Tuesday 15 January 2008

'Circling of the Wagons"

Good Afternoon, or whatever the applicable greeting in in your part of the world.

A few tid 'out of left field' "stuff' has hit us today.

All I can say is that "it is the circling of the wagons". Interesting when 'those' in the wrong, are doing 'their' best to "scuttle" issues and "confuse" things, and twist and turn things around to suit 'their' hidden agendae, which has been, since day one. 'They' just do not like it that 'they' are being exposed. 'They' have yet again, opened 'Pandora's Box'; which is good, because 'they' will be the ones under scrutiny and severe legal examination. Currently, 'they' may think, 'they' are 'circling the wagons'; 'well'? Not so. They have been out manoeuvered by 'their' 'words, actions, and deeds'; and will be 'brought to heel' shortly.

Tidbit - Place your Faith and Trust in Him. In other words, continue to be joyful and have a calm; because He does take care of all things.

Bittid - He HATES inequities. He does put things 'right'.

God Bless.

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