Thursday, 19 February 2009

Pay it Forward!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The good thing is, there is always a 'dawn'; regardless of what has been happening in your lives. This morning, I heard appreciatively the tidbit singsong of the robins, as well as being Blessed with another day of blue skies and sunshine! Must say, that good weather always helps gives one a bittid cheer! Also, 'Praise Him In All Things'; and just 'let go' of whatever your burdens are; and 'let' Him Direct your path and 'leave it all' to Him to Provide Solution.

That is pretty much what we are doing, each day! Robert Schuller Jr says "When you are down to nothing, you know He is up to something!" He means that God is up to something good for you! Alan and I are taking solace in those words of comfort; because of our 'experiences'. We had a 'day from hell' yesterday; however, we know there are tid 'tests'; and the evil one does not want any of us to succeed; thus he handicaps you as best as he can. You can rest assured, he knows about the 'End Times' (Revelation, the last Book in the Bible); and what ultimately will happen to him. As Christ says: 'Fear Not, for I have Overcome the world'. We are THANKFUL for those wonderful words! By the way, I hope Robert Schuller is alive and well! He has much to offer, as does his Dad, Dr. Robert Schuller; they each have their own 'specialness' and unique gifts!

Our day yesterday, leaves me shaking my bit head; as the conduct and attitude is foreign and unthinkable to me (and Alan). Talk about avarice, greed, piety, hate, the whole 9 yards! Eventhough, we have been 'confronted' with 'stuff', fortunately, it is not up to us to make the final judgement ('Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged'); rather I am asking Him to help me FORGIVE the various individuals involved, and to have COMPASSION for them instead. Not easy to do; and yet we must! Am also Praying to Him that He will 'touch their hearts'.

Am sharing this with you, in the event that some of you are 'having your moments'. As Joyce Meyer so beautifully illustrates her insights: 'Decide to be happy. Serve Him with Gladness. Go to the Party! Enjoy your life!'

Will be sharing a tidbitz about 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -, 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -, and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - within the next few days before Sunday is here again! However, it is important to behave as if the other days of the week, are a 'Sunday'. 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'. 'Love thy neighbour, as thyself'.

As a bittidz, if you live your life, one day at a time, making a conscious decision to put your TRUST totally into Christ, to be joyfully and graciously grateful for your daily Blessings, plus 'keeping things simple', you are better equipped to enjoy many moments of each day!

As per yesterday's post, I would like to 'award' some fellow bloggers; 'Pay / blog it forward'. I am going to refer to the list of 'Other Blogs'; as our computer appears to not be accepting the links? Feel free, to 'jump in' with some halp (still learning the ropes), if you wish! Am copying again, the 'quoted' passage as well as the photo from yesterday for easy reference for you. A BIG Thank you to ALL bloggers!

"Thank you again, Kris (Ladies of the House!) for the award you gave me, along with your kind comments in my post of February 15th. As mentioned also, you can check out Kris' blog; listed under 'Other Blogs'. She writes an exceptional blog, with breathtaking photos of scenic Alaska, where she, her husband and family currently live.

When there is more tid time, I will also 'pay / blog it forward'; ie awarding a few blogsites, that methinks are worthy, fun, and interesting! Am not sure how to add the blogsites insert link in blue to the post content; however, will attempt again at a later time. My good friend, Cathy, patiently explained to me how to do it; however, for some bit reason, our computer does not permit me to do this? Hmmmm. So, please bear with me; and it may be, that I may just have to refer to my list of "other Blogs'. Nonetheless, here are the bittid details!

The details of blogs chosen for this award:

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind
bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested
in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons
of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.

Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award
to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this
cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”!

The above is an encouraging tidbit idea for appreciating blogs of others! Thanks again, Kris!"

God Bless.

Here they are; some are more 'active' than others; and I appreciate them all! However, here are a few! You can refer to my 'Other blogs' list to simply connect, 'click onto' their blogs, their stories, thoughts, and insights. 'Thought & Humour!', 'Band-aids requested!', 'Buttercupelffly', 'Brisbane Pod', and 'Cathy's blog'. Not wishing to leave out either 'Admin' or 'Monty's blog'. Why not? Afterall, it is about helping each other; and 'Paying It Forward!' Now, I just have to let them know that they are 'recipients!' LOL!

Speaking of 'Paying it Forward'; I loved the movie; eventhough there was some sadness; however, the world was further enriched and enlightened by the courageous steps taken!

Have to go and attend to some matters. Hope you all have a great day! Until anon!

God Bless.

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