Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Peace and Love Conquers ALL

Good Evening!

Just returned from doing some bittid 'errands'; and it was good to have also some fresh air and see some other parts of our city! It was an amazing 52 degrees Fahrenheit in the sunlight; and it is still 'nice out!' It feels like 'Spring is in the air!' Eventhough, the predictions from yesterday's 'Groundhog Day', suggest otherwise; and that 'winter' is here for another 6 weeks or so.

We still have a 'pile up' of snow in various parts of our complex; and yet buds of daffodils, tulips, and blooms of our clematis' are starting to 'sprout!' The birds (robins, chickadees, finches, sparrows) are chirping away and flying joyfully from tree to tree! Wonderful Blessings to behold!

'Joan', the classmate I was mentioning in my January 31st post, 'Skal to Saturday Evening!' passed away over the weekend. Once again, I was 'Directed' by Him,(in the wee hours of the morning), to email her and her family a note wishing her Peace and Love; and that she is in our hearts and Prayers. Am thankful that the email arrived BEFORE she died later that day.

Tidbit - Follow your 'led' gut / intuition / instincts. Therefore, less laments - ie "I should have done that, or I should have said this,,," etc. In my case, am reasurred, I reached her BEFORE... and I know my school chum is at rest in Heaven. She was an exceptional person; and she will be missed by us all.

Bittid - It is good to have tidbit 'signs of spring' to look forward to; as it puts a bit of a joyful bounce in one's step!

Am about to go and watch the news; very interesting that Iran has launched a satellite??? You need rockets for that purpose!!! Also, the Hamas continuously have been bombing Israel; and yet, all the while, they are sitting down in Egypt to negotiate a peace???

Have not forgotten to write some tidbitz re: 'Living Truth'; and will do so, when there is a bittidz of quality time. It has been a rather engaging day; however, again, here is Charles Price's website: www.livingtruth.ca for your own due diligence perusal. He shares wonderful teachings, as well providing enlightening resources!

Love the above, with it empowering message!

Peace, Goodwill, and Good Night!

God Bless.

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