Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Life is like a 'potpourri'

Good Morning, or whatever the appropriate greeting is in your part of the world!

Slept in this am! My head hit the pillow last night; and then before I knew it, it was 8 am! For me, that is really sleeping in! Even our Blue was fast asleep!

Alan still is having a tid difficulty with his right leg; there is nothing that can be done; save give it time; as per the suggestions of the Doctors. He stepped through a deck (one piece of rotten plywood) in August; and it apparently can take up to 8 or 9 months to heal. I think too, that a bit of his discomfort is due to all the stress that he has been coping with. It was a most serious injury (if you wish, you can refer to my post, 'ER', of Sept 3rd); however, it could have been worse!

Alan and I work well as a 'team'. Am reflecting on that, as I blog and enhale my delicious cup of coffee - my second cup, to wake up! LOL! (if you would like to, you can refer to Jan 13th post; re: my morning necessity of having a second cup!) Because of Alan's sore leg and him being a tidbit tired today, I took our Blue out for his bittid walk. It feels like it is going to snow; that type of a day. When we came in the door, Blue's breakfast was beckoning to him, from his deep dish; and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, was waiting for me! Appreciative treats for us both!

Today is a 'mish mash' or a mixed potpourri of events, projects, whatever. It is like 'the calm, before the storm' setting.

Tidbit - Take each thing, as it comes. No need to go looking for it. Be calm and ready to take on, whatever falls on your plate.

Bittid - 'Team work' is a wonderful gift! Let people know they are "special" to you; and that you genuinely appreciate them!

Praise Him in All Things. We have so much to be thankful for; each and every day!

Love the above borrowed photo image! Potpourri of rose petals!

God Bless.

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