Good Eventide, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world! It is still 'light out'; it is becoming lighter, with each passing day!
Yesterday was an 'interesting' day. Thank you Kris, for your comment. Much appreciated.
Long bittidz story made tidbitz 'short!' Well, I will endeavour to do my best there. Alan's Mum went into hospital / emergency yesterday. She has chosen to go off her food and medication. Hmmmmm. Even with the capable help that Alan has wonderfully organized for his parents. It would appear that his Mum is dying from a BROKEN HEART. ie as to how Alan's other siblings have behaved and conducted themselves throughout. I have been married to Alan for 5 yrs; and he is one 'gem of a guy'. He has been the 'scapecoat' or 'whipping boy' by his older siblings for all these years. Shame on them!
So, if there are any family clan members, alerted to this blog, this is the tidbit truth of the matter. Sadly, her system is wearing down; however, if she was to be given positive reinforcement by her other children, we feel this would make a major difference to whether she lives or she dies. Any of you ever watch the movie, 'The Contender?' Ironically, we saw it last night. I see lots of similarities; ie by their own bittid discrepancies, that they do not wish to be exposed for. Instead, they go out of their way to hurl abuse; and at the same time, 'running away' from what is the ACTUAL truth. - much like the Congressman, at the end of the movie! Hmmmmmm. It is often said, that 'those 'guilty' doth protest too much'; and thus far by 'THEIR own words, actions, and deeds', they have convicted themselves.
Reasurring news is, that the Mum now has a bed; and once she is deemed to be okay by the doctors, she will be released from hospital. She is being 'fed' intravenously with medications and liquid nutrition. Meanwhile Alan's Dad is staying with us; in our tid second bedroom. He had a 'nap', 'wolfed down' a grilled ham and cheese sandwich; along with some awesome Guacomole Chips! Mmmmmm. Yum!
Alan was at various appointments this afternoon. The Emerg will not take responsibility for Alan's Dad; a) he is in good physical shape and does not need to be there and b)with his dementia, 'they' do not want him 'wandering about' in the ER section. Possibly makes a bit of sense. It is very tough for the Dad; particularly at this late stage in his life; because he is feeling the grief and pain his beloved wife is going through. Perhaps, some of you have had the experience and / or empathy for someone you know / knew, that died of a "broken heart?"
We are meeting tonight with the tenant (where we used to live; wrote about her in earlier summmer posts)and she is vacating; as Alan's parents will be moving in there; within the next tid bit.. We are Praying too, that Alan's Mum will feeling a bit tid better; so that she can reasonably handle the move. We are awaiting also, to hear what the doctors have to suggest. There are pros and cons. However, we will consider all factors; and will do whatever is best to maintain a happy quality of life for Alan's parents.
Tidbit - Do the best you can with what has been given to you. We rely on Him for His Help. The Dad was feeling a bittidy 'teary' after his 'contemplative nap'; so, I said a Prayer out loud to Him, to uplift both our spirits. That helped! You can refer to yesterday's post, re: just 'leaving it all to Him' to work out.
Bittid - When you see someone else having challenges, it makes you forget all about your own tidbitty 'stuff'. When you 'give', you do feel so much better! And, just as important, Thank Him all the more, for your Blessings.
I LOVE the above photo image! Interestingly enough, when I took our Blue out this am for his morning constitution in amongst the snow, I could hear the singing sounds of robins! Coincidentally, the above picture, is very similar to me, when I was a child of that age! I think 'a lot of us' (little girls) looked like that! LOL! Carefree, no worries in the world! A child's happy world!
Good Night and God Bless.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Be Thankful!
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Fear Not!
Good Evening; or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It has been an 'interesting' tidbitz of a day. And, I am looking forward to a good bittidz night's rest!
Tidbit - Praise Him in ALL things; and remember to be thankful for whatever you have!
Bittid - Sometimes, when everything seems to happen all at once; just inhale a deep breath and take it all calmly and resolutely in stride. Leave it all to Him to work things out for you; and stress not! Fear not! - 'He is The Way, The Truth, and The Light'. I love the above photo image! 'Seek, and Ye Shall Find'; and if you genuinely let Him into your heart, He will never leave you. As He says,'Fear Not for I Am always with you'.
On that note, I am going to call it a day and enjoy a good night's sleep!
Good Night and God Bless.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Good Morning, or whatever is the applicable greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today is a 'white out!'. The snow is fast falling! I am thankful I do not have to go out in this 'stuff'; let alone drive in it! And yet, the flakes all look so neat; and it is, indeed, a winter wonderland! I was like a tid kid again, last night; up and looking out at our bedroom window, hoping for snow! 'Once a kid, always a kid!' LOL!
We watched the President's State of the Union Address last night. One of his better speeches! (perhaps his best, thus far!) He really stepped up to the plate; no more 'B.S'; as he 'turned up a few notches' a bit. I respected what he genuinely had to share! We were extremely impressed with how he was setting the 'MACRO' stage for future generations of presidents; be it from the Republican or Democrat Party. Both parties stood at various times, to applaud him! I thought wow! I would like to believe that President Bush, will 'go out well'; in his last year of office. It is going to be definitely an interesting year; AND a tight 'running race' between the various candidates. Obama is certainly a refreshing change; and may the best person win! Be it a Republican or a Democrat candidate; with the qualities of leadership. I know who I would prefer as 'President'; however, that will become clear as time moves forward. I LOVE the above photo image of the 'Statue of Liberty!' Strength, courage, honour, integrity, compassion, humility, leadership, whatever jumps out at you, in that strong and well chiseled 'classic' face!
Tidbit - 'Go out well!'
Bittid - 'MACRO' thinking is a must; 'Micro' is also important; as in the details. It is how you courageously utilize both 'Macro' and 'Micro' to fully paint the WHOLE picture. Also, if you rely on Him, for Guidance and Direction, it helps simplifies all things.
Praise Him in All things.
God Bless.
Monday, 28 January 2008
Good Monday Morning!
Good Morning; or whatever appropriate greeting it is to you, in your part of the world!
Monday am! Where does the time go! Seems the weekend is here and then gone; as in a blink of an eye! Relished a bit of a refreshing tidbitz 'rest!' Think also, because it snowed a tid, it 'slowed' us down for a bittidz. I think snow does that to you!
Have had a full morning already! However, getting lots of bittidical 'admin tasks' done; so that all the tidbitical projects we have been working on, come to fruition!
Am not an 'admin' person; am more of a 'people people' person. Nonetheless, am tackling paperwork, files, etc. to give to our wonderful accountant! He is also a 'people people' person; so he has lots of empathy for my less attention to detail. And yet, 'it is all in the details'; or so 'they' say. So, am thrusting forth in this New Year, to have things on a 'better footing' for us and our accountant! It just takes a tid of discipline and a bit of time to organize. Am thinking, I will 'keep on it'; (like a bird dog!); so that there is never a disorganized buildup of 'whatever'. Another word comes to mind; you can guess; and, quite possibly, relate!
Tidbit - A good night's sleep really helps. Clears your mind of boggles; and helps you have a focus for the task at hand.
Bittid - Whne you are on a 'roll', (in my case with the 'admin' "stuff')"Go For It!" Turn a weakness into a strength!
Must keep on 'marching'. Until later! I love the above cheerful yellow hotei rhodi photo image! Am looking forward to our Spring; because we will be planting our tid 2 rhodies that we 'found' at the bit end of last summer!
God Bless.
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Winter still!
Good Evening, or whatever is the correct greeting for you, in your part of the world!
Today is Sunday; and, it has been a good day! I watched Joyce Meyers and Charles Price on the Vision Channel this morning; I have referred to them in earlier blogs. They are excellent speakers / teachers of His Word. As I was writing a tid email this am, Alan turned on the T.V. for us to hear the message, Joyce had to wonderfully impart. Very incredible timing! ie Do not let the evil (of others), pull you down; continue to do good. - or, words to that effect. We had just experienced such a 'situation'; and amazing how those timely words helped validate our stand, to do what is right. Ask Him for the 'Armour of God'.(You can refer to post of May 25/07,"Armour of God", if you wish). Also, Joyce had suggested that we must always 'focus'; and if something does not happen the way we thought, it was in His as in a 'detour' from something that might not have been to our good. Will blog a bit on that, in a short tidbitz. Also, Charles suggested that it is not what counts on the outside (it helps); but He is interested what lies within our what is on the genuine inside. ie You can dress up for 'show'; but is your heart dressed with a genuine acceptance of Him? For those of you who have accepted Christ into your hearts, you can appreciate the meaning of these words. And, it is not too late, to invite Jesus into your heart. Just genuinely do that, before that Final Day.
We were invited to my daughter's for lunch today; and we were really looking forward to that visit. On route, we took some groceries to Alan's parents, and gave them a bittidz boost to their spirits. Then continuing on trek, as we were driving, we were faced with a sudden change in plans for us. A snow warning report had just been issued over the radio; and strongly advised against driving; unless absolutely necessary. Hmmmmmm, we thought. And, it did not help hearing about various accidents and crashes that were literally happening in the blizzardy 'white out' area, where my daughter, her husband, and their twin baby sons live. Unfortunately, we had to cancel; however, the 'detour' came very quickly to our minds. The traffic to boot, was at a crawl; so we were more than happy to turn around and head home - safely. There is a snow warning issued for our area as well; but the snow has been forecasted for later tonight.
Tidbit - Praise Him in All Things; even in the 'detours'.
Bittid - Be genuine. Also, if you have a disagreement with someone, discuss it (the truth) openly with one other. Do not let any anger build up / fester within you; it simply makes matters worse. Charles was mentioning that as well this morning.
It has been a reflective and a joyful day thus far. I also, 'slept on things'; and just worked out a 'lay a way' program for 2 more oyster plates! The white and gold,4welled oyster plate, is circa 1876-1889; and the other one, the 'turkey' with the 5 wells, is circa 1888-1896. Are you able to see the turkey in the plate? Both plates are - Haviland, Limoges, France. (You can also refer to yesterday's post, if you wish).
Can you guess what I am having for dinner tonight? Well it starts with the letter "O!" Alan has marinated them in a bit of vodka; and some other delicious seasonings; and I will enjoy them raw! And, with a bit of lemon squeezed over them! Mmmmmmmm. Yum....
Have any of you ever heard of an oyster shooter? It is a small (3 inches approx) individual dish; and it serves the purpose for those that just want to inhale them raw! There are also, oyster shooters that are oven proof as well. Sometime, I will post a photo of a shooter(s).
Good night and God Bless.
Saturday, 26 January 2008
Winter is back!
Good Evening, or whatever the appropriate greeting is to you, in your part of the world!
Yes, winter is back! In full fledge. Was like a tid kid last night; got up at approx 4 am, and looked out our window, to see if the forecasted snow had fallen yet! However, did not happen; until a couple of hours ago! Eveything is a blanket of white again. I am more than happy to be tucked away indoors; all comfy and warm; and appreciate our home, Alan, Blue, and a nice crackling fire!
Today has been a day of wonderful R & R; very much needed! Just simply 'chilling out'. I think the past week's treadmill of activities has caught up with us a bit! We have a full week coming upon us; so we are 'pacing' ourselves and recharging for the week that lies ahead. Alan was out earlier in the day; helping his parents as well as picking up 'supplies' to fill our kitchen larder.
Have enjoyed reading a bittid more about 'oyster plates.' Have worked out a 'lay a way' on 2 plates; that I know will enhance our cabinet. I love the detail work and vivid colours of the 2 oyster plates, as in the above 2 tidbit photos. The 'turkey' is handpainted! Can you see the turkey? Do not know if I dare to eat from these antique (circa 1876 - 1889 - Haviland / Limoges France) pieces; but you never know - perhaps, on a 'special' occasion! Could be everyday! LOL! I have some plate stands, that will display the plates beautifully. However, as I mentioned a few blogs ago, 'you only go around once'; so may as well enjoy the journey!
Tidbit - A quiet time is good. Gives you a chance to enjoy a bit of a reflectful rest; and to gain a further appreciative tid of insight for each and every little thing.
Bittid - "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - so true. That also applies to 'collecting!' In the case of the 'lay a way', it is a prudent, yet rewarding way to add to whatever you collect. ie You can comfortably purchase exquisite pieces (via instalments over time), and they are that much more 'meaningful' to you, because, you had to 'wait' for them! Naturally, there has to be a mutual understanding / benefit to both Seller and Buyer.
Glad it is Saturday night; and that we are cosily settled in our abode for the night!
Please feel free to comment, if any of you love to collect or are anticipating to collect a tidbitz bittidz! If you have more than one of the same type of item, then, you are a collector; or so it has been said! The exciting part of collecting too, is also learning as much as possible about the background, the people, the culture, the country, the history, the era, etc etc etc!
And with that bittidz tidbitz, Good Night and God Bless.
Friday, 25 January 2008
Perseverance is good!
Hi again!
The appointment went extremely well! Finally, we are in the company of 'people' who understand us! ie our dreams, visions, our goals, whatever it takes to be 'successful' entrepreneurs! Will fill you in a bit, once all the tid 'groundwork' is completed and validated appropriately! It looks as if 'everything' is a GO! Now, we just have to do a few bittidical tasks; and then that should be it!
We live 'outside the box'; perhaps some of you can relate to that unique concept? In a tidbitical, we have been introduced to a 'team' that appreciate 'thinkers and doers' that operate 'outside of the box'.
Also, the above photos, are other pictures of the Glass Hatted Ladies! My friend and fellow blogger, Kris, of Ladies of the House, just wrote up an interesting blog on Jan 24th, about these Ladies. I am happy to say that we have the 2 Green Glass Hatted Ladies, that she is showing in her blog photo! I did not take the pics of the pair of Green Glass Ladies; the credit belongs to a friend of mine! The red or pink Lady (reminds me of a drink; as in Pink Lady); and the blue Lady (reminds me of the melody / song, about a 'Blue Lady;); these 'Ebay' Ladies, I do not have gracing our cabinet. The Green Lady with the arm, belongs to my friend, Stacey; and she was kind enough to let me 'borrow' it for a blog photo! (Feb 26/07 blog -'This is a Wow! Lady in Green, with a Glass Hat'). I also wrote about Stacey's percola / garden house(March 21/07 'First Day of Spring') So, Kris, please feel free to 'borrow' these photos of the 3 ladies!
Kris is listed under the 'Other Blogs' in my favourite blog link; should you wish to check her blogsite out. She writes an excellent blog, I feel; and she provides wonderful 'cooking from scratch' recipes!
Tidbit - Perseverance! If you have a dream, go for it! Do not let others dissuade you and rob you of your dreams. MOST important, rely on Him to provide the Solutions! That is how we live day by day; one day at a time.
Bittid - Be appreciative always; and 'Praise Him in All Things'. This is so true!
God Bless.
An exciting day ahead!
Good Morning, or whatever the appropriate greeting is for you, in your part of the world.
Today is an exciting day ahead for us! We have a major appointment this am, re: our business projects; and we are ever hopeful, that good things will happen! We have been on a 'journey' for quite some time; and we are now starting to see the 'fruits of our labours'. That being said; we will know more in a tid!
Tidbit - We are in His Hands; and we are relying totally on Him, for help, guidance, and wisdom. He is 'The Way, The Truth, and the Light' ; and, we have our Faith in Him, to provide Solutions for us.
Bittid - Maintain a 'calm', regardless of all bit situations; known or otherwise. A 'cool head, is better than a hot head!'
'Praise Him in All Things'; and be thankful for the Blessings, you have each day.
God Bless.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
"Cusine for two" - Revisited!
Good Morning, or whatever is the right greeting for you, in your part of the world!
Had a really good night's sleep last night! There was a movie on our bedroom T.V; but I kept falling asleep throughout! The movie that we watched the previous evening, had us 'on the edge' (well, me anyway!)....very good, had 3 stars, and the visual effects were incredible! Plus, some of the actors were like 'jumping beans'; very very athletic! My mind has just gone a bit blank; as to the name of the show; but it had Bruce Willis in it; for those of you, who are Bruce Willis fans. (I like Bruce Willis). It was one of the 'Die Hard' series; the 4th one. However, the actual name will come to me in a tid; and I will mention it in one of my upcoming blogs.
Today, am going to share with you, a couple of tidbitizing recipes that I made for our dinner last night. I encourage you to get ahold of the magazine, "Cuisine for two"; because all the recipes look so delicious and EASY to prepare! I have to thank my good friend / hairdresser for her SAGE suggestion to buy the magazine. Bittidizing about SAGE, a)Barb is wise (sage) and a gourmet cook; and b)the spice, 'sage', is in the recipe!
Saute in 2T Olive oil; roast:
2 bone-in-chicken breasts, seasoned with salt & pepper (about 8 oz each)
6 grape or cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 T minced garlic
1 T chopped fresh rosemary
1 T chopped fresh SAGE
Salt & pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
SAUTE chicken skin side down in 2T oil in a large nonstick ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat until golden, 4 minutes. Turn chicken over, saute 2 more minutes. then transfer pan to the oven. Roast 15 minutes, add tomatoes to the pan; and cook until a thermometer inserted into the meat registers 165 degrees; about 5 more minutes.
COMBINE oil, garlic, herbs, salt & pepper on a small serving platter. Transfer chicken and tomoatoes to the platter and let rest 10 minutes before serving; flipping the chicken every few minutes to coat with oil and herbs.
Tidbit of info! - The above recipe was excellent! However, as per usual, I did not follow the recipe to a tid! I improvised and it turned out just fine! Also, I have no thermometer, save only an intuitive 'gut', here and there. Am sure you can relate! I think both Alan and I were quite hungry; so anything would have tasted good..however, this was GOOD. I used 4 chicken breasts (boneless; bought those in a 'family pack' at Costco!), used up some bittid 'old' cherry tomatoes (very helpful in flavour). For less aged cherry tomatoes, I would cook them at the tid end; and then you can properly enjoy them, as a whole. (just 'throw them' with a bit of seasoned oil into a frying pan; however, the 'aged' cherry tomatoes add to the 'juices' in the 'basting' process). I used FRESH garlic....mmmmmmm...bon! Used the Italian olive oil,(I like creating an 'international' flair / flavour) and I used 'bottled' rosemary and SAGE; and I threw in about 1 T of each (did not know at the time, if that would be too much to add, compared to 1T of fresh herbs).
Am looking so forward to our 'herb garden'; in the warmer months, when we can savour fresh 'home grown' produce a la our garden patio! (made a tidbitical mention in post of August 9/07; and in a few other earlier bittidical blogs re: our sprouting garden produce!) Our skillet (heavy oven proof frying pan)worked wonders! If you do not have a 'skillet'; not to worry; just improvise! And plan to treat yourself to a 'skillet'. LOL! I ended up cooking all of the above ahead of time; and would do so again and again! However, I may make it just prior to sitting down at the table, once in awhile. I am all for keeping things simple; and for about 20 to 30 mins, I had the chicken (covered with foil, to seal in the 'juices'); in a 250 degrees oven. I wanted to make sure that the chicken was cooked. It was very tender; Alan LOVED it!
Roasted gold potatoes - I did not try this recipe; however, I will give you this one, as it looks very mouth watering!
1 LB Yukon gold potatoes, cut into large chunks.
2 T olive oil
Salt & pepper
Preheat oven to 450 degrees
Toss potatoes in a large bowl with oil, salt & pepper. Heat a large nonstick ovenproof skillet over medium-high, then add potatoes and residual oil. Saute until potatoes start to brown, 5 munutes, then transfer skillet to the lowest rack of the oven and roast 20 minutes. Stir, then roast until browned and crisp, about 10 minutes longer.
Bittid of info - Yummmm. I am hungry with this latest temptation! There is that 'skillet' again! 'Residual' reminds me of residual income! LOL! I will try this recipe too.
Instead, I cooked up small red 'new potatoes', (they are the best!) cut them in half, and roasted them at 350 degrees until 'soft' to the touch of a fork. The potatoes were in oil, salt & pepper, AND FRESH DILL! Mmmmmmmm....that was tasty! A friend of my daughter's gave me that tidbit recipe; so the credit goes to her.
The other recipe, I tried from the magazine,"Cuisine for two". is Dijon haricots verts.
4 oz of haricots verts or green beans
1 T unsalted butter
2 t Dijon mustard
Salt & Pepper to taste
Cook beans in a pot of boiling salted water 4 minutes; drain.
Saute beans in butter and Dijon in a nonstick skillet over medium heat 1 munute.
Season with salt & pepper.
This was also very scrumptious! The beans were crispy and the flavour was quite unique. Green beans are not my favourite of vegetables; but this was very tantalizing! I did not measure the amount of beans; just 'threw them in'- (sliced diagnonally) and if I tid a bit on myself, I used (by accident; maybe not though) 1 T of Dijon! But then a bit of tid, I may have used more beans! So, it all worked out. I will cook this recipe many times; and it is healthy! And we are getting our greens!
Tonight, I will be heating up the 'left over' remaining 2 chicken breasts for us; as well as cooking up some brown rice (I will spice it up a bittid); and make a tidbit Caesar salad! And our bottle of red wine (South Afrian!) is in its decantur; so we wil enjoy a glass with our dinner; and at our dining room table! (in yesterday's blog, I made mention of that!)
Tidbit - I would once again, suggest purchasing this splendid cooking magazine! It awakens in me, the joy of cooking! I used to cook a lot years ago; but have been out of the arena for a bit. Alan loves to cook; so purrrrrect! No complaints! However, now I am going to pursue one of my interests, which is cooking!
Bittid - I think the above tid recipes would be suitable for all! ie Nachelors, Bachelorettes, busy mothers, and dads that cook, 'on the go people', whomever; or for a special meal, whatever works! I like the simplicity! Of course, the recipes have to have appeal too. I think the recipes are designed to prepare just before you enjoy....however, I prepared the chicken ahead of time; the aroma that filled our house, was so mouth watering!
Tidbit / Bittid! "Live Free or Die Hard" - is the name of the entertaining movie! Its title, aptly says it in the nutshell of life. Even in the tidbit world of cuisine, eat well!
Today's post, is longer than I had envisioned it to be! Nonetheless, I really enjoyed writing up the recipes from the magazine! Thanks Kris, for your encouraging comment. I keep thinking of the show, "The Galloping Gourmet" - he was so funny! And, he was able to laugh at his impromptu improvisations etc! - which means, we can all dare to cook!
Here is wishing you all a happy day; hope some of you will enjoy the recipes!
Bye for now! And, God Bless.
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Be 'good' to yourself!
Good Evening, or whatever the appropriate greeting is to you, in your part of the world!
It has been a real 'whirlwind'for these past tid 2 days. The time has just flown by in a bittid! We have a lot that we are 'working on'; and things are getting closer to reaching 'fruition' If you wish, you can refer to my post 'Fruitful', of December 30th; which is about 'Fruition'; and relying on Him to provide the Solutions to Fruition.
Alan has also been very busy with his parents; and things will become more clear in time. He has been fantastic in all regards; and he is doing his best to help care for his parents. More on that later.
We savoured a tasty meal tonight; and I prepared 2 'Gourmet' recipes from the magazine, "Cuisine for Two" (I refered to the fabulous magazine in my post of January 19th) and it was so nice to just sit down at our dining room table and simply enjoy! We are both a tidbit tired; with all the "stuff" going on; however, I want to make sure that Alan eats properly; AND, also has a nice R & R at the end of the bit day. Hence, a restful and inviting ambience.
Tidbit - Appreciate what you have; the simple pleaures, whatever. ie We have a lovely dining room table that was my Mum's and Dad's. We very rarely sit down at the table and just enjoy! Yes, special occasions (post of January 12th; 'Winding down'); but you go around only once, so make the most of it! Because, you can not take it with you. My parents used to delight (very aptly describes them!) in their meals; and, 'held court', at the dining room table for many a night! So, tonight, was a wonderful repas and memorable treat; to just 'chill out' from the buzzing activities of our day. Love the above borrowed photo image; I am not far off to bed! Tomorrow comes early!
Bittid - Be joyful in all things! Take the time to 'slow down'; be 'good' to yourself. The better you treat yourself, the better you will ultimately look and feel!
On that note, I am going to say Good Night and God Bless.
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Beauty is only skin deep. It is the 'inside' that matters!
Good Morning, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world!
And here, it is a good morning. Very cold; but beautiful clear blue skies! Am sure you can relate; unless you live in a very warm clime; where you may never experience the cold. But then, we do not experience the extreme heat or drought on the coast. We all have much to be thankful for; wherever we live.
Took our Blue out this am; and we both were looking forward to returning to the sheltered warmth of the indoors. Plus the thought of his breakfast and my coffee were beckoning signposts to us both. LOL!
As I was going through my emails, blogs, and appreciatively sipping my coffee; with our "puppy" curled around my feet, I could hear the poignant sound of a robin. I just love that 'musical' bit sound! Eventhough it is still 'winter', perhaps it is a tid of heralding in the 'spring?'
I was reading a lovely friend's blog (Kris) this am; and she gave me an inpiration to write this morning's bittid.
Tidbit - "Beauty is only skin deep". That is so true. It is the total package that matters; and if the "inside" is not at its genuine best, the "outside" is only a 'veneer', and can last for only so long.
Kris,('Ladies of the House'); you might enjoy reading her blogs!) and I collect Lady Head Vases. I will post a photo of two, that I have; they have been posted before. "The Glass Ladies in Green Hats". As a bit of a tid, these 2 Ladies look absolutely stunning in this morning's reflective sunlight! Perhaps some of you, are familiar with those 'lovely and exquisite ladies?' Or maybe, you are a 'collector of Head Vases?' If you wish to be brought a tid of a bit up to date, as to what a Lady Head Vase is etc, please feel free to refer to some of my previous 'Pam' of FEB 27/07 gives you some tidbit info. Other blogs are Feb 26th and August 3rd; as well as there may be some other posts; you might unravel! LOL!
Bittid - Always have an 'open mind'!
Received a comment from 'Professor Howdy'; you may wish to check out the sites he recommended, as well as reading his blog.('Thought and Humour')
Well, the day is still 'young!' Will keep you posted on today's events.
Bye for now. God Bless.
Monday, 21 January 2008
Glad it is night time!
Good Evening, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It has been a rather unusual day. Very quiet; not much happening, but lots? Does that make a tid sense?
Tidbit - There are several things 'in the works'; and it is a matter of 'waiting it out!' Sometimes, that can be a real challenge - to just be patient and "wait" for a bit. Have Faith in Him that He will provide what is needed; and that it is, all to the GOOD!
Bittid - Am now going to 'chill out'; and 'pace myself' for whatever events will be taking place shortly. A good night's sleep seems to be in order; and tomorrow, will work itself out. My Dad always told me, "Sleep on it"; and in the morning, you will be that much better prepared etc to make a decision, whatever. Love the above photo image! Kind of says it all! LOL!
It is also very true, that each day works itself out. So do not worry about the past, nor the future; just focus on today. That can be hard to do at times; however, 'keeping things simple', and living one day at a time, is good. It becomes easier to do, after awhile of 'practice'. That tidbittid is a bittidbit of an encouragement to me; hope it uplifts you as well.
Also, to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Today is an American holiday, in honour of his memory and legacy he left behind. He was, indeed, a special man, who 'lived outside the box', was an eloquent speaker, and who ultimately lost his life, to make the world a better place. God Bless him.
Good Night and God Bless.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Up close and about up close and 'oysterized' personal!
Good Afternoon, or whatever the applicable greeting is to you, in your part of the world!
It has been a wonderfully tid relaxing day thus far! It is Sunday; however, it seems extra enlighteningly 'special' to me! Enjoyed watching and listening to 'Hour of Power' (with the Schullers), Joyce Meyers (Enjoying Everyday Life), and Charles Price (Living Truth) on our T.V. this am. Very insightful inspirations! I really relate to Joyce!
Once again, went to rearrange and redecorate our bit shelves / cabinets or whatever. Have a tidful of oyster plates arriving! Three, in total! One is a match to the one we have (the bit cream white plate with the gold trim; 1888 - 1896), and the other two, just simply caught my eye bitful! I love the sage green coloured plate (1877); looks so elegantly tranquil; and the other one (early 1900's), has beautifully handpainted seaweed scenes. Love the antiquity, history, earlier eras! The expression, "The world is your oyster", keeps filtering through my head...I believe this 'pearl of wisdom', is from "In the Looking Glass", by Lewis Carroll. It is very true, 'The world is your oyster!' It is what you make of it! And by relying on Him, He does provide your daily needs.
Tidbit - If you have a hobby, interest, or passion in collecting, whatever it is, joyfully go for it! When you have more than one item of the same 'type', you are a 'collector!' Please feel free to share with me, what it is you do enjoy collecting! I would be interested in hearing about it and, learning appreciatively more!
Bittid - It is important to be "joyful" from the inside! ie His Holy Spirit indwelling within you! When that happens, you change! Things are just different. For those of you, who know of what I blog, you can appreciate these illuminating Truths. And for those, that do not know, understand. or whatever, simply "let Him (Jesus) into your Heart". It is amazing to see the transformation! You will never look at things again, in the same way! Place your Trust in Him, and He will make it so!
God Bless.
Saturday, 19 January 2008
"Cuisine for Two"
Good Evening, or whatever is the applicable greeting to you, in your part of the world.
Today is Saturday; and the day has gone by in a tid flash! Started early this am, with our Blue going out for his bit 'constitutional'; and he and I, were both surprised by the overnight snowfall. Winter galore, once again!
Once in warm doors, lit a fire, and rearranged / redecorated our cabinets; thinking that if certain pieces are displayed in full view, we would be more likely to use and enjoy them; as opposed to them, being stashed away or 'hidden' from sight. You live only once; may as well make the most of it!
We both had our hair cuts today. Amazing how uplifted you feel, when that happens. "Bad hair day", gone! LOL! Alan looks great! I was just going in for my usual, and a tidy up tidbit trim; and fell upon a magazine that had a wonderfully fabulous SHORT aluring hair style, on its front cover; and I thought, Mmmmmmm, wonder if I could 'wear that look?' Voila! I have always been told that I look 'good'; and also tres 'young' looking for my age. However, this bit hairdo, makes me look 39 years young! - without a bittid of exaggeration! I feel even 'pounds lighter!' Perhaps, even 'light headed!' LOL!
Since I was 'in the chair' for awhile, Alan went and visited his parents. Meanwhile, I was reading a magazine with superbe recipes! I copied a few tid down; and then on route home, whilst at our local safeway, 'found' the magazine! "CUISINE FOR TWO" is not cheap; BUT, awesome recipes...simple, healthy, and delicious! So, blog about treats to come! Mmmmmmm. The magazine, is worth its weight in gold! I am sold! LOL!
Tidbit - Be joyful and 'zestful!' Praise Him in All Things - daily! That may also help in 'looking young' and being 'young at heart!'
Bittid - Appreciate your "home" ('home, is where the heart is') and take a reassuring tally of what matters most to you. In our case, it is family / good friends / entertaining / etc.
Good Night and God Bless.
Friday, 18 January 2008
Skal! To good food, good company, good conversation!
Good Evening, or whatever is the appropriate greeting in your part of the world!
It is now dark 'outside'; and am glad that we are 'inside' for the night; and that it is Friday night! It has been a very full day; and we are looking forward to a very full night's sleep! Am enjoying a glass of red wine at the bit moment! Skal!
Do not know where the tid to begin! All I can say is that we took care of our admin stuff, priority business projects, our 'saga' with Alan's family, and then various appointments downtown this afternoon. The total day, in a tidbit, went by in a bittid blur!
My daughter and I enjoyed a really nice evening last night. We met for dinner at a wonderful Italian restaurant (that my son recommended!); the food was delicious, but the shared Caesar Salad, we savoured, was outstanding! Good meaningful and genuine conversation; and we agreed to move forward in a positive direction.
Tidbit - Family is where it is at! Discuss issues directly; not based on second or third hand news, whatever. "He said..., she said..."; and so forth. Best not to let matters build up to such a point, where it boxes people in and entrenches them in their position. Thus an impasse. Communication is so vital; and, I believe by being open and transparent in our genuine thoughts, is the much better route to travel.
Bittid - The same goes for good friends. If there is a problem, deal with it - directly. A lesson I learned a long time ago, was to admit a mistake and apologize.
We Pray to Him daily for Guidance and Wisdom; that would include the Words He would have us speak - all in loving compassion and for the end result, which is - PEACE.
The above photo images are mouth wateringly similar to what we devoured last night. With the bit exceptions, that the pizza was a Cheese / Tomato speciality of the establishment; and the noodles were Spaghetti, and, a la Clams Vongole. And of course, we appreciated a tid 1/2 litre (1.5 glasses each - which is just right!) of Italian full bodied red wine, the house featured wine.
Skal now once again, but with South African vino!
Good Night and God Bless. Until tomorrow!
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Alan and I! LOL! Can you guess who is who? LOL!
Good Evening, or whatever the appropriate greeting is in your part of the world!
Am going to call it a day; and thank goodness, it is bedtime! The 'sandman' is beckoning quite a tid!
Will blog a bit tomorrow....Enjoyed a really nice evening with my daughter.
Tidbit - Listen to your body signals and enjoy a sound night's rest.
Bittid - Sweet dreams. "Don't let the bed bugs bite!" It is good to fall sleep with a calm mind and a joyful heart.
Praise Him in All things.
Good Night and God Bless.
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Life is like a 'potpourri'
Good Morning, or whatever the appropriate greeting is in your part of the world!
Slept in this am! My head hit the pillow last night; and then before I knew it, it was 8 am! For me, that is really sleeping in! Even our Blue was fast asleep!
Alan still is having a tid difficulty with his right leg; there is nothing that can be done; save give it time; as per the suggestions of the Doctors. He stepped through a deck (one piece of rotten plywood) in August; and it apparently can take up to 8 or 9 months to heal. I think too, that a bit of his discomfort is due to all the stress that he has been coping with. It was a most serious injury (if you wish, you can refer to my post, 'ER', of Sept 3rd); however, it could have been worse!
Alan and I work well as a 'team'. Am reflecting on that, as I blog and enhale my delicious cup of coffee - my second cup, to wake up! LOL! (if you would like to, you can refer to Jan 13th post; re: my morning necessity of having a second cup!) Because of Alan's sore leg and him being a tidbit tired today, I took our Blue out for his bittid walk. It feels like it is going to snow; that type of a day. When we came in the door, Blue's breakfast was beckoning to him, from his deep dish; and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, was waiting for me! Appreciative treats for us both!
Today is a 'mish mash' or a mixed potpourri of events, projects, whatever. It is like 'the calm, before the storm' setting.
Tidbit - Take each thing, as it comes. No need to go looking for it. Be calm and ready to take on, whatever falls on your plate.
Bittid - 'Team work' is a wonderful gift! Let people know they are "special" to you; and that you genuinely appreciate them!
Praise Him in All Things. We have so much to be thankful for; each and every day!
Love the above borrowed photo image! Potpourri of rose petals!
God Bless.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
'Circling of the Wagons"
Good Afternoon, or whatever the applicable greeting in in your part of the world.
A few tid 'out of left field' "stuff' has hit us today.
All I can say is that "it is the circling of the wagons". Interesting when 'those' in the wrong, are doing 'their' best to "scuttle" issues and "confuse" things, and twist and turn things around to suit 'their' hidden agendae, which has been, since day one. 'They' just do not like it that 'they' are being exposed. 'They' have yet again, opened 'Pandora's Box'; which is good, because 'they' will be the ones under scrutiny and severe legal examination. Currently, 'they' may think, 'they' are 'circling the wagons'; 'well'? Not so. They have been out manoeuvered by 'their' 'words, actions, and deeds'; and will be 'brought to heel' shortly.
Tidbit - Place your Faith and Trust in Him. In other words, continue to be joyful and have a calm; because He does take care of all things.
Bittid - He HATES inequities. He does put things 'right'.
God Bless.
Monday, 14 January 2008
Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Good Morning, or whatever greeting is appropriate in your part of the world!
Well, (there is that 'well' word again; I wrote a post on "well" - June 13th; if you wish to refer to it)as the saying goes, "Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men"; isn't that the tid truth?
Today, I was looking forward to having lunch with a dear family member; unfortunately it did not happen. Without going into bit detail, we have postponed our visit; and we have decided that a nice dinner would work just as well; perhaps even better!
So, I am going to tackle files, paperwork, all the admin "stuff' that I keep putting off; primarily, because there has not been the time to do it properly. Although, I have to admit, that if it was something I just LOVE to do, then I would make the time. I think that is true of most of us. I have come to the bittidical conclusion, that I am more of a "people person" than a non "people person". I will 'attack' the papers in a tidbitical fashion each and every day, til the task is completed 'well'. Plus our accountant will be happy for this fresh and early start in the New Year! LOL!
We are also involved in our various projects; so, as I blog, some are coming to 'fruition'.
Will give you an update re: Alan's family when I have some tidbits to share. For the time being though, all we can do, is to make the best of the bittids as they occur.
Tidbit - Make the best of things!
Bittid - Living one day at a time, works best! ie the daily challenges are easier to handle; when you live each day at a time, AND, when you rely on Him to help you through each and every day. Praise Him in All Things and enjoy having a thankful heart!
I love the above borrowed photo image; looks so calm and peaceful!
God Bless.
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Love this photo image! Colourful and Refreshing!
Good Evening, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.
Earlier, today, I was tagged by Kris at (You can link into her and the other 6 blogsites, that you already see listed on my blog).
Here are the rules:
*Link to the person that tagged you
*Post the rules on your blog.
*Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
*Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
So here are 7 random things about Me:
1) I love antiques and decorating! This means every so often, I take 'everything' out of the cupboards, shelves, cabinets, drawers, the works, to 'rearrange' into a less cluttered environment! Somehow, I still manage to display everything; there is always 'room for one more!' LOL! That is part of the fun and challenge! I also find it all very relaxing and I easily lose track of time!
2) When I travel somewhere, I need to unpack everything; hang clothes up in the cupboards, put stuff in drawers; and then I am 'ready' to relax 'at home', wherever I am! I have been like that since a tid 4 yr old!
3)When I do cook something, I always make a bit comment! If it tastes delicious, I say so! On the other hand, if it doesn't, I am also the first to speak up, that is, it is not so hot. I only say that of my own cooking; and would never insult someone's labours; unless asked to give my truthful opinion. That has happened only once to me; and we are still good friends! LOL!
4)I always need 2 cups of coffee in the am. It can be a small cup or a large cup; but I must have my 2 cups worth!
5)I always love a fire; so cosy, warm, and romantic! And, it makes me appreciate everything that much more! ie our surroundings, home, etc.
6)Whenever I am in a car, I always have to have my seatbelt on; perhaps it is years of habit! Even if the person is a wonderful driver, and I am a passenger, I must have my seat belt strapped on, at on all times!
7)Dirty foot and paw marks in the house from humans and pets. Either take the shoes off, or wipe the shoes off, or towel the dog's paws, please!
I think this is a fun idea; however, I am not well versed in the bittid computer lingo / technology, as of yet. Have largely been self taught and by my son, who has helped / 'rescued' me from time to time! However, I will, nonetheless, send 'tag' comments to 7 people, as you have done, Kris. This will overlap with Cathy, whom you have tagged as well; as I only have 7 bloggers listed, at this stage! Also, Trish, consider you have 'been tagged!'(am not able to leave any comments on your blog). I am able to copy and paste; recently learned that nifty tidbit! However, I do not know how to link them in, to today's blog tag. Also, our computer is rather 'outdated'; and thus, can only do so much. Ultimately, we will purchase a new computer; AND, I will continually learn more!
Anyway, this is a bit of info about me; and Kris, I enjoyed reading a tid about you! Thanks for sharing!
Tidbit - Have an open mind.
Bittid - Be appreciative in learning new things; even if it does take awhile! LOL!
Also had a tid refreshing day; very relaxing! Was 'organizing' / rearranging our house! LOL! And, watched on T.V. the 'Hour of Power', 'Joyce Meyer', and the 'Living Truth', by Charles Price this morning; and these 3 programs on the Vision Channel, are just excellent! You can refer if you wish, to my posts of Nov 11th, 18th, and 25th; and that will give you a bit more info.
God Bless.
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Winding Down
We just came back from Costco! That is such a great place to shop! To tid, about wonderful prices! Not surprisingly, a whole box of firelogs are quite a bit cheaper than when bought separately at our local food store. We ended up buying 2 boxes worth; so now we are set to enjoy our hearth, admist the winter storms.
As a treat for dinner, we are also going to enjoy a bittid of roast beef....Mmmmmmm, along with baby new potatoes, covered in dill and butter. I have 'squeezed' garlic all over the roast; so this will certainly clear out any bugs in the air! LOL! Garlic is supposed to be very good for you! Also, a nice bottle of red wine, that we have 'saved' for a 'special' occasion; so, this will be a nice added touch to our meal. A Caesar salad, along with some corn a la creme, will be more than enough! And pan roast gravy with various seasonings, and a tidbitz of Madeira. "Have a bit of Madeira, my dear?' Madeira does enhance gravy so! I am also nibbling (more than I should! LOL!) on a tid of dried mango fruit - it is sooooooooooo delicous; but that is a healthy bittidz for you too!
Today, we are 'winding down' - long overdue. So with a crackling fire, a lovely set dining room table and lit candles, a bottle of South African Vino, scrumptious food, and each other and our Blue, perfecto! The above borrowed photo image is similar to our ambience.
Tidbit - Create special moments. It is so easy for everything to just catch up with you. "Winding down" is so vitally essential, for recharging one's batteries.
Bittid - Healthy eating, 3 meals per day, is a tidbit plus! It is easier to lose weight; apart from exercising; which also helps reduce fatigue, when you eat at proper intervals. As opposed to a 'dieting rational' - not eating right or eating at irregular hours of the day and night.
Here is wishing you all a nice R & R weekend.
God Bless.
Glad it is Saturday morning!
Good Morning; or whatever greeting is applicable to your part of the world!
Am really thankful it is Saturday morning! Enjoyed a much needed night's rest and slept in a wee bit, til 8 am! It was still 'dark' outside at that time. Our Blue is very good; however, he does need his am walks. So out we went, he and I in the pouring rain! Actually, the rain felt really refreshing to me. I think because we have had a lot happening in different arenas; and I confess, I am just plain plum tired. Perhaps it is also a tid of the 'January blahs'.
I know in yesterday's blog, I tidbitzed a bit. However, it was to illuminate and enlighten all of us; not only in sharing experiences, but to have bittidzed a tid about showing compassion and forgiveness.
Have lit a friendly fire; and I am grateful for all our Blessings. We have much to be thankful for! Am also really looking forward to enjoying a nice lunch / visit with a beloved family member this upcoming week.
Tidbit - Appreciate the simple things in life.
Bittid - Being 'young at heart' helps too!
God Bless.
Friday, 11 January 2008
Compassion and Forgiveness
Good Evening, or whatever greeting is appropriate in your part of the world!
This morning was a bit brighter am, than was mentioned in yesterday's post. There was blue sky, that was filtered throughout uniquely scattered clouds, which threatened a tid of rain drops every now and then. And now, it is dark and pouring with rain; but we are indoors, with a cosy fire!
Yesterday was both a strange and full day. I 'retired' early for the night and appreciated a good and sound sleep. I reflect yet again, on how 'precious / short life is', of wasted opportunities, of words simply not spoken, etc. None of us know when our time is up; except in a tidbit, we should make the bittid most of things.
It is really tragic with Alan's parents; as it would appear there is not much time left for them. Alan is doing what his parents have expressed and wish. With no cooperation or respect from his siblings and certain 'collaborators'. The unfortunate thing is, that his siblings have had / have so much angst, jealousy, anger, envy, whatever is pent up WITHIN them. This has occured since Alan's childhood; and now, this is affecting their (the siblings) judgment and reasoning power, vis a vis the parents. It reminds me of the 'Story of Joseph and his coat of many colours'. Alan has been the 'scapegoat' for all these years.
And now with the new realities, 'they' act as if they still 'can do no wrong'. 'They' have not been forthcoming or cooperative in supplying the requested information. Why not? is my 'they' have something to hide?. Hmmmmmmm. The info has been repeatedly asked for; and instead, the siblings have behaved with pious disdain; as well as blythely disregarding the wishes of the parents. It would appear that it all gets down to one thing. You may have guessed it; and there is not a lot of that left. It is simply a matter of doing what is fair, right, and just. And to that end, Alan has been ignored and maligned. Their pride, arrogance, 'power', manipulation, control, the works, have been directed toward Alan. Shame on them! And, as God is my Witness, I am on record with what I have witnessed and felt; and the unseen; it is all 'assward backwards'. And yet, very transparent.
The above seems to happen a lot more amongst families, than you would care to imagine. Perhaps some of you have experienced such behaviour? Very very sad, is all I can say.
And Alan has tried his utmost AND NICELY, to work things out with transparency and honesty. However, it is like dealing with a slab of unyielding cement and an unforgiving wall. And, even sadder, all this could have been easily avoided. The worst thing is though, that the Mum is primarily dying of a broken heart; not caused by Alan, but by the siblings. I do not wish to add more; except that by 'their words, actions, and deeds', 'they' have convicted themselves.
Tidbit - Have a forgiving spirit. Start with yourself first; ie by forgiving yourself. Do not blame others; unless it is a valid truth. And if such is the case,really attempt to resolve it with genuine and open communication with one another; and, with His Direction. PEACE is the underlying and ultimate purpose.
Bittid - Ask Him for His Help to help with forgiving someone or others; whom you feel have done you wrong or whatever the case may be. We must all remember to have and to show COMPASSION. I have to admit that this is a challenge for me at this moment re: the siblings. However, I will beseech Him to help me rise above and act accordingly, with Grace and LOVE.
Tidbittid or Bittidbit - I hope this reaches a few tid ears; and that it can be taken in the bit vein that it is genuinely Take a look, a good look in the mirror; and appreciate Life, as it is too short.
Will further comment, that Alan has done everything he can possibly do to reconcile with his siblings; and alas, it is now to their detriment. Having said that, we must still leave our problems and battles to Him. (And, He, has already won!) I love the above photo image; very calming and a gentle soothing to the soul. "Seek and Ye Shall Find" - LOVE and PEACE.
God Bless.
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Do not let opportunities slip by you!
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the appropriate greeting in your part of the world.
Today has been a really strange day. No real explanation; just that it is. Ever since I got up; and I have to admit, I am feeling a tid weary. Perhaps, you have experienced a bit day like this before?
It is a dull, dark, and dreary afternoon; with heavy heavy rainfall; which could turn into snow flakes any minute. In other parts of our city, snow has already fallen.
Was up a tid too early this am (I felt); however, enjoyed a friendly fire, my elixir of coffee, and read the small print newspaper. With what is taking place all over the world, it behooves us to be a bit more acutely aware of world events; other than just our own back yard affairs. Took our dear Blue out before it started to pour; and then the day began; phone calls, the works. We had a couple of scheduled appts; but they were postponed, until next week.
Alan presently, is helping his parents; so will blog a tidbit on that, when there is more of a bittid to report. Plus, we are working on our projects; of which we hope, will dove-tail by the end of this month.
Perhaps I am a bit sad because of an older wonderful friend who passed away over the Christmas Season. We were out of the country at the time; and I only found out about her passing, this morning, when I was reading about our other friend, whose memorial service, we attended a few tid days ago. The weird thing is, I had been thinking about her; and was thinking I would get her new telephone number, and call her in the New Year. Hmmmmm. That sadly, will never happen now; however, I have left a message for her daughter to give me a call, when she has a moment. She has some young children; and apparently, she and her husband do not live too far from my daughter. It would be nice if they were able to be in touch with each other. Also, my older friend (she was like a Mum to me) was a neighbour; and it was her daughter, who used to 'babysit' from time to time for us. I guess too, with the knowledge that Life is Precious (subject of yesterday's blog), it does have a rather somber and reflective affect.
Tidbit - Do not put off too long, in making the effort to visit a good friend or family member, that perhaps, you have not seen for awhile; because it may be too late. As in the case of my 'old' friend; the opportunity is now gone. As with the above 'borrowed' photo image of the beautiful red 'tulips'; they are out in full bloom and then no longer.
Bittid - Appreciate each and every day; with all of its ups and downs; and the 'so so in betweens'. Praise Him in All Things; and be thankful for what you have been Blessed with in your life.
God Bless.
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Life is Precious!
Good Evening. or whatever is the appropriate greeting in your part of the world!
Has been another full day; where oh where has the time gone today?
Alan was with his Mum and Dad for a bittid. When there is more of a tid to share, I will gladly update you. I continued with more 'house cleaning'; but it was with more of a 'reflective' nature; about life in general.
I spoke with a dear family member this afternoon; and am delighted we are meeting for lunch next week; as it has been long overdue!
Tidbit - Time is precious; life is precious and too short. Make the most of things; and take time out to spend with your family and good friends. You only go around once; and, you never know when your tidbit time is up. The other day at the memorial service was / is a good example of that reality; you are here one day and then gone the next. A bit morbid, but true.
Bittid - Welcome genuine communication. It is a positive start; to cement the vital groundwork. You need a good and solid foundation; to ensure a strong and healthy longterm relationship.
Am going to go and enjoy dinner. (not oysters tonight. Alas LOL!)
Good Night and God Bless.
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Night time!
Good Evening; or whatever greeting is applicable in your part of the world!
Glad it is evening! I took down all our Christmas decorations today; amazing how fresh everything now looks! As if the tidbit clutter of Christmas 'stuff' took over; which it did primarily, in our dining / living room.
Alan was at the hospital and has been wonderful with his parents. Will give you more of a bittid later.
Am enjoying the New Hampshire Primary, shown on the T.V. It will be very interesting to see which of the leaders emerge from each party. I figure that our country needs to be very much aware of the U.S. politics; as we are 'neighbours'.
Tidbit - Rejoice in a good day; and also for the tranquility of a night's rest. I love the above photo image! That is how Alan and I are feeling! Ready for bed!
Bittid - Praise Him in All things.
Good Night and God Bless.
'Never Better' will always stick in my mind!
Good Afternoon, or whatever the appropriate greeting is, in your part of the world!
Woke up to SNOW! Glad that I do not have to go out! Alan, however, will be going to the hospital again. Will keep you posted on things.
The memorial service for our friend, was a comforting tribute, not only for him; but to all those who attended. As it happened, Alan was able to pick me up for the service; so we met our good friends at the 'celebration' for our friend's life. We ended up going afterwards, to our friends' home for a tid of 'appies' and drinks. Before heading over to their place, which is nearby, we were able to come home to change into more 'comfy' clothes, and to water and feed our 'puppy', Blue. He was happy to see us! We were not in town for our friends' Christmas party, so it was a nice bit of 'catching up' and enjoying delicious 'party leftovers!'
Tidbit - 'You never know what you had, until it is lost or gone.' That is so true.
Bittid - Appreciate family and good friends.
God Bless.
Monday, 7 January 2008
"Never Better!"
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to your part of the world!
Today has been a full day....Alan presently, is at the hospital.
We have a memorial service to go to this afternoon; so Alan will meet me at the location when he is done at the hospital. My very good friend who is also going to the funeral, will be picking me up and we will go together. Her husband will be coming a bit later as well. The person who died was a very lovely guy. He was 'a born optimist'; and most tenacious in all his endeavours. He was a superbe bridge player; and he and I were duplicate bridge partners for a tid. He and I both had 'guts' in playing the cards; so our partnership was fun! He was also very 'terrier like' on the tennis court. He will be greatly missed. What he left with me was "Never better!"....whenever I asked how he was doing, he always replied, "Never better!" and that gem of a comment has remained forever etched in my mind. So when I reply to someone, who kindly asks me, how I am doing....I reply with "Never Better!" Very interesting to see their reaction of surprise? how often do you hear, "Never better?" Not often enough.
Tidbit - "Never better!" works!!!
Bittid - Honour friendships.
Must go for now; will be back!
God Bless.
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Choice; more importantly, making the RIGHT choice!
Good Evening, or whatever is the applicable greeting to your part of the world!
Had a very full day yesterday; and Alan and I were just plain 'tuckered out'; like yesterday's photo image! LOL! We were at the hospital yesterday; and by the time 9 pm rolled around, we were glad of it!
Today has been a most restful day for me. Had a good night's sleep; and have been up since 7:00 am; and also organizing cupboards, shelves, cabinets to make room for oyster plates! I collect oyster plates; not as of late; but I thought, rather than having them all stacked in some hidden dark spot, why not, display their exquisite beauty? So, I have done that with most of the plates; save a tid few, that I will enjoy to savour wonderful oysters from. Alan is not an oyster fan; whereas, I LOVE them! Cooked or raw. The plates I have displayed are between 1865 to 1900; so, I do not think I would dare eat a bit morsel of oyster, from plates of that historical era! You wonder personally, about the homes where these fine plates came from, or who ate on them; other than just standard information, saying, from an estate sale.
The plates have different "wells"; ie wells are like 'pockets / holes' that contain the oysters. We have plates that have 4, 5, 6 & 8 wells; however, mostly wells that hold 5 or 6. We also have a bittidz of books on the subject; very interesting. However, I guess when you collect something, it becomes a natural interest and a passionate curiousity to you. Right? Whatever, it is you do 'collect', when there is one or more of the same item, you are classified as a 'collector!'
Bought some tidbitz oysters yesterday; so along with a bittid of spinach I will serve it up on an oyster plate, that is not on vivid display. This particular oyster plate is in a set of 4, with 5 oyster wells, dating from about 1890. Since, we have no more space; not even on the walls, I will enjoy this very special and sumptuous tidbit treat of oysters, served on this antique plate! And being filled with an appreciation for rich and colourful history! With the spinach recipe I have in mind, hmmmmm, could be a la 'Oysters Rockerfeller!' Mmmmmmmm.
Recently watched the movie, 'Spiderman 3'. The sound and visual effects were awesome! However, what really caught my attention, was the ability to make CHOICES; but more importantly, WHAT choices do you make? So often our choices are not made in the best way. ie We ask others to help us with our choices; or we rely on 'word of mouth'; thus making incorrect / ignorant choices, because of inaccurate or false information. For those of you who have seen the movie, or wish to see the movie, you can / will appreciate and have empathy for what I am saying. So much ill will could have been avoided, if only the 'right' choices had been made. Which brings me to the following tidbit! I love the above photo image re: choice.
Tidbit - He will guide you with making the 'right' choices; as long as you let Him genuinely into your heart and just simply ask Him for His Help and Guidance! We Pray daily to Him for His Direction; and we rely on Him to provide all our Solutions.
Bittid - We have been diligently 'working on something', that finally came to 'fruition'. However, it was made solely possible with His Help, and not by us, relying on our own understandings. It is our constant Belief and Faith in Him, that He provides the Help we need.
Alan was at the hospital earlier today; he has now had to go back. I just shake my head at what has been going on. The siblings should be ashamed of themselves; and I am doing my best in being 'diplomatic' here. It would appear 'they' march to a different 'master'; and their choices are ??? And yet, we still have to have compassion. I am reminding myself of that - repeatedly!
Getting back to our good news, we are elated! We Praise Him in All Things! We have so much to be Thankful and Grateful for!
Good Night and God Bless!
Saturday, 5 January 2008
Repeat of a full day & good night!
Friday, 4 January 2008
Rain, glorious rain!
Good Morning, or whatever greeting is appropriate in your part of the world!
This morning, it is absolutely pouring with rain; our snow has gone; and now you can feel a 'damp cold' going through you instead. This is the usual in this tid part of the world. However, am totally grateful for the rain. Other parts of the map, that have been severely affected by drought etc, I will enjoy rain any day. Plus this is also why everything is so beautiful and lush green here.
Took our Blue out this am for his constitution; managed to get in before the current deluge of rain! Good timing. However, it was a bit refreshing, to feel the gentle rain drops on my face.
We have a full day today; with business appointments, as well as Alan's parents. We have not heard anything back from the hospital; so we are Prayful, that 'no news is good news'. We will be checking in with the hospital in a bittid.
Tidbit - Have a happy song in your heart, and appreciate the tidbit of rain, should you be fortunate to receive it! (Water is always a commondity). I am thinking of the song, 'Singin' in the Rain', by Gene Kelly. Am delighted too, that I just 'found' the photo image of Gene Kelly, 'Singin' in the rain'.
Bittid - Make the best of your day. Enjoy; including any challenges that come your way! He will provide Solutions; you just have to let Him in; and He will take care of you. Praise Him in All Things! Rain, challenges and all! Also, it is just as important to Thank Him, when things are going well for you!
Thank you and God Bless.
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Turkey Soup - So good for the soul!
Good Evening and almost Good Night!
We are glad it is the end of the day; another full day.
In between everything else, I ended up making a delicious soup from left over Christmas turkey bones. "Threw" in a bit of veggies, a tid or tad of seasonings; and that was that! Made a few large pots of steaming turkey soup; it smells so good throughout our whole house! It will be a good enforcement against the common cold. I will save some of that homemade soup as stock; and pull it from our freezer when necessary. The above photo image looks very similar to our soupcon of soup! Serving the soup with cheese biscuits and a green salad, hmmmmm; and a glass of red vino! Very simple, but good! - easy! I also enhaled some 8 oysters (I love oysters!); so, I 'soaked' them in a tidbitz marinade of vodka, tabasco sauce, and a few other bittidz sprinklings; and yum! They were a real treat! Raw! Mmmmmmm. For those of you who love oysters, you can savour these mouth watering 'to die for' moments! Actually, to live for, is more like it!
Tidbit - "Roll with the punches!" In other words, if "stuff" unexpectedly hits you from 'out of left field', fear not (for He is always with you); just be extra joyful and enjoy! ie the oysters, the soup, or whatever delectable treat(s) you appreciate!
Bittid - Be grateful for the end of the day; and for the calm of night. Give Him Thanks; and Praise Him in All Things. We do this daily; and it really helps, in appreciating your life, when living one day at a time.
Also, Alan's Mum and Dad are still in the Emergency; but at least his Mum now has the comfort of a bed; and the Dad will be provided shortly with a bed / cot as well. Alan was told there was nothing more he could do; save to stand by and wait for updates. As an aside, I thought the homemade turkey soup would help fortify Alan; for whatever lies ahead of him. The hospital has our telephone number; so, that is all I can say at this time.
Sweet Dreams and God Bless.
Just received a call from Alan; he has taken both parents to the Emergency. This is not a good scenario. For those of you, who wish to say an Intercessary Prayer, we would really appreciate it.
As mentioned a tid earlier today, my Mum never left the hospital, once she was admitted. And I well remember how I 'tore a few bit strips' off the medical staff, including Doctors; when I learned there was nothing more that could be done for her. I was totally devasted! I was, and still am, most appreciative for Alan and my children's loving support during those rough days. It even got to the point of being 'ridiculous'; when both of my children 'taped' me on their phone, when we were 'clowning around', to make 'light' of a hopeless situation. However, we know our 'MoMo' was glad we were all there for her. She is at peace now and we believe, she is in Heaven. And, as I have said before, not a day goes by, that I do not think of her. She had her faults; but then, don't we all? She did her best; and I am glad she was my Mum!
We do know that we have done our best too, for Alan's parents. Moving them from the horrid old age home, they were 'dumped' into, to our apt. To be on record, 'stress kills'.
Tidbit - Everything is always in His Hands; and we must leave all things to Him. Whatever will be, will be.
Bittid - Appreciate family, family, family.
God Bless.
Doves of Peace
Good Morning,
Yesterday was a full day; and I slept like a baby last night! It has been an exhausting time for Alan and I.
Alan's parents; particularly his Mum, are having their major share of difficulties. Alan is taking his Mum to the Cancer Clinic today; and she may end up being hospitalized. This happened to my Mum; and she tragically, never left the hospital; and she passed away within 10 days. We are also working on organizing 24 / 7 care for his Dad, who has dementia. We also have our daily business to run as well. All we can do, with anything and everything is our best; and only with His help.
Wish to comment, that 2007 was a year that we are just as happy to forget; as there were situations, which I / we know, were not right. I believe in one of my recent posts, I may have reached a few hearts, when I genuinely and lovingly spoke the truth; simply because I truly care, as does Alan.
I / we feel a huge sadness over various past events; and now I reflect, that I / we do not want a repeat of such behaviour in 2008. I may have upset a tid few; but in no way was I wishing to "trash" anyone. You may wish to revisit my blog(s); because they were said with LOVE; with the sincere purpose of welcoming a genuine reconciliation between us all. Just thought of the "Prodigal son"; I love that story; we are all like the 'Prodigal son!'.
ON THE CONTRARY, I am Prayful that there be a new start; which would include respect, appreciation, and a genuine acceptance for each other. Perhaps my words were like a "tonic" or catalyst; thus provoked a reaction. I would like to believe that this is all to the good; and that we can all make our apologies, 'bury the hatchet', and move genuinely forward. I also think a 'get together', with integrity and open communication, is a plan of peace, to help clear up any misunderstandings between us all.
Both Alan and I extend a genuine hand of friendship; we hope this blog will be a bit of a healing sav, for any of those that I may have offended or upset. That I say, from the bottom of my heart.
Tidbit - "Love one another, as I have Loved you" spoken by Jesus.
Bittid - Rely not on your own understandings; instead rely on Him. He IS our Guide; and all things are possible; with Him in our hearts. LOVE Conquers All.
God Bless. He LOVES you and I so much.