Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
'Well' (there is that 'well' word again; if you wish you can refer to my post of June 13/07 re: 'well'), it has been a morning of major decisions and upheaval.
Was 'elected' to take on the job of being the 'bad cop'; however, awkward mission accomplished. There are tidbit times when if something is not right, you simply have to take a stand for what is right and set things bittid straight. I believe I feel better; inasmuch as Honour, Truth, and personal Integrity were / are involved in this challenging matter. I knew the individual would be 'upset' (putting it most mildly); and I was the one who received his angry outrage and verbal abuse.
Kept silently Praying to Him, to please 'Give me Words of Wisdom, Grace, Empathy, Understanding, Guidance, Confidence, Calm, and Humility' etc; fortunately He did / does. I was gently firm; bit my lip (with difficulty); and weathered the nasty storm of words. It was as if I had done this person, a woeful wrong or an indignant injustice. Truly NOT so; and, as God is my Witness! Interesting that he did his best to make me feel 'guilty', blaming ne / us all the while, as well as 'casting even more aspersions', left, right, and centre. I am thinking, 'well', it is for the best and will leave it at that.
Am extra thankful, that it is a beautiful sunny day; that uplifts us a tidbitz! Our area did not receive the forecasted snowfall of last night; although it was about 32 degrees Fahrenheit at 7:30 am. I have made approx 3 dozen peanut butter cookies (one of my fall blogs of 2008 has the recipe);just after 8:00 am; and it is nice to have freshly baked goodies; plus the comforting smell of home baking! Alan was wondering whether 'I had lost it!' (baking at that time of day?) LOL! My comment was 'once in a blue moon!' LOL!
We now have some more appointments; but will be back in a bittidz.
God Bless.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Keep on trekking!
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