Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Always best to get a second opinion!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Later last night, two ambulances arrived - it was for our neighbour, 'Maureen'. Both ambulances answered the 'distress call'; and were pronto on the spot! 'Better safe than sorry', as the tid expression goes.

Alan just came in from taking Blue for his morning walk (in the pouring rain, dark cloudy day) and thought he would do his daily 'check in' (as he said would) to 'Maureen's' house. Last night the curtains were pulled close and lit lights everywhere in the house; whereas this morning the curtains are open and lights turned off. The 'temporary' caregiver (who called the ambulance) must have returned back to the house for the night.

Meanwhile, 'Maureen's daughter had just arrived from out of town, and gave Alan a bit of news. Turns out that last night, 'Maureen' was having 'heart palpitations'; which would explain the oxygen mask to her face last night, when she was wheeled to the waiting ambulances. She ended up 'flatlining' in the ER. She was given a 'temporary' pacemaker; and today, she will receive a pacemaker. Apparently, the 'seizures' were ' mini heart attacks'. Can you believe that!

Alan had suggested to 'Maureen', that maybe she should get a 'second opinion'; well she finally had to! She had been relying on her own doctor (which is fine); however, a 'second opinion' is always reassuring; and particularly with what just 'went down.' All we can say is, 'Thank God'. We will continue to say Intercessary Prayers for her; and we have plenty of soup waiting for her, upon her return; well, within reason, when she is more up to food intake. Perhaps a homemade broth might be better for her. If you wish, you can refer to my recent posts - ie. February 21st, 'Appreciating your neighbours and homemade soup!' for a tidbitz of background etc.

Tidbit - 'Good neighbours make good fences'. That is true to a degree; however, it is just as important to 'take that first step' and meet your neighbours. You just never know; and in this case, we are thankful that 'Maureen' and ourselves made the effort to get to know each other. Alan was on the 'on call' list; hence we were available, if needed.

Bittid - Never be afraid and / or intimidated to 'ask for a second opinion'; particularly when it concerns your well being, and life threatening health issues.

Have to attend to some bittidz; yet I felt I had to share this sobering piece of tidbitz with you. Who knows when your life or someone else's, might be saved from seeking out a 'second opinion', or a 'third' one for that matter! It may be the same news; and yet, you have nothing to lose; and all to gain, if 'another' opinion is the more accurate one. In this case, where it involves 'the matter of the heart'.

Love the above photo image of a beautiful pink Queen Elizabeth climing rose. If you wish a bit of info, you can refer to my posts of April 30/07 & April 30/08; which is a tidbit Tribute to my Dad, as well as sharing a bittid about the Queen Elixabeth Rose. We are Blessed that we have two such climbing rose bushes in our tid garden / patio; and we are looking forward to seeing their first blooms of Spring!

God Bless.

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