Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Be 'good' to yourself!

Good Evening, or whatever the appropriate greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a real 'whirlwind'for these past tid 2 days. The time has just flown by in a bittid! We have a lot that we are 'working on'; and things are getting closer to reaching 'fruition' If you wish, you can refer to my post 'Fruitful', of December 30th; which is about 'Fruition'; and relying on Him to provide the Solutions to Fruition.

Alan has also been very busy with his parents; and things will become more clear in time. He has been fantastic in all regards; and he is doing his best to help care for his parents. More on that later.

We savoured a tasty meal tonight; and I prepared 2 'Gourmet' recipes from the magazine, "Cuisine for Two" (I refered to the fabulous magazine in my post of January 19th) and it was so nice to just sit down at our dining room table and simply enjoy! We are both a tidbit tired; with all the "stuff" going on; however, I want to make sure that Alan eats properly; AND, also has a nice R & R at the end of the bit day. Hence, a restful and inviting ambience.

Tidbit - Appreciate what you have; the simple pleaures, whatever. ie We have a lovely dining room table that was my Mum's and Dad's. We very rarely sit down at the table and just enjoy! Yes, special occasions (post of January 12th; 'Winding down'); but you go around only once, so make the most of it! Because, you can not take it with you. My parents used to delight (very aptly describes them!) in their meals; and, 'held court', at the dining room table for many a night! So, tonight, was a wonderful repas and memorable treat; to just 'chill out' from the buzzing activities of our day. Love the above borrowed photo image; I am not far off to bed! Tomorrow comes early!

Bittid - Be joyful in all things! Take the time to 'slow down'; be 'good' to yourself. The better you treat yourself, the better you will ultimately look and feel!

On that note, I am going to say Good Night and God Bless.

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