Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Fear Not!

Good Evening; or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been an 'interesting' tidbitz of a day. And, I am looking forward to a good bittidz night's rest!

Tidbit - Praise Him in ALL things; and remember to be thankful for whatever you have!

Bittid - Sometimes, when everything seems to happen all at once; just inhale a deep breath and take it all calmly and resolutely in stride. Leave it all to Him to work things out for you; and stress not! Fear not! - 'He is The Way, The Truth, and The Light'. I love the above photo image! 'Seek, and Ye Shall Find'; and if you genuinely let Him into your heart, He will never leave you. As He says,'Fear Not for I Am always with you'.

On that note, I am going to call it a day and enjoy a good night's sleep!

Good Night and God Bless.

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