Saturday, 14 February 2009

In appreciative memory of Alan's Mum - February 14th

A tidbit P.S.

Forgot to include in the previous post, that Alan's special Mum passed away a year ago today. She was riddled with cancer; and she was courageous to the bit end. It does not feel like a tid year.

Apart from appreciating 'Valentine's Day' throughout the world, February 14th, is all the more meaaningful to both Alan and I. Alan's Mum, who was an awesome Christian, was loving, gentle, and kind; and we know in our hearts, she is at Peace. Our lives were greatly enriched for having known her; Alan and her having always enjoyed an 'extra special' bond of friendship between them. Methinks it was a very appropriate day for her to have passed away; because she was a person of LOVE and PEACE.

Tidbit - If you have someone dear to your heart, do not wait for 'Valentine's Day'; let whomever (a spouse and / or 'significant other'. grandparent, a parent, a sibling, a child, friend, colleague, whomever) know you genuinely value them and that they are 'special' to you. During these tougher and more turbulent times, a kind gesture goes a long way.

Bittid - Have compassion, empathy, humilty, and forgiveness towards all; particularly the ones that 'hurt' or 'slander' you the most. Also, if you have less 'expectations' of others, you will be less disappointed and / or 'let down'. Extend the 'olive branch' of forgiveness, friendship, and peace to your foes, as well as your allies.

Apart from being 'Valentine's Day', ie. 'Love is what makes the world go round', methinks our hearts need an uplift. Christ IS the ONE, WHO, can Fill you up, and His Message IS LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Love the above message in the photo image!

As a closing bittid; am looking forward to viewing and listening to the Vision Channel tomorrow morning! (Please feel free to refer to my other posts re: 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller), 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer), and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price), for your perusal and /or to further enlighten yourselves! -;; and 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' is what He wants us to do. These three International Bible Teachers (and others) provide such wonderful encouragement and inspiration!

Alan's homemade soup is smelling 'scrumptious' throughout our house; a glass of South African red wine will be a nice touch with this simple yet tasty meal! It is now evening; and yet it is still remarkably light outside! We are glad to be home tonight, and we are Thankful for all our Blessings! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

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