Friday, 4 January 2008

Rain, glorious rain!

Good Morning, or whatever greeting is appropriate in your part of the world!
This morning, it is absolutely pouring with rain; our snow has gone; and now you can feel a 'damp cold' going through you instead. This is the usual in this tid part of the world. However, am totally grateful for the rain. Other parts of the map, that have been severely affected by drought etc, I will enjoy rain any day. Plus this is also why everything is so beautiful and lush green here.

Took our Blue out this am for his constitution; managed to get in before the current deluge of rain! Good timing. However, it was a bit refreshing, to feel the gentle rain drops on my face.

We have a full day today; with business appointments, as well as Alan's parents. We have not heard anything back from the hospital; so we are Prayful, that 'no news is good news'. We will be checking in with the hospital in a bittid.

Tidbit - Have a happy song in your heart, and appreciate the tidbit of rain, should you be fortunate to receive it! (Water is always a commondity). I am thinking of the song, 'Singin' in the Rain', by Gene Kelly. Am delighted too, that I just 'found' the photo image of Gene Kelly, 'Singin' in the rain'.

Bittid - Make the best of your day. Enjoy; including any challenges that come your way! He will provide Solutions; you just have to let Him in; and He will take care of you. Praise Him in All Things! Rain, challenges and all! Also, it is just as important to Thank Him, when things are going well for you!

Thank you and God Bless.

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