Monday, 2 February 2009

Monday morning with Daffodils!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Thank goodness for coffee! This morning, I am extra appreciative of my 'elixir'; which thankfully, Alan pre-made the night before; so that at a push of a button, the coffee is ready to 'perk!' The coffee tastes all the more 'special!' Thank you Alan!

We have a full day today; with challenges as well. We are simply leaving it up to Him to Show us a way; and to Provide Solution. To tell you the truth, we are a bit weary with all our past and recent efforts; however, we must continue to have FAITH and RELY on Him; and go with 'His Flow'.

Wanted to share that in my last post, I made a few tid changes; as I did not like how I 'worded' my tidbit thoughts re: Joyce Meyer's ('Enjoying Everyday Life') message yesterday. They were not as appropriately 'explained', as I would have wished to you. As I mentioned, I am happy to give a few of my tidbitz; however, it honestly is best for all those who want to genuinely know more about Jesus Christ, to simply tune into her program / website. ( for the accurate bittidz.

Also wanted to say that we really appreciate all ministerial programs appearing on the T.V. Vision Channel on Sundays (in our case, we watch our three programs on Sunday) and during the weeknights. There are wonderful learning resources they provide; and when we are in a better 'cash flow', we will cheerfully give them a bittid of financial resources. Right now though, we are simply doing our best to 'hang in there' and continue having a 'confident and joyful calm'.

Re: 'Hour of Power' with Dr. Schuller Snr; it is refreshing that he has invited different guest speakers; all of whom have been very inspirational! Apparently, they enjoy giving of their time (for free) and it is uplifting to hear their stories. I have empathy for both Dr. Schuller Snr and for his son; inasmuch, it would appear that they have had a 'parting of the ways'. I Pray they have 'reconciled' their differences; and / or at least, are being Guided to work towards a forgiveness and a win/win Solution for them both. God made us all unique; thus we are all very 'special' to Him; He LOVES US UNCONDITIONALLY, WITH WARTS AND ALL. Jesus has FORGIVEN US FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL! How grand is that!!! Once again, please feel free to 'check in' the 'Hour of Power' (

Will be writing a post sharing some tidbit thoughts from 'Living Truth' a bittid later. As some of you may already know, Charles Price is a World Reknown International Bible Teacher; however, for quick and easy access, here again, is his website: Christ encourages us to: 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

The Super Bowl, was indeed an awesome and close game! Alan was saying it was the best Super Bowl game he has seen! Congratulations to both teams; and to the Steelers.

Today is 'Groundhog Day'; looks like winter is going to last for a tidbitz longer. Also, here is the picture of the daffodils that Alan surprised me with yesterday! They were not in bittidz bloom then; eventhough, I was sorely tempted to have taken a photo of them at the time.

Also, the picture of 'One Day at a Time', is a card that a dear friend gave me back in the late fall of 2000, when I experienced a personal tragedy and pneumonia. She was / is a wonderful friend; and I put that 'treasured' card in a frame; and its beautiful message has always remained with me. In 2000, I was not in a real relationship with Christ, and 'Lila' was / is a Christian. In her gentle way, she enlightened me; and yet it was Alan in 2002, who witnessed to me and helped me to genuinely accept Jesus into my heart. Christ wants each of us to live 'one day at a time'; to be joyful; to appreciate His Blessings; and NOT to be anxious, fearful, confused, doubtful etc, as He has already 'OVERCOME' the World.

Until next post.

Peace and God Bless.

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