Saturday, 14 February 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Happy Valentine's Day!

As you can see, there are four pictures; one from yesterday's post (of the Lady in pink, with the beautiful heart shaped face; antique champagne glasses & oyster plates in background); one with the youthful daffodils (Feb 2nd post, 'Monday morning with Daffodils!); and two 'fresh' ones. The robin is a photo image, and the other is a picture I took, of our two Valentine 'Ladies', two Valentine Teddy Bears (that Alan gave me), and two 'paperweight' hearts.

I like what Helen Keller said:

'The best and most beautiful
things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched -
they must be felt with the heart'.

Alan and I are giving each other our hearts; no Valentine 'gifts' However, I feel he is a 'gift' each and every day to me! Alan apologized to me for not bringing me flowers or chocolates this year; however, it is the genuuine heart that is treasured the most!

We had been included in a lovely dinner celebration tonight; however, we had to bow out. I told our close friend of our circumstances; and she was extremely appreciative for the TRUTH. Her comment being: 'that everyone is in the same boat'. Most of us have been caught as 'innocent bystanders'. The financial meltdown / trickling domino effect was caused by the 'greedy Madoffs' etc of the world! We all must have a 'FORGIVING SPIRIT', and Pray 'their' hearts will be touched with repentance and reimbursement.

The picture of the daffodils also shows 'The Delsey (Tissue) Girls'; a set of four Lady Head Vases. As you know, the Ladies provide a wonderful decorative flair throughout; can even be blended / mixed in with other pieces of 'collectibles'. Forgot to mention in yesterday's tidbitz post, that I really appreciate the beauty of certain FENTON 'coin dot' and / or simple 'ruffled' vases. You can see a few tidbit vases in the tiny magohany curio to the bittid right.

Tidbit - Being 'real' with a 'heart to heart' talk with a close friend, is uplifting for all those concerned. The bond of genuine friendship becomes even more heartfelt!

Bittid - 'Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged'. Even during these tougher times, one must remember those words of Wisdom.

Have to go out for a short bit. May be back in a tid. Alan and I are going to enjoy 'Al's Homemade Soup' for dinner tonight; his delicious recipe is in one of my Fall Blogs.

Also the poignant notes of a robin, touched my heart strings this morning. What a beauiful sound to wake up to! A 'heralder of spring!' The snow has pretty much melted here; however, may this photo image bring a bittidz of extra harbouring joy to those still immersed in the snow.


Peace and God Bless.

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