom. If she could not be first in his life, then he could suffer the lonely consequences; or so she thought. Hmmmmmmm. And, there are some people like that in the world! Scary, isn't it?
Bittid - He made his "cell" count; a totally amazing man! Do not allow whatever cages you or imprisons you, limit or prevent you to "live" and make the best of things. Alcatraz, was reputed to be the worst place for the worst hardened criminals; and the very existence in there, bred hatred and 'segregation', as it was referred to by the "piece of work" warden. Not solitary prison but, 'segregation'. I think that is worse; because that is deliberately stripping every bittidz ounce out of a human being; and reducing their 'dead' lives to wretched despair and without hope or feeling of self worth.
Burt Lancaster was one of my favourite actors; and, he was 'perfect' for this talented and honourable role. He acted with Grace; against division, cruelties, and inequities of mankind.
Have to go out for a bittidful, but will be back later, to post more of a tidbitful; whatever that may be at the time!
God Bless.
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Bit by tid, tid by bit, the Puzzle is unravelling!
Hi again,
Been a full tidbitz of a day! Some unexpected pieces of the puzzle, that are starting to fit together!
We just found out that not only did Alan's 2 oldest siblings have POA over the Dad; the Mum has POA over him as well; and at a higher level; as she was named the primary POA. So.....a lot of this legal bittidz could have been avoided, had "those" in question, been forthcoming at the beginning.
Moreover, another puzzling piece to the puzzle, is that the 2 siblings sent a letter via their lawyer, to Alan's parents's lawyer, that they are the two people, responsible for the care and wellbeing of the Dad; because they were "competent" and most able. Well, the 2nd sibling does not even live here; so unfortunately for him, he has been 'under the influence' of untruths and deceit from his sister. Also, the sister is the one who conspired with the "in house doctor", a couple of 'shrinks', and the admin of the old age home, to attempt to prove that Alan's Mum is NOT competent, and thus needed various heavy duty medications. All the while, trying to show /prove that the mother is not competent or able. Hmmmmmmm. And that she is not even mentioned as one of the POA's; and the primary one, at that! This is truly, a bad news story - for them. "They" have "slipped up"; and convicted themselves by their own words, actions, and deeds. This letter they had thought would be to their ultimate advantage, is now to their major detriment.
This Thursday, some more pieces will click into place; and in time, we will have the puzzle resolved. "Those" in question, have been doing their puzzle headed best to provide "puzzlement", instead of solution, to the repeated requests for valid financial and medical information, pertaining to the parents.
Tidbit - The Truth always surfaces; He makes it inextricably so. So, take heart, if you have experienced greed, deceit, lies, whatever, from others, in your lives. 'Those' in question, will ultimately be exposed by the errors of their ways.
Bittid - It is never too late to acknowledge mistakes; but do so, with a genuine spirit; and invite Him openly into your heart. Ask Him for forgiveness, and He will Provide it. Lest we forget, He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.
God Bless.
Place your FAITH in HIM!
Well, we had an incredible sleep last night. I slept like a "baby". Half watched 'some' movie; but at 11:30 pm, was 'out like a light'; only to be awakened by a telephone call before 8:00 am.
Alan's Mum who normally calls a bit later, joyfully phoned us; because she is looking so forward to moving out of their "prison", within the next bittidz while. Our penthouse tenant's father is not well; so he is returning to England to be with him. Meanwhile, Alan's parents will move in to his completely furnished apartment; and enjoy a total 'change of scenery'. Which it definitely will be! The ultimate plan is to move them to our old place (a one bedroom); as it is only a few tid minutes away from us; as opposed to being in the "jungle" of downtown. And, if it were a perfect world, our "tenant from Heaven" would come back to the penthouse to live; and the parents would be in the other spot. The "tenant from hell" would be given her notice; as we would not be renewing her lease, come the new year. However, we will also let her know of plausible options; should she prefer to move to the penthouse, if our other tenant has no choice, but to remain in England.
We are always thinking of how to assist others. We are doing our best, to help Alan's parents and restore their quality of life for their remaining years; as well as to provide "stability" for both tenants; that includes, the 'tenant from hell'. Alan's Mum called early this morning, to see if Alan could bring her a spare suitcase, along with some boxes; so that she can pack for the move next week. This upcoming relocation has really buoyed up Alan's parents' spirits!
We could sell both places; that would be great; however, with the real estate value / investment booming and growing steadily in our part of the world, it would be best to 'hang on' to the properties. We were just fortunate that we were able to be at the "right place, at the right time". But then, we KNOW He had a lot to do with it; as we "threw away" both the penthouse and our old abode at various times; and they literally kept "coming back" to us. ie When we first purchased with a tidbitz of a small downpayment on the penthouse, it was literally a "hole in the ground"; sight unseen. We did not have access til some 18 mos later, when it was built; plus the remainder of already approved financed funds were due. As we were experiencing challenges with "finding" the final outstanding amount, we were tempted to "just walk away". Well, that was unwisely throwing money away; but we were fully prepared to do so. As it happened, things 'worked out'. We KNOW He had a strong hand in this Blessing. And also, with our old 'home', which we had up for sale, this past late spring / early summmer, whereby, the tenant frustrated the deal.
Tidbit - Create "win win" bittidz situations, whenever possible!
Bittid - Go with the flow. His flow. We are leaving everything up to Him, and in His hands. We have a lot on our plates; but He never gives us more burdens then we can handle. He carries our burdens for us; and with all the "stuff" going on, we will get through it all, WITH His help! We must not rely on our own understandings! So true!
Am going to go and enjoy this beautiful day! It is a bit cool outside; but brilliant sunshine! Our pink, red, and white geraniums are STILL blooming in our balconey tid window box! In the other balconey window boxes, all there is to be seen, is dirt. So, we are uplifted by this wonderful flowering sight!
As the photo image illuminates: "Have Faith in God". If you place your FAITH in Him, ALL things are possible!
God Bless.
Monday, 19 November 2007
Mission Accomplished!
Good Evening, or whatever the appropriate acknowledgement, is in your part of the world!
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! We now have signed a Purchase Contract for our vehicle; which means we will have our car paid off, in 3 years (or less, if we desire). The original business rep was not there when we went to sign the papers; his colleague was in his place. I think perhaps we should have dealt with her from the beginning! It is possible, that there was an "ego" problem; perhaps he had to meet a quota, who knows? In short, he was a bit of a "nusiance" to us; and his actions were 'brought up short', in a tid. We feel as if a MAJOR Victory has been achieved today.
We Prayed to Him for His Solution; and we received a fair and equitable Answer; re our car. The original business rep even quoted us a higher monthly premium rate, which included extra warranty. Well, we passed on that tidbitful option; as our car is in very good shape! Now, our monthly premium is a bittidful higher than the previous last 4 years of monthly payments.
Our appetite is coming back; and we savoured a tidbitz glass of red wine with our dinner tonight. Our meal was Chicken a la 'Shake and Bake!' LOL! Along with Alan's famous mashed potatoes from scratch; and corn a la can! That is the most food, we have felt like consuming for a bittidz. The repas was not "Gourmet"; but it hit the spot!
Tidbit - Be grateful; even for "ordinary" food! Any food, for that matter. We are so blessed to be living in this part of the world, where there is such an abundance of food sources.
Bittid - Glad it is the evening; and that we can look back on the day as some "Mission Impossible" tasks were carried out. Alan's Mum was finally "weaned off" some more 'wrongly prescribed' medications; and also her own doctor is delighted, that both she and her husband are moving out of the dreadful hole they were dumped into. This is not going to look good for the siblings; particularly for the oldest one. Have made mention of this in my earlier posts.
Tonight, we are going to Thank Him for our Blessings; and retire to our bed early. Eventhough there are some good shows on; I am not going to stay up til 1:00 am tonight, like I did last night! Don't you find, that when you are watching an entertaining movie, you forget both about time and sleep!
I love the above wonderful photo image, of the beautifully created butterfly. So 'free!' And today, was such a day!
Good Night, Happy Goji, and God Bless.
Live one day at a time.
Good Morning or Greetings, to whatever part of the world you inhabit.
Retired early last night as well; did not have the stomach to enjoy even a tid glass of red vino. This bug has taken quite a bit out of us; so our appetites are not full of tidbitz! One thing is, that we have lost a bittidz of weight! No doubt, we will put it all back on when we are in Zihua! Although, I keep visualizing summer and bathing suit attire; so maybe not? LOL!
I ended up watching a tidbitical movie (about class structure; deceit,corruption, romance etc) for FOUR bittidical hours last night; and got my second wind. Nonetheless, I did manage to stay put in bed til 7:30 am! Eerily, our fax machine rang twice during the quiet night.
Today is the day we go and finalize the car details; ie in signing a conditional bill of sale; to purchase our vehicle within the next 3 years or sooner, if we wish. We have a number of other things happening today. Alan presently, is out with his parents; taking them to various appointments with doctors and lawyers. It is a bittid sad, that Alan's siblings are putting the parents "through the ringer". It is becoming more apparent that the previous POAs' did not honour their "fidicuary responsibilities"; as POAs'. They took advantage of trusting parents. That is a major tidbit eyeopener! Unfortunately, a lot of "that" (hidden agenda and / or entitlement) is going on today. What ever happened to the "old fashioned" solid comfort and genuine trust amongst family members? Not everyone is like "that"; but there is more of "that" going on, than you would care to believe! Perhaps some of you can relate.
Tidbit - Ask Him to "Put on the Full Armour of God" upon you. Also, always Rely on Him, for His Guidance and Words of Wisdom. Always Lean on Him and, "Praise Him In All Things".
Bittid - Live one day at a time; as in the above photo image. 'Yesterday is gone; and tomorrow is promised to no one'. So, enjoy the day, and make the best of all that unfolds.
Will post in a bit, when there is a tid of an update.
God Bless.
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Keep it Simple!
Good Morning!
Last night we simply went to bed early. We were wiped. We did not feel like cooking the wonderful food we had bought earlier in the day. So, we just had a smattering bit of creative fridge 'leftovers', and put the South African bottle of red wine on "hold" to perhaps, enjoy with tonight's dinner. As well as being known to enjoy a bottle of wine with a repas, we also have the appreciation to anticipate that same bottle of wine, to last over a few tid meals.
Tidbit - "They" say a bittidz glass of red wine a day, is good for the arteries. I am sticking to that tidbitz thought!
Today, we are just going to "lay low" and "putter". This flu bug / head cold has been really quite a nasty piece of work; and it comes back, if not "nipped in the bud". We have also increased our intake of Himalayan Goji Juice!
Watched Joyce Meyer on the Vision Channel; referred to her in my blog of November 11th. She is excellent! Apart from her T.V. program, she writes many books; her newest book being, "The Power of Simple Prayer".
Simply, He wants us to enjoy our lives; and to keep it SIMPLE! As Joyce says, if you 'Pray Your Way Through the Day', it really helps you experience FAITH, JOY, HOPE, LOVE in your life.
As Charles Price says, "You have to experience Jesus, for yourself". Seek for Jesus, Himself". Have the unshakable FAITH and simple BELIEF in Him.
Bittid - Joyce and Charles are incredible 'messengers' in His Service. I recommend you "tune in" to them; as they provide wonderful resources.
We have had our wonderful Thanksgiving; however, Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating it, this coming week! I understand that the American Thanksgiving is an even bigger event then Christmas! In yesterday's blog, I made mention of Christmas. We do not know what Christmas has in store for us this year; save that we are looking forward to it!
Each and every day is like a "Thanksgiving" or a "Christmas" to both Alan and I. Once again, I love the above photo image; "Seek, and Ye Shall Find".
God Bless!
Saturday, 17 November 2007
To our "MoMo" - She LOVED Christmas!
Happy Mid Afternoon! Appreciated getting my hair done this am. The "before and after" definitely applied today! LOL!
Then Alan and I went to Costco, (such wonderful prices!) and finished up our final grocery shopping at our local Safeway; including picking up a nice bottle of South African Red wine to savour with our dinner tonight.
Now home; and a perfect day to stay indoors; with a cheery warm fire. When we were at Costco, there were various tid offers to sign up for 'whatevers', and receive "free gifts".
Tidbit - There is "No Free Lunch!" There is always a bit of a catch! However, we give "them" an "A" for promotional effort!
We are in for the weekend too; still feeling not 100%; so the next couple of days spent quietly at home, will be good. I think with all that has been 'going on' currently in our lives, including the unreal "car scenario", really took a fair bittidz out of us. However, the tidbitz of taking a stand against the "B.S." has been totally worth it. We have some pre- Christmas events to attend over the weekend, but we are just going to give them all a pass, and appreciate our cosy "den", and rest ourselves back to our 'young' selves. Rain and all!
Bittid - When your body is saying "relax", follow that plan. Particularly, with the Christmas season coming upon us all. We are looking so forward to feeling better; and also to our special vacation in a warm and sunny clime!
We will be packing extremely 'light!' We have to go through Texas Customs, on our way home; so we will keep things SIMPLE! We are not planning to do much shopping; perhaps a tidbit of jewelry, if a bittid piece happens to catch our eye. Other than that, we are just going to go and RELAX and enjoy!
We are also looking joyfully forward to Christmas this year; more so than usual; although, there have been no plans made. We are not hosting a "Christmas Party" this year. We 'threw' one last year; and, glad we did; as, it was our first Christmas in our new abode, and we wanted to genuinely welcome our family and friends. We do not know what this Christmas will hold; so, we will go with the flow. We return home just before Christmas; so am not sure about Christmas Dinner plans. I have always LOVED Christmas Dinner; and I have to thank my Mum, in that regard. She always went all out at Christmas; and then the Christmas 'reigns' were passed over to me. Now, I feel that we are at that 'stage' in our lives. Weird, but maybe, just because we have "downsized" a bittidz; and are a tidbitz older. However, I am thankful for the wonderful Christmas Dinner memories and pictures, I have of many happy festive family gatherings; both of my parents and their grandchildren.
Further tidbit / bittid - Christmas is in celebration of Jesus' Birth. And also, to joyfully spend time with your loved ones; ie your families. As eluded in earlier posts, the above photo is of "MoMo". "MoMo" was my wonderful Mum (who I miss to this day; but I have lots of happy memories of her!), my daughter (who is a Mum herself), and yours truly.
God Bless.
Friday, 16 November 2007
Micro and Macro
"Well".... There is that "well" word again! DEEP subject! (Please see June 13/07 blog, if you wish, for reference to "well", being a "deep" subject!) I feel, that "well" a "depthful" blogversation.
We have had quite an interesting bittidz of a day! We are still not feeling up to tidbitz par (flu, head colds); yet, we mustered 'full regalia, guns and all', in standing up for what is right! Not guns literally; but definitely, we "were loaded for bear!"
Remember, I made mention of the car lease? (post of Nov 14th!). And, my tid thoughts on the dealership's perspective? To make a long story a bit short, Alan called the SENIOR BRASS at HEAD OFFICE, of the credit company this afternoon; and they were aghast at the micro-mindness of the dealership. With a few tidbitical phone calls here and there; and with a few more bittidical "stuff", things have been promptly resolved; within an HOUR! Not withstanding, that we had to go to the bank earlier today, to sign in their presence, that 'we are, who we say we are'....and also, to 'validate that we own our own business?' - that we pay taxes for! Hello??? Also, our wonderfully competent accountant, of a very reputable firm, verified our ownership etc of our primary business; like, go fgure!!!
So, we now have our car re leased; monthly payments are increased (no surprise!!!); BUT, we will "own" our car, within a few years! Blog about MICRO versus MACRO!!! I am sure some of you know of which I post!!!
Tidbit - Stand up for what is right. Do not put up with the "boulderdash!" (B.S.) ie "Those"(minions) who are concerned with dotting the "i's" and crossing the "t's" TWICE, so it would appear. GO STRAIGHT TO THE TOP, to make your concerns KNOWN; and it is amazing what occurs. More importantly, we asked Him for a JUST solution; and He provided the resolution to our Prayers.
Bittid - Upon reflection too; this is a bit of a "Spiritual battle". Let Him fight the 'battles' for us; because, He has already WON. He IS 'The Way, The Truth, and The Light'. And, that is HUGE! Just have the FAITH in Him; and He will PROVIDE!
We have just ordered in a pizza for dinner; somehow, "pizza" is sounding sooooo good!
It has been a day; be appreciative for the day; and thankful for the night.
And, to bittidz or tidbitz further, it is the weekend! (Again!)
God Bless.
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Good Evening! (or whatever is the applicable greeting in your part of the world!)
Alan returned home with 3 Hour Hearth Firelogs and some wonderful tidbits for dinner. Fresh shrimp! That is a delectable treat AND, healthy! Have not had much of an appetite; save for the bittids as of late, which was the Cheese Tortellini, Garlic bread, Caesar salad, and South African Red wine (posted about our "international dinner" in a recent blog). It is pouring with rain; so am now appreciating the warmth of a cheery fire! Brilliant who invented the 'Firelog'; with the ingredients to burn for either a 2 hour or 3 hour stint.
Very interesting data was discovered and accidentally! That is usually the best way; when info is offered voluntarily. It would appear that the oldest sibling has "dipped" into the accounts; and there is substantial "PROOF" of that undertaking. Alan's parents and the banker, along with the 2 new POA's (Alan & the family longterm friend; the family friend, being the Primary POA, as a "buffer" re: Alan's siblings)were totally aghast at the behaviour of this prime sibling, "that can do no wrong"; and who has falsely accused Alan of "stuff". Don't you find, that those who so adamantly "accuse" and "protest too much", are guilty of what they accuse others of??? Hmmmmmmm. Plus she HATES; I repeat, HATES Alan. (I have eluded to this in previous blogs). This IS a SPIRITUAL BATTLE; and we can see right through it. We hope that the siblings and "others" in question, will acknowledge the errors of their devious and malicious ways, and come "clean"; because, if not, their lives will be less than pleasant. Being put behind bars, (jail) is a tidbitz of a possibility; but we do not wish that monstrosity upon "these" individuals. However,this is extremely serious!!! The parents are in total total disbelief at how 3 out of their 4 children could ever stoop to this level??? Very tragic bittidz.
There is a grave letter being sent out tomorrow from the family lawyer; and if things are still being "ignored", then "game over;" and "they" will be exposed. "They" have a short bit of time to produce ALL the outstanding info, that has been repeatedly requested; and if there is still indifference, well....not good for them. There has been a huge objection to providing statements etc. Hmmmmmm. Why????? Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
I am sharing this with those of you, who have either been through this, or are going through this type of unbelievable "stuff". It also opens your eyes to many things in life and to be adequately equipped.
Tidbit - Stick it out; perservere to do what is right. Do not be intimidated, by "those" who wish to spread gossip, false rumour, lies, etc. to bring you down. Simply, "they" do not wish to be found out!
Bittid - Am now going to spend some quality time with Alan. We must always have compassion and forgive our enemies. That can be hard to do; however, just ask Him for His help, with forgiveness towards "those", that have done you wrong. Because, LOVE CONQUERS ALL.
Good Night and God Bless.
The Tony Gazelle Machine (can also refer to Aug 12/07 Blog...there are also some recipes!)
Good Afternoon! Happy Greetings!
Eventhough, I am a bit "fluey"; I am enjoying today!
Alan is out with his parents at various previously scheduled appointments; I have said a Prayer, with the hopes, that "things" will be resolved for all those concerned, fairly and equitably; and preferably, aimicably.
I delighted in a sudsy bath, and "talked" to Him, whilst lying there and gazing up with wonderment at our glorious bathroom sklight. So refreshing to see the top boughs of trees blowing in the wind! Trees are so beautiful! Provided they remain standing! We have had quite the windstorms; and more are forecasted; however, we trust that all will be well.
Then decided to go and finally "work out" on our Tony Gazelle machine; and it was actually quite pleasant. One, I knew that it was doing the body some "toning" good; and secondly, I turned on the T.V. to the local news of events in our city. ie What to see, where to go as a tourist etc. Have always wanted to be a "tourist" in my own city; however, that has yet to happen! Am thinking, that might be a fun way to spend a day or two, with family members and to reconnect not only with our city, but with each other! What was also of a huge interest, was the topic of "BeeKeeping". It was broken down to the expenses, the equipment needed, proper assistance in setting things up, and even providing the return service of collecting and bottling the honey! Sounds quite remarkable; plus jars of honey make sweet gifts; be it at Christmas or whenever! Also, appreciated seeing the beauty of silver jewelry; there is even a silver rope-like necklace design; and would look most chic on that special "black dress!". The cost for that necklace, is $1900.00. Hmmmmmm. However, it was lovely to look at.
Tidbit - Appreciate being a tourist in your own city; along with all its resources and creations!
Bittid - Admire beauty and gravitate towards learning MORE! It can be fun; even when doing a "walkathon" on an exercise machine!
It has been a bittid of a while, since I have been on the machine; and now with "Zihua" beckoning us, I am going to do a tidbit of "walking" everyday; and then continue with the program when we return home again! The machine is great....when you use it! LOL! It is a very easy way to get into beneficial shape, tone up, and loose weight (if needed). I may have been over zealous on the machine today (as it was the first whack at it, in a few months!); but the time passed by so quickly and effortlessly, whilst being "glued" to the exciting T.V. tidbiticals! Ideally, one should try to "walk" bittidicals twice a day; even if 15 mins here and then the other 15 mins later. I would like to do about an hour per day; with the time broken up twice daily. It can be like "knitting", in the sense, you are actively doing something, whilst you enjoy the TV entertainment. Or, if you do not have a T.V. utilize the radio, music, a view, whatever it takes to help you enjoy and actually DO the daily workout. The machine tones all areas of the body; and it is easily accessible and safe for people of all ages! I also have some "dumbells" of about 2 kg (whatever that works out to in pounds). I will start working with those, gently for a few mins every day, whilst watching the T.V. or even in conversation with my hubby.
"Well", Alan just called; he will be picking up some "goodies" for dinner; on his route home. I have missed him; as he has been out most of the day. I hope all went "well" with them. Will keep you posted, when I know a bit more. "Well" - Can be a rather "deep" Subject; another blog(June 13/07), that you can refer to, if you wish.
Enjoy! You can also refer to my blog of August 12/07; that will give you a tidbitz more info on the above bittidz machine, as well as some really easy delicious recipes! I will have to whip up those again! Now I am a tid hungry...perhaps I am starting to feel a bit better; plus when you "work out", don't you usually have an increase in appetite???
The Power of Intercessary Prayer
Good Morning! And hello to wherever you are from in the world!
A typical Fall am is greeting us today; cool, blustery, rainy; very definitely November weather. Glad to be indoors; and also relieved that I do not need to be anywhere today; save for being at home. Still have this bit bug; woke up feeling more "heady" and "stuffed" than yesterday, etc. So, I am going to "take it easy" and also appreciate this reflective and quiet time at home.
We ended up watching the Vision Channel (105) last night; re: one of the special documentaries, being shown this week; of the history of the Bible, Jesus, Biblical events, and spirituality beliefs. Very informative - to all Faiths. It was a good way to end the day; as we were in our bed, all warm and toasty; and with more knowledge. They say, "Knowledge is Power". Very true. It makes you think how tid little you know, when you start seeking knowledge!
I also ended up being entertained by the movie, "Crouching Tiger...."; may not be accurate with the name of the show;(my apologies) but for those of you, who have seen it, you know of which movie I am referring to. Eventhough it was with English subtitles, (harder on the eyes when you are tired and sleepy! LOL!) it was fantastic; and the scenery was out of this world! Loved it; and I identified with the "Warrior" spirit. Glad I watched it to the end! It was a further validation; to stand up for what is right. ie To always take a courageous and strong stand; not to run away; instead, fight for Truth, Honour, and Freedom. I guess that was a tidbitz bittidz for you.
This morning, I also Prayed an "Intercessary Prayer" for all those that are dear to me and also, for our enemies. Asking Him to touch their hearts, to carry their burdens, and to enlighten them with His Holy Spirit. All one needs to do is to invite Him in; and He is always there within you. I also Prayed for various friends, I sense are having challenges in their lives; as well as for those I do not know. I Prayed for us as well. I feel also, a lot better and uplifted, after that Prayer. A gentle calm and a peace resides.
Tidbit - Praise Him in All Things. Live each day at a time. When you are genuinely joyful and thankful, you are Blessed by Him. "Fear Not". In other words, fret not.
Bittid - When you have a quiet time with Him, each day, just "talk" to Him. It is amazing how many sadnesses, burdens, doubts, fears, whatever, "goes away". You can "talk" to Him all the time; I do. (be it out loud, or in silent thought; whatever you wish) There are those who have their regular Prayer times; great....whatever, works for you! And, once you have accepted Him (the Christ)genuinely into your hearts, He is ALWAYS there for you. I LOVE the above photo image! "Seek, and Ye Shall Find!"
Am on a "Quest" in His Service; and ready to meet the day, as it unfolds.
God Bless.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Still resting up!
Well, have been going through a few tid ropes today; and when you are not feeling your best, it can be pretty wearisome! Nonetheless, I would like to believe that progress is being made!
For ex. We are wishing to renew the lease on our wonderful car; which we have had for 4 years. It has only been driven 45,000 K; and is in practically brand new shape; as we have maintained and looked after it well. We have been told 2 sets of conflicting info....to deal with the credit leasing company, who makes the final decision and / or the car dealership who, "apparently" makes the ultimate decision about renewal or otherwise. We have been given "confusing" shuttling 'back and forth' reports; to the point whereby I called the dealership today...well, they "tried to pass the buck" back to the credit leasing company; to which I gently gave them (the car dealership company) a bit piece of my mind. Now we have been given 2 "forms", from their "business department" to have filled out; both by our bank and by our accountant; to be completed for this Monday; when the lease expires. We feel, that it comes down to: that our car is in such tidbitz shape, that the dealership would rather sell it; and get us into a new lease (and higher monthly payments, I might bittidz) with a new vehicle. The dealership would prefer to sell our car at a higher price, than for the amount left owing. The dealership's books would look "good," because the lot would have "sold" another car; rather than just permitting us to have an extension of the lease, with the sole purpose of ultimately owning our vehicle. Our car, we think, has at least another 5 to 10 years of life! Plus, if we receive even an extension for a few months, along with making a 25% down payment on what is now outstanding, we would offer to pay the remainder off at that date.
Just heard on the news that because of the U.S. and Cdn dollar situation, that the used domestic car markets here, are really feeling the "pressure" because a number of used cars have been purchased in the U.S; and right now, there are used cars sitting on the lots already. There are also several hundreds of leases expiring or coming up for renewal; you would think that we are doing our particular dealership a favour!!!
Tidbit - There is a tid of bittidizing "boulderdash" going on around the world; and worse, when it is happening in one's 'own back yard', or car lot, in this case. I guess I am tidbittzing a bit! "Do not be fooled"; and "speak up", when you feel you are getting "hosed or hoodwinked!" No doubt, you have had experiences where you have felt that the "wool was being pulled over your eyes".
Bittid - There are always so many amazing lessons to be learned in life! "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" That tid phrase just popped into my head; and it is quite appropro; given the surprising behaviour shown today.
As earlier mentioned, have been hit with a nasty head cold; and it takes a bit out of you. So, I am off to bed early to shake off this bug. I will also enjoy some extra Himalayan Goji Juice tonight!
Good Night and God Bless.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Rest can be good!
Hi again!
Well, it is now dark and a totally beautiful crisp Fall evening!
Ended up spending a tid few hours in bed this afternoon; as I was not really feeling my best today. The body kept saying "Go to bed"....Finally I "listened" and the "rest" was good. I very rarely spend an afternoon in bed; unless, I am not feeling too swift. Such was the case today...I have to admit, it might be a bit of the flu bug...
We had a lovely dinner evening commitment for this coming Thursday; we cancelled our plans. Not worth going out to a fun event, where there is dancing, good food etc; and we would be like "bumps on a log"; wishing instead, we were under warm covers at home! Plus we are really looking forward to being away on our vacation; therefore, we really want to be "healthy" when we leave for Zihua! My son, just returned from Zihua; so he will be giving us names of places and restaurants to go to!
However, what I did do...was place piled up papers and files all over our bed; and then sorted through all the bittidz of paperwork galore. A lot of it went into the garbage! Now that felt good! LOL! It feels so nice to be a tidbitz organized! Mainly, for our WONDERFUL accountant! In January of 2008, we will have our administrative "stuff" in tow. One of our New Year's Resolutions! We are not going to be making too many resolutions, because we want to honour the few we make! And one of them for sure, is to be better organized with our paperwork; so that we can just simply "hand" everything over in neat tidy labelled files / envelopes , 'in a moment', to our patient accountant; rather than spending several hours / days agonizing through "stuff".
Tidbit - Rest can be good! LOL!
Alan was tied up with his parents this afternoon; so we both happily agreed that we would order "dinner in" tonight; as we are both feeling a tid tired. To heck with calories! We shared a Caesar salad, Alan enjoyed his meat Lasagne with extra cheese; and I savoured my Tortellini with Alfredo sauce! MmmmmmmmmYum...And the garlic toast was excellent! And we "Skaled" with a bit glass of red vino; actually 2 glasses each! So, we had an "International flavour" - Italian food, South African Red Wine....It hit the spot. Am feeling a bittid better! Tomorrow is going to be a full day; so tonight, we hope to have a good sound tidbit of sleep.
Bittid - Appreciate your bed and a good night's sleep. I love the above photo image! Blog about being 'doggone tired!' LOL!
Will keep you posted re: Alan's parents; the appointments went well today.
Am now going to say "Good Night" and God Bless.
If you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains!
Just reread some of my tids of blog bits. Hmmmmmm. I write a blog because it is like a diary / journal / my thoughts; as well as an uplift to all readers, as well as to myself.
Am feeling a tidbitz poorly this am; and thought I would reread some of my friends' blogs, and also some bittidz blogs of mine. I have caught a bittid head cold from Alan; who was not feeling too great last week. So, Sunday, Monday and today, find me just 'puttering / resting' a tidbit.
Tidbit - "When a door closes, another door opens!" That is so true; in every regard.
The courage is to have the FAITH to accept that, and carry on!
We have a lot happening; but then, who doesn't? We reaffirmed our Prayers this morning with Him; and basically we are leaving everything up to Him; as we are in His Service. He says to 'Come Boldy before Him, and Dream Big'. We have been doing this all along; and we are awaiting His solutions. That brings me to when 'a door closes'. He says,'another door will open'.
As mentioned earlier, Alan has been helping out his parents; and we are looking to relocate them to a better place, where there is a quality lifestyle; for the remaining time they have left.
We just received a phone call from one of our 2 tenants. We basically have rented out our old one bedroom abode to a "tenant from hell" and I should add, we also have a 2 bedroom penthouse, that is rented to a "tenant from Heaven". The tenant from "Heaven" has to return home to London to help his Dad out; who has taken a turn for the worse. Alan's parents LOVE the penthouse (close to their Church etc) so, we are hoping to move them there; or at least for the time being, until our "tenant from Heaven" comes to a decision. We are cutting him the slack; because he is such a great guy! The place is already fully furnished by our tenant; so this is a win/win currently. Our other tenant, we are not sure what we are going to do with her. She has been a "piece of work" in the past; and twice that she has taken us to Arbitration (telephone conference call), she has been soundly defeated. The Resolution Dispute Officer, was incredulous both times, and she was severely chastized for her avarice and greed towards us. She frustrated the real estate deal). I did a tidbitical about her in some earlier bittidical posts; so you can refer to those if you wish. You might want to pour yourself a stiff drink or strong beverage, should you read that. Makes the hairs stand up on your body!
We feel that the parents would ultimately be better served to be in the one bedroom, as it is by a lovely park and closer to us. The other place is downtown etc. However, we are prepared to have the tenant in the one bedroom apt, stay on; if things are such that the parents prefer the penthouse; that is, if our wonderful tenant chooses to leave the country for good. We have about 10 days or so; to come to some form of fair arrangement, for all those concerned. We are also going to be increasing the rents for both places; so that may be a determining factor for the tenant in the one bedroom apt. She may choose to leave; and our lease is up at the end of Jan/08 with her. She has not created any further hassles; so here is Praying that she has mended her ways. I know things will work out for the best; because He will be providing us with resolutions for all those concerned in these matters.
He created the Universe in 6 days! So, "All Things are Possible with Him!" I am trusting with that FAITH.
The legal appointment is today; so Alan and his parents (and the other POA) can further assert what is to happen. At this stage, Alan's Mum can be relocated; but because the other siblings still have the POA (which is also going to be taken away from them) for the Dad, there is a slight challenge; in that he may not be able to move out, just yet; until the "new guard" replaces them. Hmmmmm...I posted about those scenarios in earlier blogs. Hmmmm. Quite sad how older people are treated by some of their children, some financial institutions, some doctors, some old age homes; as if they no longer matter; because they are "old." Unfortunately, these things are generally about money; and in this case, it appears that this is a very probable situation, plus Alan's siblings have been jealous of Alan, their younger sibling, since Day One. There is not a lot of money involved; just the malice of it all. There is also not much left; as funds appear to have been 'misappropriated'; so, things are now going to be resolved appropriately, and equitably.
Plus with not feeling particularly energetic (foggy clogged up head cold etc), I do not have the "oomph" to be anxious or worried or whatever. This also includes our many business projects.
Bittid - He says, "Fear Not". So, I am in that M.O. space; and just surrendering everything to Him to deal with. And it is true: "Live one day at a time!"
Further tidbit - "If you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed,you can move mountains!" Right on! I love the 2 above photo images. One is an image showing the size of a mustard seed; AND, the other image is showing the HUGE size of a mustard tree, from ONE tid seed!!! I wrote a bittid about that in my Blog of May 15/07 and also an earlier bit, on April 15/07.
Praise Him in All Things and God Bless you.