Sunday, 25 February 2007

Academy Awards!

WOW! After I wrote the earlier blog, I noticed that my font / words were ENLARGED! WOW! I did not touch or do anything; save to speak / write - joyfully from my heart! This is BIG time! Thank you, Our Father!!!!This is joyful! WOW!

Tidbit - Life is a daily "Academy Award" performance; BUT, IN HIS SERVICE! The more you accept Him into your heart, the more your daily life takes on that walk; and "rejoicing" (in HIM!) even in "tough times!" He will see you through it all; just KEEP the faith.

Interestingly enough, the "Academy Awards" are on tonight; and for "some reason", I am joyfully looking forward to watching them...not even having seen any of the movies etc. I sense, there will be a lesson to learn! Yahoo!

P.S. I like the LARGER print....easier tidbit on the eyes...or on mine, anyway! LOL!

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