Monday, 7 January 2008

"Never Better!"

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to your part of the world!
Today has been a full day....Alan presently, is at the hospital.

We have a memorial service to go to this afternoon; so Alan will meet me at the location when he is done at the hospital. My very good friend who is also going to the funeral, will be picking me up and we will go together. Her husband will be coming a bit later as well. The person who died was a very lovely guy. He was 'a born optimist'; and most tenacious in all his endeavours. He was a superbe bridge player; and he and I were duplicate bridge partners for a tid. He and I both had 'guts' in playing the cards; so our partnership was fun! He was also very 'terrier like' on the tennis court. He will be greatly missed. What he left with me was "Never better!"....whenever I asked how he was doing, he always replied, "Never better!" and that gem of a comment has remained forever etched in my mind. So when I reply to someone, who kindly asks me, how I am doing....I reply with "Never Better!" Very interesting to see their reaction of surprise? how often do you hear, "Never better?" Not often enough.

Tidbit - "Never better!" works!!!

Bittid - Honour friendships.

Must go for now; will be back!

God Bless.

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