Sunday, 11 February 2007

Sunset; and in memory of our friend, Rick

This is a photo of a sun set! And yet, here is also a figure pictured in white; looks to be that of a young man, who may be walking on the water!

My son, Arthur, called earlier today; and he gently reminded me of a dear young friend of his and ours, who tragically and suddenly passed away, a year ago today. Rick left behind a young beautiful wife and a baby son; it was a devastating loss. I appeciate my son drawing our attention to this day. Thank you, Arthur; that was very kind of you.

I "found" the above photo image; and it seemed appropro to post this image. Rick was a tall, dark haired, handsome, vital, athletic, and compassionate man; he was so many wonderful things to so many people. He was never afraid to try (ie - to get out of the boat and walk on water; or weather the waves, the storms etc). He never gave up; and led by example. He was a doer and a good man; and he taught us much; - a friend to all he met. This is in memory of him.

Tidbit - Eventhough, Rick has passed away, we have him forever in our hearts, and we can enjoy the happy memories that he left behind. He would not want us to grieve; but to just take a moment and see his kind smile, and know that he is okay.

God Bless everyone who reads this blog. Hope the tidbit helps others who may be grieving the loss of a loved one.

Good Night; and gentle dreams to all.

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