Sunday, 4 February 2007

Give from your heart! Found a wonderful gift for my daughter's wedding!

Well, This has certainly been a full day - for a Sunday! Super Bowl and all! (my husband is glued to the sofa, with beer and chips in hand!) I hear the noise, the cheering in the background; however, I am on the computer, which is in our upstairs loft; out of view of the TV area! LOL!

I have been persistent for an hour or so, with trying to log write today's post....however, I have not been successful until now! Do not know quite what happened; maybe I pushed enough buttons - and things automatically just worked! ie old Blogger accounts versus Google accounts, switching from old to new??? merging??? Sounds all very fascinating...if you are computer savvy....which I am definitely NOT! I am self taught; and also my son has exuded his expertise and PATIENCE with me, from time to time, in helping me learn a few more of the he deserves the credit for setting up my Blog. However, I was bound and determined to get somewhere! And finally I did....I'M BACK!!!! LOL!

Am also a dust bin! After looking high and low in our house, I could not locate my passport. I ended up going downstairs to our garage; and that was where I accumulated the dark soot, dust, cobwebs, (hopefully no spiders!) from head to toe. Still no sign of passport...."found" other interesting things in years of old stuff. When there is a moment, will have to do a thorough clean out/clean up/and organizing of everything...Want to tackle that sooner, rather than later! LOL!. Would like to have our Christmas decorations up for this year! LOL! We moved in the late spring; and the garage was / is totally FULL of boxes etc.

Looks as if I will have to go through the steps of obtaining a new passport. I guess somewhere, somehow, my passport got lost in the move. It is very strange; however, I have made valiant attempts at turning everything upside down to unearth it from "somewhere!" However, I gave it my best; so I will give it a rest. I will call tomorrow and find out what the procedure is; hopefully it will not take too long.

A tidbit just enlightened me! You have to know, when you have tried your best, and when, you have to give it a rest. In other words, you have to know when to call it a day! Hard to do at times; but so true in many incidents.

We found the wedding present for my daughter and her future husband! We LOVE it; and we think they will as well; for many years to come! I do not want to say too much about it, because I would not want to "let the cat out of the bag!" LOL!

Tidbit! Give a gift that you would love to receive as well. It makes you feel so good about giving! Give from your heart!

May write again in a bit (tonight) if a tid hits me! LOL!

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