Sunday, 6 January 2008

Choice; more importantly, making the RIGHT choice!

Good Evening, or whatever is the applicable greeting to your part of the world!

Had a very full day yesterday; and Alan and I were just plain 'tuckered out'; like yesterday's photo image! LOL! We were at the hospital yesterday; and by the time 9 pm rolled around, we were glad of it!

Today has been a most restful day for me. Had a good night's sleep; and have been up since 7:00 am; and also organizing cupboards, shelves, cabinets to make room for oyster plates! I collect oyster plates; not as of late; but I thought, rather than having them all stacked in some hidden dark spot, why not, display their exquisite beauty? So, I have done that with most of the plates; save a tid few, that I will enjoy to savour wonderful oysters from. Alan is not an oyster fan; whereas, I LOVE them! Cooked or raw. The plates I have displayed are between 1865 to 1900; so, I do not think I would dare eat a bit morsel of oyster, from plates of that historical era! You wonder personally, about the homes where these fine plates came from, or who ate on them; other than just standard information, saying, from an estate sale.

The plates have different "wells"; ie wells are like 'pockets / holes' that contain the oysters. We have plates that have 4, 5, 6 & 8 wells; however, mostly wells that hold 5 or 6. We also have a bittidz of books on the subject; very interesting. However, I guess when you collect something, it becomes a natural interest and a passionate curiousity to you. Right? Whatever, it is you do 'collect', when there is one or more of the same item, you are classified as a 'collector!'

Bought some tidbitz oysters yesterday; so along with a bittid of spinach I will serve it up on an oyster plate, that is not on vivid display. This particular oyster plate is in a set of 4, with 5 oyster wells, dating from about 1890. Since, we have no more space; not even on the walls, I will enjoy this very special and sumptuous tidbit treat of oysters, served on this antique plate! And being filled with an appreciation for rich and colourful history! With the spinach recipe I have in mind, hmmmmm, could be a la 'Oysters Rockerfeller!' Mmmmmmmm.

Recently watched the movie, 'Spiderman 3'. The sound and visual effects were awesome! However, what really caught my attention, was the ability to make CHOICES; but more importantly, WHAT choices do you make? So often our choices are not made in the best way. ie We ask others to help us with our choices; or we rely on 'word of mouth'; thus making incorrect / ignorant choices, because of inaccurate or false information. For those of you who have seen the movie, or wish to see the movie, you can / will appreciate and have empathy for what I am saying. So much ill will could have been avoided, if only the 'right' choices had been made. Which brings me to the following tidbit! I love the above photo image re: choice.

Tidbit - He will guide you with making the 'right' choices; as long as you let Him genuinely into your heart and just simply ask Him for His Help and Guidance! We Pray daily to Him for His Direction; and we rely on Him to provide all our Solutions.

Bittid - We have been diligently 'working on something', that finally came to 'fruition'. However, it was made solely possible with His Help, and not by us, relying on our own understandings. It is our constant Belief and Faith in Him, that He provides the Help we need.

Alan was at the hospital earlier today; he has now had to go back. I just shake my head at what has been going on. The siblings should be ashamed of themselves; and I am doing my best in being 'diplomatic' here. It would appear 'they' march to a different 'master'; and their choices are ??? And yet, we still have to have compassion. I am reminding myself of that - repeatedly!

Getting back to our good news, we are elated! We Praise Him in All Things! We have so much to be Thankful and Grateful for!

Good Night and God Bless!

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