Friday, 11 January 2008

Compassion and Forgiveness

Good Evening, or whatever greeting is appropriate in your part of the world!

This morning was a bit brighter am, than was mentioned in yesterday's post. There was blue sky, that was filtered throughout uniquely scattered clouds, which threatened a tid of rain drops every now and then. And now, it is dark and pouring with rain; but we are indoors, with a cosy fire!

Yesterday was both a strange and full day. I 'retired' early for the night and appreciated a good and sound sleep. I reflect yet again, on how 'precious / short life is', of wasted opportunities, of words simply not spoken, etc. None of us know when our time is up; except in a tidbit, we should make the bittid most of things.

It is really tragic with Alan's parents; as it would appear there is not much time left for them. Alan is doing what his parents have expressed and wish. With no cooperation or respect from his siblings and certain 'collaborators'. The unfortunate thing is, that his siblings have had / have so much angst, jealousy, anger, envy, whatever is pent up WITHIN them. This has occured since Alan's childhood; and now, this is affecting their (the siblings) judgment and reasoning power, vis a vis the parents. It reminds me of the 'Story of Joseph and his coat of many colours'. Alan has been the 'scapegoat' for all these years.

And now with the new realities, 'they' act as if they still 'can do no wrong'. 'They' have not been forthcoming or cooperative in supplying the requested information. Why not? is my 'they' have something to hide?. Hmmmmmmm. The info has been repeatedly asked for; and instead, the siblings have behaved with pious disdain; as well as blythely disregarding the wishes of the parents. It would appear that it all gets down to one thing. You may have guessed it; and there is not a lot of that left. It is simply a matter of doing what is fair, right, and just. And to that end, Alan has been ignored and maligned. Their pride, arrogance, 'power', manipulation, control, the works, have been directed toward Alan. Shame on them! And, as God is my Witness, I am on record with what I have witnessed and felt; and the unseen; it is all 'assward backwards'. And yet, very transparent.

The above seems to happen a lot more amongst families, than you would care to imagine. Perhaps some of you have experienced such behaviour? Very very sad, is all I can say.

And Alan has tried his utmost AND NICELY, to work things out with transparency and honesty. However, it is like dealing with a slab of unyielding cement and an unforgiving wall. And, even sadder, all this could have been easily avoided. The worst thing is though, that the Mum is primarily dying of a broken heart; not caused by Alan, but by the siblings. I do not wish to add more; except that by 'their words, actions, and deeds', 'they' have convicted themselves.

Tidbit - Have a forgiving spirit. Start with yourself first; ie by forgiving yourself. Do not blame others; unless it is a valid truth. And if such is the case,really attempt to resolve it with genuine and open communication with one another; and, with His Direction. PEACE is the underlying and ultimate purpose.

Bittid - Ask Him for His Help to help with forgiving someone or others; whom you feel have done you wrong or whatever the case may be. We must all remember to have and to show COMPASSION. I have to admit that this is a challenge for me at this moment re: the siblings. However, I will beseech Him to help me rise above and act accordingly, with Grace and LOVE.

Tidbittid or Bittidbit - I hope this reaches a few tid ears; and that it can be taken in the bit vein that it is genuinely Take a look, a good look in the mirror; and appreciate Life, as it is too short.

Will further comment, that Alan has done everything he can possibly do to reconcile with his siblings; and alas, it is now to their detriment. Having said that, we must still leave our problems and battles to Him. (And, He, has already won!) I love the above photo image; very calming and a gentle soothing to the soul. "Seek and Ye Shall Find" - LOVE and PEACE.

God Bless.

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