Sunday, 13 January 2008

Love this photo image! Colourful and Refreshing!

Good Evening, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Earlier, today, I was tagged by Kris at (You can link into her and the other 6 blogsites, that you already see listed on my blog).

Here are the rules:

*Link to the person that tagged you

*Post the rules on your blog.

*Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.

*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

*Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

So here are 7 random things about Me:

1) I love antiques and decorating! This means every so often, I take 'everything' out of the cupboards, shelves, cabinets, drawers, the works, to 'rearrange' into a less cluttered environment! Somehow, I still manage to display everything; there is always 'room for one more!' LOL! That is part of the fun and challenge! I also find it all very relaxing and I easily lose track of time!

2) When I travel somewhere, I need to unpack everything; hang clothes up in the cupboards, put stuff in drawers; and then I am 'ready' to relax 'at home', wherever I am! I have been like that since a tid 4 yr old!

3)When I do cook something, I always make a bit comment! If it tastes delicious, I say so! On the other hand, if it doesn't, I am also the first to speak up, that is, it is not so hot. I only say that of my own cooking; and would never insult someone's labours; unless asked to give my truthful opinion. That has happened only once to me; and we are still good friends! LOL!

4)I always need 2 cups of coffee in the am. It can be a small cup or a large cup; but I must have my 2 cups worth!

5)I always love a fire; so cosy, warm, and romantic! And, it makes me appreciate everything that much more! ie our surroundings, home, etc.

6)Whenever I am in a car, I always have to have my seatbelt on; perhaps it is years of habit! Even if the person is a wonderful driver, and I am a passenger, I must have my seat belt strapped on, at on all times!

7)Dirty foot and paw marks in the house from humans and pets. Either take the shoes off, or wipe the shoes off, or towel the dog's paws, please!

I think this is a fun idea; however, I am not well versed in the bittid computer lingo / technology, as of yet. Have largely been self taught and by my son, who has helped / 'rescued' me from time to time! However, I will, nonetheless, send 'tag' comments to 7 people, as you have done, Kris. This will overlap with Cathy, whom you have tagged as well; as I only have 7 bloggers listed, at this stage! Also, Trish, consider you have 'been tagged!'(am not able to leave any comments on your blog). I am able to copy and paste; recently learned that nifty tidbit! However, I do not know how to link them in, to today's blog tag. Also, our computer is rather 'outdated'; and thus, can only do so much. Ultimately, we will purchase a new computer; AND, I will continually learn more!

Anyway, this is a bit of info about me; and Kris, I enjoyed reading a tid about you! Thanks for sharing!

Tidbit - Have an open mind.

Bittid - Be appreciative in learning new things; even if it does take awhile! LOL!

Also had a tid refreshing day; very relaxing! Was 'organizing' / rearranging our house! LOL! And, watched on T.V. the 'Hour of Power', 'Joyce Meyer', and the 'Living Truth', by Charles Price this morning; and these 3 programs on the Vision Channel, are just excellent! You can refer if you wish, to my posts of Nov 11th, 18th, and 25th; and that will give you a bit more info.

God Bless.

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