Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We have experienced a really nice Saturday! We were up and out early, doing our banking, followed by purchasing the 'winning lotto ticket' (You have a chance to win, if you have a ticket!), and then our Costco shopping. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we had recently received a Costco Rebate Coupon; and that was a nice PR marketing touch from them. We feel today's Costco supplies will sustain us for most of next month.
With all the financial woes around the world, we are doing our daily best to remain upbeat and maintain a 'holding' mode. We took our calculator (One of those large ones, perhaps you have one! LOL! However, they work, and are much nicer on the tid eyes!) with us and it was a very beneficial guide for our outlay of expenses. We will do that from now on; because it is so easy to spend at wonderful Costco! We enjoyed perusing and carefully choosing our thrifty 'vittles'. We are joyful that 1) there is sufficient food in the larder, fridge, and freezer; and 2) a variety of 'creations' to 'stretch' into multiple meals. Besides, you end up being all the more appreciative of your Blessings!
Alan read in the morning paper that the economic climate should stabilize within the latter half of 2009; we are also hopeful of that occurence. Methinks that tidbitz type of news (POSITIVE GOOD news!) is the contagious message we want to encourage and spread throughout the world! For those of you, who may be feeling a bittidz 'down' etc, please feel free to refer to my February 26th post, 'Be Still'; it may help a bit.
Tidbit - Regardless of your circumstances, you still need to eat; otherwise you are of no use to yourself and / or to others. Therefore, set aside enough resources (even if meagre) for your food needs first. Place your TRUST in HIM, and He Will Help you through your struggles; and so forth. 'He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT'.
Bittid - He wants us to be joyful, and thankfully enjoying each day! Leave it ALL to Him!
Am going to go and finish the rest of the 'housework', I was eluding to yesterday! LOL! Love the vivid and healthy photo image, that I have enjoyed portraying in some of my earlier posts. Methinks of warm seasons and fresh produce! The wonderful thing with soups is, you can enjoy them hot or cold, with a tid dab of sour cream and / or herb seasonings; whatever pleases your bit palate! Mmmmmm!
Here is wishing you a peaceful and joyful weekend! Bon Appetit!
Peace and God Bless.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
A calulator can save you money, when you shop!
Friday, 27 February 2009
'Stick with it!'
Good Evening,
It has been a full day, thus far! Managed to get the vacuuming done; and what a difference that makes on the carpets! The 'before and after' look! 'Spring has sprung indoors! LOL! Just taking a 'breather' and will finish the remaining tasks tomorrow.
Our wonderful Blue Heeler, 'Blue', 'sheds', and it so very easy for his hair to accumulate throughout our house; and in the strangest of places! Those of you who have animals that shed, am sure you can relate! Also, Alan chopped up some more of the 'found firewood'; and now the fireplace is squeaky clean and ready for use! Blue is also going to get a bath this weekend; Alan will wash him in the shower; as it is high time to take care of 'a bad hair day'. This should be an interesting adventure; as we have never given our Blue a bath. When he goes to 'doggy camp' (once 'in a blue moon'; ie when we are going away, and where doggies alas, are not allowed!), he receives a bath; and apparently, he loves it!
We are still working on our 'pet' project; and we can do no more til Monday; as most people have left for the weekend. In the bit meantime, we are ever hopeful that the 'quality option' that was presented to us yesterday, may happen over the weekend. If not, we are going to keep on trekking, as best as we can. Also, we have contacted the same 'group' (you can refer to yesterday's post, 'Be Still' for tid data, if you wish) that gave us the disappointing news. We firmly believe there is still a way; now albeit from a different business perspective.
We are totally thankful it is the weekend; and we are going to enjoy a 'creative' pizza tonight. The 'Delicios'(sp?) brand is excellent; and we will have some fun adding bits and tids here and there to produce a magnifico pizza! Plus a glass of South African red wine; and that is it!
Tomorrow we will be taking a trip to Costco; they really do have great tidbitz savings! We also received a rebate coupon; and that is hugely appreciated by us! This could not arrived at a better time!
Tidbit - Take reflective and appreciative stock of your Blessings, and keep things simple!
Bittid - Know when to 'take time out'. Particularly, if you have experienced mounting 'stresses'. Just Ask Him to take away your Burdens, and to uplift you. Amazing what transpires!
I love the above photo that I took of Blue, this past summmer; and he is playfully 'tenacious' with his 'Blue Heeler' love of sticks. Methinks, 'Stick with it!' Regardless of obstacles / circumstances, never give up on your dreams. Or at bittidz least, 'retweaque' your goals / visions to produce more fruitful results.
Peace, Good Night, and God Bless.
Enjoying each day!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Here we are at Friday again; just like that! It has been a 'mixed bag' for this week; and my post of February 22nd, 'A calm, restful, and joyful Sunday!' has quite a few tidbits to offer, for your information. Methinks, that we should live every day of the week, as if it were a Sunday. ie in our behaviour, attitude, and conduct. Life would be a lot simpler and more enjoyable!
Wanted to make reference to 'Hour of Power'; re; the 2 guest speakers that Dr. Robert Schuller had on the program. Bill Dallas was in the San Quentin prison for 2.5 years; had had quite the life, made a few bad decisions; and he has written a book as a tribute. 'Lessons from San Quentin', which ultimately I will read and add to our bookshelf, and give to someone else to read at the appropriate moment. He says 'that everything he needed to learn about life, is in this book'. Bill Dallas had been encouraged by 'The Possiblility Institute' / thinking by Dr. Robert Schuller, as well as being introduced into a group of 'Young Lifers' (murderers, the whole 9 yards); and that was when he accepted Jesus Christ into his heart. He served his time, is now married, and his life is 'back on track'. It is never too late! He also brought two of his 'brothers' with him to 'Hour of Power'. Am sure their lives have been further enriched as well, as mine.
Also, Bridgette Bentley sang; wonderful gifted voice! There is nothing like a bit of music to brighten your day, methinks! So good for the soul!
The second speaker was Bishop Charles E. Blake; and he and Dr. Schuller have been friends for thirty nine years! That is a long time; and good on them! That is what makes for extra 'special and wonderful friendships'. I had made reference to his teachings about OVERCOMING negatives -ie. circumstances, emotions (February 22nd post). Best if you read about him in for yourselves, to receive the full benefit or perhaps his website. He is the Pastor of Church of God, in West Angeles.
Also, here are some passages from the Bible (referred to in 'Hour of Power;), that you might like to refer to:
Psalm 18:1-6; Proverbs 18:14; Psalm 46: 1 & 2; Romans 8:28; Peter 5:7; Jeremiah 33;3; Isaiah 40: 25,29-31. I LOVE that last verse: "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
'Enjoying Everyday Life', with Joyce Meyer is also 'special'. Made mention of what it takes to put on a program; as also, per my February 22nd post. There is a lot of work behind the scenes; and yet what an invigorating event, when it all comes together! He wants us all to ENJOY our lives; and, as Joyce says, "I'm going to the Party!". (I'm with her!). Why be constantly depressed, down, etc. When you tune into her - you will enjoy a greater understanding and appreciation for her invaluable insights, that in turn, will enlighten you.
'Living Truth' with Charles Price, Alan and I shared some bittids in the same February 22nd post; which once again, best to do your own due diligence and check out for clarity and knowledge. Here are some passages from the Bible for you to take a look at, if you wish. Ephesians 4: 7-8 & 11-16; Exodus 4:10-13; Jeremiah 1:15; Galatians 1:15; and Book of Acts. Charles referred to them, when he was sharing his message.
Am looking forward to the weekend; and I always LOVE watching and listening to the Vision Channel on Sunday. Hope this gives you all a tid of encouragement; particularly during these tougher times. This morning is gorgeous; sunshine and not a cloud in the bright blue sky! Chilly yes; but a refreshing morning!
Was up a few times during the night; was not feeling my bittidz best; so had a slower start this morning. Alan is working on our other option (you can refer to yesterday's post, if you wish a tidbitz). However, am about to go and cheerfully do the overdue vacumming, dusting, and 'shine up' the bathrooms. Nothing like having a clean house!
I love the above photo image; and its inspiring message! The daffodils and tulips are bursting forth; and eventhough we had snow yesterday, methinks Spring will be here soon! We have much to be thankful for; and 'Praise Him In All Things'.
Will keep you posted of any tids and bits. Here is wishing you a nice Friday and weekend!
Peace and God Bless.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Be Still
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today we received the news we had been hopeful of. 'Apparently', we do not fit their 'mandate'; it is 'outside' of their 'parameters.' They are reticent to help, as we (our business) does not fit as comfortably as their formula dictates. However, they will assist us, under very specific terms (that will be very difficult to attain).
We are going to keep on trekking; because we believe that He has a Purpose for all of this.
Have to share that all this goes back to the greed of the CEOs' of banks (their bonuses) and various financial / mortgage institutions. It is not new news to any of us. Methinks humbly, that all those that 'partook', should return / 'reinvest' the funds back into the system, to stimulate the economy. We, like most people, have been 'prisoners' of the credit freeze /crunch; and by the banks now not trusting each other, whoops. Downhill slope, folks. Even with the money given to the banks for the sole purpose to revitalize and stabilize our economy, it is not happening. Instead, the banks are 'hoarding the funds' and 'sitting on it'; to improve their 'bottom line'. Well, if the banks are our friends, who needs enemies! At the moment, they are more of a hindrance than a help.
We have a new quality option that has 'just shown up'; so we will be continuing to follow His Instruction to Live Moment by Moment. Regardless of the 'ups and downs of life', we must move forward in our Walk with Him and Relying on Him 'Allways'.
Thought I would give you a tid update; and may it be a bit of encouragement to those of you, who are experiencing the same.
We have two lovely Prayers in our downstairs bathroom with the following special messages.
"Trust in the Lord
with all your heart
and lean not unto your
own understanding.
In all ways
acknowledge Him and
He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:5-6"
"Be still
and know
that I
am God.
Psalm 46:10"
Will say that after the early morning 'news', I felt a bittid discouraged, dismayed, and even 'stunned' by their response. However, we received another phone call,'out of the blue' (the new quality option!), shortly after we said out loud together, 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. We also Prayed and reaffirmed all the more, our TRUST in Him to Provide the Solution. Ultimately, when I was in the bath, I 'heard' the thoughts, "BE STILL. I WILL NOT FORSAKE YOU". That gave / gives me a tidbit of comfort and a calm; and to just 'leave everything to Him'.
We also received word about our neighbour 'Marueen'; she is presently being fitted with a permanent pacemaker, and the plan is, she will be coming home tomorrow afternoon. Thank goodness and Thank God! Also, we will be 'creating' some more soup for her lardeur, as well as ours!
We woke up to a bittidz of snow this morning; what a tidbitz surprise! As it is a very chilly day, even with the sun shining, am going to enjoy a nice cosy fire of the 'found wood' (from the lane), that Alan has just made! Also, to appreciatively Reflect and Thank Him for all our Blessings. I LOVE the above photo image of 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.
God Bless.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Always best to get a second opinion!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Later last night, two ambulances arrived - it was for our neighbour, 'Maureen'. Both ambulances answered the 'distress call'; and were pronto on the spot! 'Better safe than sorry', as the tid expression goes.
Alan just came in from taking Blue for his morning walk (in the pouring rain, dark cloudy day) and thought he would do his daily 'check in' (as he said would) to 'Maureen's' house. Last night the curtains were pulled close and lit lights everywhere in the house; whereas this morning the curtains are open and lights turned off. The 'temporary' caregiver (who called the ambulance) must have returned back to the house for the night.
Meanwhile, 'Maureen's daughter had just arrived from out of town, and gave Alan a bit of news. Turns out that last night, 'Maureen' was having 'heart palpitations'; which would explain the oxygen mask to her face last night, when she was wheeled to the waiting ambulances. She ended up 'flatlining' in the ER. She was given a 'temporary' pacemaker; and today, she will receive a pacemaker. Apparently, the 'seizures' were ' mini heart attacks'. Can you believe that!
Alan had suggested to 'Maureen', that maybe she should get a 'second opinion'; well she finally had to! She had been relying on her own doctor (which is fine); however, a 'second opinion' is always reassuring; and particularly with what just 'went down.' All we can say is, 'Thank God'. We will continue to say Intercessary Prayers for her; and we have plenty of soup waiting for her, upon her return; well, within reason, when she is more up to food intake. Perhaps a homemade broth might be better for her. If you wish, you can refer to my recent posts - ie. February 21st, 'Appreciating your neighbours and homemade soup!' for a tidbitz of background etc.
Tidbit - 'Good neighbours make good fences'. That is true to a degree; however, it is just as important to 'take that first step' and meet your neighbours. You just never know; and in this case, we are thankful that 'Maureen' and ourselves made the effort to get to know each other. Alan was on the 'on call' list; hence we were available, if needed.
Bittid - Never be afraid and / or intimidated to 'ask for a second opinion'; particularly when it concerns your well being, and life threatening health issues.
Have to attend to some bittidz; yet I felt I had to share this sobering piece of tidbitz with you. Who knows when your life or someone else's, might be saved from seeking out a 'second opinion', or a 'third' one for that matter! It may be the same news; and yet, you have nothing to lose; and all to gain, if 'another' opinion is the more accurate one. In this case, where it involves 'the matter of the heart'.
Love the above photo image of a beautiful pink Queen Elizabeth climing rose. If you wish a bit of info, you can refer to my posts of April 30/07 & April 30/08; which is a tidbit Tribute to my Dad, as well as sharing a bittid about the Queen Elixabeth Rose. We are Blessed that we have two such climbing rose bushes in our tid garden / patio; and we are looking forward to seeing their first blooms of Spring!
God Bless.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Soaring with hope!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
This morning is pouring with rain; a good day to stay indoors! I very rarely get headaches; however, I have had a bit of a 'nagging' headache for about a day and a half; and finally took an Acetaminophen last night for it. I hardly take medication, unless absolutely necessary. 'Well' (there is at that 'well' word again - you can refer to my post of June 13/07 if you wish a tid of background) I slept in (first time in a long time!); pills seem to have that effect on me.
The ringing of our doorbell was the alarm clock for us all; both Alan and Blue were also sound asleep. Typical! ie. When we sleep in (once in a blue moon), our doorbell rings or whatever. Am sure you can relate. We immediately thought it might be our unwell neighbour 'Maureen' (you can refer to yesterday's post); fortunately it was not. Another member who has been the Strata Council President, is resigning after 25 years; so there was a huge card that is needful to be signed by all of us as a 'thank you'. Inasmuch as my eyes were barely open, ('buggy eyed', comes to mind) it was, I am sure a most interesting comment / signature! LOL! Oh well, it is the thought that counts!
Writing of our unwell neighbour, 'Maureen', she returned home last night; so Alan took over 'Al's Soup' both for her and her son, who was helping her. As of this morning, there are a couple of nurses, who are monitoring Maureen on a daily basis (9 til 9) re: the frequency and duration of her 'seizures'. The doctors are not even sure what she has; however, it is good that there is someone there with her; if nothing else, for a 'peace of mind'. Alan will be checking in with her, everyday as well.
It is a part of life; that we all age and ultimately pass away. Methinks, that with 'Maueen', and 'David' ( wrote about him in an earlier post; he lives down the way; and has less than a year to live; as he is ridden with cancer), life is but a brief moment; hence we should be thankful for each precious day. We are the youngest ones in here; as most of the people living here, are old enough to be our parents. There are a few sets of neighbours who are about 15 years older than us; however, we appreciate and enjoy them all!
Mentioned in an earlier post, that this complex, was where my parents lived; and it was simpler for us to move in to their townhouse, rather than to sell it. My Mum and her wonderful caregiver lived here; and we know that my Mum is happy that we moved here. We did a tidbitz of necessary renovations; and we still have more to do; however, when the economy stabilizes. Eventhough, we had 'downsized' to a wonderful apt, that was our previous residence (we loved it!), it was a bittid too small. Here, there is a second bedroom and it is just a tidbit larger; which is great for us! Not too big; and not too small.
Over this past weekend, apart from the tale of the cultured pearls (see recent posts - 'Grit and perserverance' of February 20th & 'Memories!' of February 22nd), I 'revisted' / admired the jewellry from my Mum; and she had / has some lovely pieces; which I always wear with joy! Have to share, I did feel a bittidz of nostalgia; when I was remembering her and her full life. However, as I said in the 'Bittid' - 'Appreciate past memories with warmth and joy!'
This may be of a bit of comfort to you, from Isaiah 40: 31. "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." In 'Hour of Power'(this past Sunday), one of the eloquent guest speakers, Bishop Charles Blake, referred to that awesome passage in the Bible. Will share a tid within the next a day or two.
We have placed all our Trust in the Lord; and we are 'waiting' for Him to Provide Solution. (You can refer to my post of February 20th, 'Grit and perserverance' for a bit of 'grit' if you wish).
Love the above photo image of the majestic eagle! Must go now, to attend to some tidbitz. Have been extra appreciative of my cups of coffee (in my favourite mug!). Will take a picture of that mug, and post it when I return in a bittidz. Will also keep you posted on 'things'.
Have a GOOD one!
God Bless.
Monday, 23 February 2009
Recipes for positive food for thought!
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Thought I would share that our neighbour, 'Maureen' has gone into hospital just a short while ago. It appears as if she is going 'downhill' quite rapidly; however, at least, she will be 'under observation' as to what her situation is? The first go around of the medication she received, caused her 'more harm than good'; and now the second 'modified' medication, is ??? as well. A tidbitz frightening; with the concern that she may be worse off than previously?
We are in the process of 'waiting' for news on our project; and doing our bittidz best in being patient, calm, confident, and joyful all at once. It is hard to do; and yet I now, as I type, refer to Psalm 18, verse 2: 'The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower'.
Glad Alan made a whole bunch of soup; 'Maureen' loved it; and called us later in the evening to thank us and also for the 'recipe!' Here is Praying too, that 'Maureen' will be home before too long, and that we can give her some TLC soup. For a futher bit of background, you may wish to refer to my February 21st post, 'Appreciating your neighbours and homemade soup!' It would appear tha 'Al's soup' has taken on 'a life of its own!' What is wonderful about homemade soups, is that you can just keeping adding 'more and more', hence 'creating' several tasty meals to go around!
"Al's Soup
2 chunky soups (meat & vegetable - already prepared)
1 can of water
1 small can of corn
4 medium sized potatoes cut into small pieces (cook separately)
1/2 cup fresh carrots chopped
1 TBSP lea & Perrins Worchestershire Sauce
1 TBSP Maggi
1 tsp dry 'Colonel Mustard'
1 TBSP 'Bisto' (mix in hot water)
1/2 tsp Tabasco
Oregano, Rosemary, Marjoram, Sweet Basil, some seasoning, salt & pepper.
My tidbit on 'Al's Soup' (delicious!) The potatoes should be cooked separately only to soften them a bittidz, so when added to the pot, they are somewhat cooked! That helps! Also, 'Colonel Mustard' knows what he is doing; provides excellent flavouring. LOL! The herbs are from our garden; which made 'Al's Soup', 'extra special!' Nothing like appreciating and enjoying your own home grown produce!"
My post of September 28 / 08, 'A glorious Sunday 'Indian Summer' Afternoon!' (love that beautiful 'golden' photo image) has a few tidbits; including recipes for 'Al's Soup' and a delicious 'Apple Crisp'. You can substitute whatever ingredients for the soup and the baked dessert you wish! A great economic way of utilizing 'left over bittids'. ie, Chicken, seafood, other veggies, for the soup; canned / fresh or other fruit for the dessert; whatever is in your larder / cupboards to use up! My Mum always expressed the sage saying, 'Waste not, want not'.
Hope to be back a bit later today; if not, tomorrow.
Here is wishing you a good start to the week; and perhaps some of you might enjoy 'creating' savoury soups, yummy apple crisps, whatever can be 'pressed into service' to provide 'extra' meals on your tables! Be it for yourelves and / or for others!
Love the above photo image, with the awesome message! It is said, 'that LOVE makes the world go around!' Will add a tid, that a good recipe helps too! LOL!
Love, Peace, and God Bless.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Here are some tid pictures of the 'cultured Chinese pearls' as mentioned in my February 20th post, 'Grit and perserverance'. Eventhough, this is a simple enough digital camera, it does have its unique 'bells and whistles' and with practice and greater understanding, I will learn how to take better bittid photos! In my head and my heart, methinks I know what makes a good photo; it is just a bit matter, however, of learning how to use it!
The two sets of cultured pearl earrings came from the first mentioned factory, in an exceedingly beautiful house, on an exquisite lake in Hangzow, China. I can picture it all in my mind; as if it were yesterday! The pearls came from this particular lake; and the bracelet and necklace came from another factory in another Province in China. I always receive such a 'happy' feeling from seeing and wearing these lovely pieces!
Tonight is the 'Academy Awards'; and I will wear the jewellry and enjoy! Also today is the date (February 22nd) that my first husband and I married; and eventhough, 'things' did not work out between us, I am forever grateful, that we were / are Blessed with children; hence two grandchildren (thus far!) LOL! There is always 'a silver lining!' Alan, alas, did not have children in his first marriage; however, he is 'Grandpa Al' to my daughter's twin boys. We are 'young' grandparents; and we look forward to enjoying our grandsons and perhaps other grandchildren over the years!
Should add, that I travelled to China with my ex boyfriend of many years; and if it was not for his enthusiastic zeal to see China, I would not have gained an appreciation for the parts of China we saw; let alone to have visited China. We went with another couple; and we were protectively 'cloistered' in a large 'tour' group; and inasmuch as we were the 'foreigners', this made sense; because we were the 'foreigners'. Another time, I will post a tidbit picture of the wonderful colorful hand made vest I was given (yes given!) when we were in Kuming. Apparently, when you smile, you invite 'those' eager to sell you their wares, all the more! It was very hard for me, not to smile back at 'these' people, who kept smiling at me! At any rate, I was told by our Chinese tour guide to 'ignore' them; and then I would be left alone! 'Well', 'they' felt they wanted to 'give' me 'something'; and it turned out to be the vest (reminds me of Joseph's coat of many colours; albeit on a much smaller scale!). Apparently, 'they' did not want me to leave without a 'gift' from 'them', and they literally 'pursued' me up the narrow climbing paths of the high 'cliffs', until I finally accepted their 'gift'. So, to this day, every time I wear this extraordinary vest, I say a heartfelt 'thank you' to 'those' (who were extremely poor) who gave me such a 'gift from their hearts!'. I wear this vest a lot; and it always brings a heartfelt smile to my face. Apparently, that was a most 'unusual' circumstance, according to our tour guide.
Tidbit - 'The true gift, is the gift from the heart!
Bittid - Appreciate past memories with warmth and joy!
Have to go; the 'Red Carpet' Ceremony of the Academy Awards is about to begin!
Bye for now!
God Bless.
A calm, restful, and joyful Sunday!
Good Afternoon or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
What a surprise today! Thought we would be greeted again by the wonderful weather we have been receiving for the last tid while. Instead, it is pouring with rain! However, any remaining bits of snow, have now been completely 'washed away'; I can look at it that way! Also, will look forward to a wonderful fire this afternoon!
Embraced the Vision Channel this morning; and it is as if all bittidz 'worries' have been 'washed away!' eg. Hugely appreciated 'Hour of Power'; and the encouraging wisdom given by the two guest speakers, introduced by Dr. Robert Schuller. ie. How you can overcome negative circumstances and negative emotions! NO COINCIDENCES HERE! Gained an epiphany!!! (If you wish, you can refer to my recent posts to validate 'no coincidences!') WOW! Will share a tidbitz re: the two speakers; however, I encourage you to EMPOWER yourselves with 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' Him, and check out Dr. Robert Schuller's website!!!
On a more personal note, I am glad that Dr. Schuller is inviting some wonderful people to share their 'special' stories, on the 'Hour of Power'. As mentioned in a recent post, my thoughts and Prayers also go to his son, Robert Schuller; and both Alan and I Pray all is well with him. Actually, I will Pray an Intercessary Prayer for them both.
Also 'Enjoying Everyday Life', (Joyce Meyer -, shows what goes into the well thought out production / major set up / lots behind the scenes / the many happy volunteer spiritual network / awesome teamwork that is involved to put on incredible Joyce Meyer Conferences. WOW! It is good to watch on T.V.; however, when you are actually THERE IN PERSON (Conferences are FREE to attend!), you gain so much more. ie 'A wonderful vacation with God!' One of my future hopes, is to treat my daughter to a 'Mum and daughter vacation'. This would include participating in a Joyce Meyer Conference, as well as combining a 'holiday' in the same warm climate / lcoation! LOL!
'Living Truth' (Charles Price - is also excellent; and again, best to check into his insightful teachings for your best understanding. We have all been given 'Gifts'; it is a matter of recognizing them and putting our 'natural' abilities to Spiritual use. Our disabilities and / or weaknesses we need to recognize as benefits as well. We must not be afraid to make mistakes; just keep on trying. Charles is sharing what is needed to make a static Church Effective. ie. Alan eloquently provides a 'gem' TIDBIT - "Our 'Gifts' that are Given to us by Him, are part of a collective; so that all of us can work in unison for His Total Purpose. Which is, to work together in His Church, His Body, to continue to share the Message of the Good News."
Another BITTID 'pearl' from Alan and a thank you to him! - "We should never forget that we are taught and told that He KNEW of us before the beginning of the Foundation of the Universe; and He LOVES us unconditionally in all regards, 'warts and all.' He can use our 'warts' for His Purpose. Also to teach us, to appreciate our weaknesses; which, He can turn into successes, again to Enhance and Grow His Church."
In a bit, I will post pictures of the cultured pearls, that I made tid mention of in my February 20th post of 'Grit and perserverance'.
Speaking of 'grit'; the Canucks displayed 'grit' in their close game last night with the Maple Leafs; with Matts Sundin providing the 'winning goal' in the Overtime Shootout. The shot looked so effortless; Matts, indeed, has been Blessed with a wonderful Gift. Also, he spoke diplomatically of his ex team. Methinks, he provides encouragement and tids of uplift! It is just as important to win graciously.
In all of these interviews in these past weeks, Matt has stated that he chose Vancouver, because he believes it can go deep into the playoffs. He is hopeful that if he decides to play next year, he wants to stay with the Canucks.
Hope you are enjoying a nice R & R Sunday! I LOVE the above photo image; and guess what! I discovered only NOW - 'pearl wilder at hearts door' as the caption beneath the picture. No bit Coincidence whatosever! WOW! Is all I can say or write! LOL! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'
Peace be with you, and God Bless.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Appreciating your neighbours and homemade soup!
Good Evening,
Returned home a short while ago, from doing our tidbitz errands; and last but not least, took our Blue for his annual shots & checkup at the Vet's. There was a new vet there; and she was wonderful! Very low key and she masterfully put our young 'pup' of four years, at ease on the examining table. Health wise, he passed with 'flying colours'; and it is possible that he may feel a tid punky over the weekend.
We are presently watching the hockey game; and Blue is being a 'watchdog' alertly sitting by the window! LOL! Later, he will be happily snuggling up on our loveseat /chesterfield. Am glad to say that Matt Sundin received a 'standing ovation' from the crowd and from his ex team mates! The Leafs scored a goal; and since there is a 'break' now until the second period, thought I would just write a quick bittidz!
We also helped out our neighbour; am relieved she took us at our word to call us, whenever in need. She has just recently been diagnosed with epilepsy; and alas, the medication she was given, was doing her more harm than good. However, she is now on another type of medication; and it appears that things have settled down a bit. She graciously gave us $20.00 as a 'thank you' (it was no trouble for us to help her); however, she wanted to do that; and in turn, it helped us with extra 'grocery' provisions.
Alan is currently creating his delicious large batch of soup (smells so good!); and we will give 'Maureen' enough for a few meals! We bought some 'stew beef' on sale; and the tasty soup has 'everything in it, except for the kitchen sink!' LOL! Good way of 'stretching' the meals! Now that I think about it, we give soup away to some of our other neighbours; and everyone is 'extra' appreciative, particularly during these turbulent times! 'Maureen' called us the 'Good Samaritans' of our neighbourhood; I thanked for her kind compliment, and joyfully added: 'It takes one to know one!' She beamed and said, "A friend in need, is a friend indeed!"
Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'. 'Love thy neighbour as thyself'.
Bittid - 'What goes around, comes around'.
Love the photo image of the beef and vegetable soup! It almost resembles a stew; very similar to Alan's thick meaty soup. The tid biscuits look very appetizing as well! Reminds me of the ones the White Spot used to make! Methinks I am hungrier than I thought! LOL! The hockey game has begun again; must go and cheer on our team! May be back in a bit; if not, tomorrow!
Here is wishing you a nice evening. We are 'extra' appreciative for being home tonight!
Peace and God Bless.
Overcoming obstacles
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Another magnificent morning! Am glad it is Saturday; just 'because'. Also my 'elixir' (coffee) is wonderfully hitting the spot! Methinks with all the events of this past week, it is refreshing to have a 'bit of a breather'. We will appreciate our gracious Blessings all the more, and will reflect / recharge at the same time.
On an upbeat note, the February 19th meeting between our Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and President Obama went very well; and methinks things got off to a solid start towards building a better future, both at home and abroad.
Eventhough our week was 'chaotic', we can look back on it - 1) with relief that it has passed and 2) out of adversity and exasperating experiences, there was some 'good' that was achieved! It really is how you look at things. We did not receive word yesterday afternoon about our business project; therefore, we will hear on Monday. We are Prayful and hopeful that all will work out successfully.
Yesterday afternoon (you can refer to yesterday's post, if you wish a bittid!) our very good friend came over with the 'bubbly'; and we enjoyed such a fun visit! As mentioned, we supplied the appies and a crackling fire. She arrived at 3:00 ish and left at 8:00ish! She and I still had hardly 'scratched the tid surface!' LOL! She is a special person; and I am thankful she is my 'partner in crime!' LOL! Her husband had an early evening event; so it worked out for the best!
Last night we watched the moving movie, 'Seabiscuit'. It is one of my favourite movies; and it is a true story! If any of you wish to be encouraged and inspired, that is the heartfelt movie to see! I just love it! If I were to see 'Seabiscuit' several times, I would always learn a 'new' tidbit!
This afternoon, we are taking our Blue to the Vet for his yearly checkup and booster shots. We figure if there is any reaction (which is not likely), he will have the weekend to 'rest and recoop'. Talk about a 'dog's life!' He is a good animal!
Also, our Canucks are playing the Maple Leafs later today; and inasmuch as Matt Sundin was an ex Maple Leafer, I trust he will be treated with respect; both by his ex team members as well as the fans in T.O. We really like Matt; and apart from him fitting in well with our team, he brings a genuine enthusiasm and professionalism to the game! Interesting, that it is 'Hockey Day in Canada' (tournaments are played throughout Canada today!); and that the Canucks are playing today in Toronto!
Tidbit - It is better to Give, than to Receive! Make a poignant point of genuinely 'uplifting' all those you meet (a smile, a small kindness, whatever you wish) goes a long way; particularly during these uncertain times. A smile has no value until it is given away; so it costs you nothing. Yet, it will uplift the person it is given to, because who knows how needful that person may be.
Bittid - Continue to be appreciative for each and every day; regardless of your bittidz circumstances. There is always a tidbitz to be 'Thankful' for; if not, 'find something' to be 'Grateful' for! Also, when you focus on others and on 'giving', you, as well as others, are uplifted asap. 'Praise Him In ALL Things!' He says, 'Fear Not, For I Have Overcome the World!'
Have to go for now; hope you are enjoying the weekend!
Peace and God Bless.
Friday, 20 February 2009
Grit and perserverance
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is the weekend again! Yahoo! Where does the time vanish; and it does! It has been an exceedingly 'unique' (I will put it that way) week; and there has been much on our plates.
We have been working towards 'fruition'; and there have been a few tid disappointments, delays, and unexpected 'curve balls' along the way. (You can refer to my May 1/07 post, How do you handle "curve balls?" if you wish a bittid of background! That post seems so long ago; and yet, it still holds some TRUTH, methinks! Also the February 21/07 post - Remember this? The tidbits may be encouraging as well).
We will be receiving some tidbit news either later today or on Monday. We are Prayful that it will be GOOD news. In the meantime, we have done all we can; and it is all left up to Him to Provide Solution. 'Leave the battle to the Lord'. We are going to enjoy this weekend; and "Praise Him In ALL Things" and continue to be Calm, Confident and Joyful! Plus, the weather, albeit cool, is gorgeous, with brilliant sunshine and bright blue skies!
Must apologize for not sharing tidbitz thoughts earlier with you, re: 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - It has just been one of our more 'memorable' weeks; and everthing appears to be happening all at once. As I have suggested in previous posts, for those of you, who are interested in learning more ('Seek and Ye Shall Find') and to Embrace more of The Word, it is best that you check things out first hand for yourselves. Methinks you will be uplifted and inspired by these wonderful International Bible Teachers! Am looking forward to watching and listening to them again on the Vision Channel this Sunday!
A dear friend of ours is coming over this mid afternoon; and it will be great to get caught up on some overdue bittidz with her. She is bringing a bottle of 'bubbly' champagne; we will supply the 'appies'; tasty bittids from Costco! We have our 'found' chopped fire logs that have been drying out; so we will appreciate a crackling fire as well!
Tidbit - Keep on trekking, regardless of unforseen circumstances etc. Do your bit best to have a warm smile on your face, as often as possible. Smile bravely in the mirror at yourself; it does wonders for you, and it is 'infectious' to others! LOL!
Bittid - 'If He is For us, Who can be agin us?' There is solid comfort in those words. Charles Price was sharing that: 'He has created you for His Purpose'; that the 'Kingdom of Heaven is made up of Pearls'. As in the making of an oyster pearl. The sand irritates the oyster, the oyster thus covers the gritty irritant, and ultimately, a beautiful pearl is formed. The same with us; we are the broken and raw materials, as in all our failures, weaknesses, hurts, etc. and He 'cleanses us' so that we can, in our Walk, share His message to uplift others.
Love the above bit photo image of an 'oyster with pearl'. We are a constant 'work in progress' and we become like 'special' pearls! When I went to China some ten or eleven years ago, we went to a 'factory' and saw how pearls were made; very interesting! Over the weekend, I will take a few tid pictures of the tiny pearl earrings that are from that factory, as well as a lovely necklace and bracelet from another factory.
Here is wishing you a TGIF day (Thank goodness it is Friday!) and a nice R & R weekend! Also, I love the above picture image of the 'oyster man', happily devouring his oysters! Have written a few posts about collecting oyster plates / oyster shooters! We happen to have this particular plate, and I laugh everytime I pass by it...which is everyday! LOL!
Peace be with you, and God Bless.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Pay it Forward!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
The good thing is, there is always a 'dawn'; regardless of what has been happening in your lives. This morning, I heard appreciatively the tidbit singsong of the robins, as well as being Blessed with another day of blue skies and sunshine! Must say, that good weather always helps gives one a bittid cheer! Also, 'Praise Him In All Things'; and just 'let go' of whatever your burdens are; and 'let' Him Direct your path and 'leave it all' to Him to Provide Solution.
That is pretty much what we are doing, each day! Robert Schuller Jr says "When you are down to nothing, you know He is up to something!" He means that God is up to something good for you! Alan and I are taking solace in those words of comfort; because of our 'experiences'. We had a 'day from hell' yesterday; however, we know there are tid 'tests'; and the evil one does not want any of us to succeed; thus he handicaps you as best as he can. You can rest assured, he knows about the 'End Times' (Revelation, the last Book in the Bible); and what ultimately will happen to him. As Christ says: 'Fear Not, for I have Overcome the world'. We are THANKFUL for those wonderful words! By the way, I hope Robert Schuller is alive and well! He has much to offer, as does his Dad, Dr. Robert Schuller; they each have their own 'specialness' and unique gifts!
Our day yesterday, leaves me shaking my bit head; as the conduct and attitude is foreign and unthinkable to me (and Alan). Talk about avarice, greed, piety, hate, the whole 9 yards! Eventhough, we have been 'confronted' with 'stuff', fortunately, it is not up to us to make the final judgement ('Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged'); rather I am asking Him to help me FORGIVE the various individuals involved, and to have COMPASSION for them instead. Not easy to do; and yet we must! Am also Praying to Him that He will 'touch their hearts'.
Am sharing this with you, in the event that some of you are 'having your moments'. As Joyce Meyer so beautifully illustrates her insights: 'Decide to be happy. Serve Him with Gladness. Go to the Party! Enjoy your life!'
Will be sharing a tidbitz about 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -, 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -, and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - within the next few days before Sunday is here again! However, it is important to behave as if the other days of the week, are a 'Sunday'. 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'. 'Love thy neighbour, as thyself'.
As a bittidz, if you live your life, one day at a time, making a conscious decision to put your TRUST totally into Christ, to be joyfully and graciously grateful for your daily Blessings, plus 'keeping things simple', you are better equipped to enjoy many moments of each day!
As per yesterday's post, I would like to 'award' some fellow bloggers; 'Pay / blog it forward'. I am going to refer to the list of 'Other Blogs'; as our computer appears to not be accepting the links? Feel free, to 'jump in' with some halp (still learning the ropes), if you wish! Am copying again, the 'quoted' passage as well as the photo from yesterday for easy reference for you. A BIG Thank you to ALL bloggers!
"Thank you again, Kris (Ladies of the House!) for the award you gave me, along with your kind comments in my post of February 15th. As mentioned also, you can check out Kris' blog; listed under 'Other Blogs'. She writes an exceptional blog, with breathtaking photos of scenic Alaska, where she, her husband and family currently live.
When there is more tid time, I will also 'pay / blog it forward'; ie awarding a few blogsites, that methinks are worthy, fun, and interesting! Am not sure how to add the blogsites insert link in blue to the post content; however, will attempt again at a later time. My good friend, Cathy, patiently explained to me how to do it; however, for some bit reason, our computer does not permit me to do this? Hmmmm. So, please bear with me; and it may be, that I may just have to refer to my list of "other Blogs'. Nonetheless, here are the bittid details!
The details of blogs chosen for this award:
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind
bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested
in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons
of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.
Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award
to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this
cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”!
The above is an encouraging tidbit idea for appreciating blogs of others! Thanks again, Kris!"
God Bless.
Here they are; some are more 'active' than others; and I appreciate them all! However, here are a few! You can refer to my 'Other blogs' list to simply connect, 'click onto' their blogs, their stories, thoughts, and insights. 'Thought & Humour!', 'Band-aids requested!', 'Buttercupelffly', 'Brisbane Pod', and 'Cathy's blog'. Not wishing to leave out either 'Admin' or 'Monty's blog'. Why not? Afterall, it is about helping each other; and 'Paying It Forward!' Now, I just have to let them know that they are 'recipients!' LOL!
Speaking of 'Paying it Forward'; I loved the movie; eventhough there was some sadness; however, the world was further enriched and enlightened by the courageous steps taken!
Have to go and attend to some matters. Hope you all have a great day! Until anon!
God Bless.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Pay / Blog It Forward!
Good Afternoon or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It has been a busy day thus far; and we are about to go downtown!
Thank you again, Kris (Ladies of the House!) for the award you gave me, along with your kind comments in my post of February 15th. As mentioned also, you can check out Kris' blog; listed under 'Other Blogs'. She writes an exceptional blog, with breathtaking photos of scenic Alaska, where she, her husband and family currently live.
When there is more tid time, I will also 'pay / blog it forward'; ie awarding a few blogsites, that methinks are worthy, fun, and interesting! Am not sure how to add the blogsites insert link in blue to the post content; however, will attempt again at a later time. My good friend, Cathy, patiently explained to me how to do it; however, for some bit reason, our computer does not permit me to do this? Hmmmm. So, please bear with me; and it may be, that I may just have to refer to my list of "other Blogs'. Nonetheless, here are the bittid details!
The details of blogs chosen for this award:
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind
bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested
in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons
of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.
Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award
to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this
cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”!
The above is an encouraging tidbit idea for appreciating blogs of others! Thanks again, Kris!
God Bless.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Take a firm stand!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Had an early tid start this am and we have been in and out during the day, dealing with various bittidz matters.
Justice took place in court today. Without going into bit detail, we emerged in a stronger light. It has been a 'stressful' time; and yet we 'stayed the course'; did what was legally required, and Trusted Him to Guide us, in TRUTH. Also, met a group of 'students' who were there as 'observers'. They were not disappointed!
Glad now to be home for the night! Methinks, am going to 'chill out' and, I repeat, the two tidbitz movies that I referred to, in my February 16th post, 'Inspiration', are definitely ones to reflect upon and appreciate!
Today it is my daughter's 2nd Wedding Anniversary; she and her husband are literally out the door to a wonderful French Restaurant to celebrate! May they enjoy many happy years together!
Tidbit - When you Pray to Him for Understanding, His Guidance, His Words of Wisdom, and to be equipped with the full 'Armour of God', He IS there for you. If you wish, you can refer to my September 25th post, 'Armour of God', for a bittid of background. We had that empowering experience this morning; and we are so THANKFUL!
Armour of God:
"Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins
with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be
able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one. And take the
helmut of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
(Ephesians 6: 14-17)
Bittid - When you first wake up each morning, exuberantly and joyfully say outloud, "Praise Him In ALL Things'; and you feel as if a tremendous weight has been lifted from your shoulders! A great reassuring and positive start to your day!
I sensed the opposition had been 'touched'; inasmuch, as I ASKED Him to 'touch their hearts'. It was a very 'majestic' moment; methinks, we were meant to be there at that time, For His Purpose. We feel GOOD as to how things went; and we look forward to embracing whatever comes next; because we KNOW He IS our strongest Advocate! "IF HE IS FOR YOU, WHO CAN BE AGIN YOU." - that clearly happened with us today! We are not out of the woods completely; yet, we have been given a fortuitous head start!
Tonight there is a interview between President Obama and CBC Peter Mansbridge; we will be 'glued' to the T.V!
Alan just poured me a glass of red wine; and brought me some celery sticks with 'cheese whiz' - very good and economical snacks. As a variation, you can put peanut butter and raisins on the celery stalks for a tidbit change. Speaking of 'change', today was full of enlightenment! It is still wonderfully light outside!
Skal, Peace, and God Bless.
Monday, 16 February 2009
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Last night we watched the inspirational movie, 'The Hurricane'. It is a true story about Rubin Carter, the boxer (played by Denzel Washington), who was falsely accused of murder. He spent 30 years in jail before he was released as an innocent man. With the steadfast support of four people (a gifted student and three professors from Canada), the TRUTH was finally able to be presented and heard in court. JUSTICE! Methinks, Rubin was / is a hero, having coped with collaborated lies, deceit, and hatred etc. The four people who helped Rubin, were awesome and never gave up on him! Alas, the killers have never been caught. Rubin is living in Toronto and the student, now a lawyer is living in Vancouver. Upon reading Rubin Carter's book, he vowed to become a lawyer! Good on him!
Tidbit - If any one has bittid moments of feeling 'low in spirit', 'The Hurricane', is an excellent movie that will encourage you to deeply reflect and graciously appreciate your Blessings! It gives you a 'rethink'.
Also watched another enlightening movie, 'Antwone Fisher' (Denzel Washington produced, directed, and acted in it); and once again, for those 'poor in spirit', watch that movie! Both Alan and I appreciate Denzel Washington for bringing to light various issues; right on!
It is another beautiful sunny day; very cold; yet refreshing! Am apreciating the peace and quiet, along with my coffee 'elixir' this morning; inasmuch as we were up til the wee bit hours of the morning! LOL! Our week is full; as we have some 'brush fires' and other tid matters to attend to.
Bittid - Choose or make the tidbit decision (even if you do not feel like it!) to be thankful and joyful in spirit ('Praise Him In ALL Things') when you wake up each morning. With a positive attitude, it is amazing how much better you feel and are better equipped to deal with daily challenges, etc. When you Ask Him for Guidance, and Rely upon Him (not on your own Understanding), you receive Understanding and Clarity. ie. 'Keeping things simple'.
If you wish, you can refer to my February 12th post of 'Chuckling moments!'; as per the picture and background! LOL!
Hope to be back later.
God Bless.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
A restful Sunday!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Hope you enjoyed a nice Valentine's Day / Weekend! We did; very relaxing and we are appreciative to be home. If I say so myself, I enjoyed taking the above photo for yesterday's post! LOL!
Watched the Vision Channel this morning; wonderful tidbitz insights! Will share them with you throughout the week. Once again, please feel free to check into to their inspirational websites, as per yesterday's post.
A dear friend of mine, made the comment (from her father-in-law) that one has 'Gotta be in it to win it'. We were actually referring to the lottery; as you have to purchase a ticket, if you want a bittidz chance to win!
This is also so tidbit true in life! Even if you fail, keep on trying! It is through your persistent attempts, determination, and not giving up, that you emerge with life equipping experiences. If you do not dare to try, well, then you miss out; you will never know! Also, one 'needs to be in the game'. ie Rolling with the punches and making the best of any and all situations. Turning things around into positive outcomes! Your weaknesses become your strengths after awhile! More on that during the week; as it was eluded to today's teachings.
Went over to one of our neighbours, and gave her some of Alan's homemade soup, that we enjoyed last night for dinner. The soup is simmering on our oven element; and it smells wonderful! What is nice about homemade soup, is you can always add more water, more veggies, or whatever, to make it stretch for more bittid meals!
Am about to go and take in a bowl of soup, tuna sandwiches, a glass of South African Red Wine, and a movie. It has been a restful Sunday!
Peace and God Bless.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
In appreciative memory of Alan's Mum - February 14th
A tidbit P.S.
Forgot to include in the previous post, that Alan's special Mum passed away a year ago today. She was riddled with cancer; and she was courageous to the bit end. It does not feel like a tid year.
Apart from appreciating 'Valentine's Day' throughout the world, February 14th, is all the more meaaningful to both Alan and I. Alan's Mum, who was an awesome Christian, was loving, gentle, and kind; and we know in our hearts, she is at Peace. Our lives were greatly enriched for having known her; Alan and her having always enjoyed an 'extra special' bond of friendship between them. Methinks it was a very appropriate day for her to have passed away; because she was a person of LOVE and PEACE.
Tidbit - If you have someone dear to your heart, do not wait for 'Valentine's Day'; let whomever (a spouse and / or 'significant other'. grandparent, a parent, a sibling, a child, friend, colleague, whomever) know you genuinely value them and that they are 'special' to you. During these tougher and more turbulent times, a kind gesture goes a long way.
Bittid - Have compassion, empathy, humilty, and forgiveness towards all; particularly the ones that 'hurt' or 'slander' you the most. Also, if you have less 'expectations' of others, you will be less disappointed and / or 'let down'. Extend the 'olive branch' of forgiveness, friendship, and peace to your foes, as well as your allies.
Apart from being 'Valentine's Day', ie. 'Love is what makes the world go round', methinks our hearts need an uplift. Christ IS the ONE, WHO, can Fill you up, and His Message IS LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Love the above message in the photo image!
As a closing bittid; am looking forward to viewing and listening to the Vision Channel tomorrow morning! (Please feel free to refer to my other posts re: 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller), 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer), and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price), for your perusal and /or to further enlighten yourselves! -;; and 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' is what He wants us to do. These three International Bible Teachers (and others) provide such wonderful encouragement and inspiration!
Alan's homemade soup is smelling 'scrumptious' throughout our house; a glass of South African red wine will be a nice touch with this simple yet tasty meal! It is now evening; and yet it is still remarkably light outside! We are glad to be home tonight, and we are Thankful for all our Blessings! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'
Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Happy Valentine's Day!
As you can see, there are four pictures; one from yesterday's post (of the Lady in pink, with the beautiful heart shaped face; antique champagne glasses & oyster plates in background); one with the youthful daffodils (Feb 2nd post, 'Monday morning with Daffodils!); and two 'fresh' ones. The robin is a photo image, and the other is a picture I took, of our two Valentine 'Ladies', two Valentine Teddy Bears (that Alan gave me), and two 'paperweight' hearts.
I like what Helen Keller said:
'The best and most beautiful
things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched -
they must be felt with the heart'.
Alan and I are giving each other our hearts; no Valentine 'gifts' However, I feel he is a 'gift' each and every day to me! Alan apologized to me for not bringing me flowers or chocolates this year; however, it is the genuuine heart that is treasured the most!
We had been included in a lovely dinner celebration tonight; however, we had to bow out. I told our close friend of our circumstances; and she was extremely appreciative for the TRUTH. Her comment being: 'that everyone is in the same boat'. Most of us have been caught as 'innocent bystanders'. The financial meltdown / trickling domino effect was caused by the 'greedy Madoffs' etc of the world! We all must have a 'FORGIVING SPIRIT', and Pray 'their' hearts will be touched with repentance and reimbursement.
The picture of the daffodils also shows 'The Delsey (Tissue) Girls'; a set of four Lady Head Vases. As you know, the Ladies provide a wonderful decorative flair throughout; can even be blended / mixed in with other pieces of 'collectibles'. Forgot to mention in yesterday's tidbitz post, that I really appreciate the beauty of certain FENTON 'coin dot' and / or simple 'ruffled' vases. You can see a few tidbit vases in the tiny magohany curio to the bittid right.
Tidbit - Being 'real' with a 'heart to heart' talk with a close friend, is uplifting for all those concerned. The bond of genuine friendship becomes even more heartfelt!
Bittid - 'Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged'. Even during these tougher times, one must remember those words of Wisdom.
Have to go out for a short bit. May be back in a tid. Alan and I are going to enjoy 'Al's Homemade Soup' for dinner tonight; his delicious recipe is in one of my Fall Blogs.
Also the poignant notes of a robin, touched my heart strings this morning. What a beauiful sound to wake up to! A 'heralder of spring!' The snow has pretty much melted here; however, may this photo image bring a bittidz of extra harbouring joy to those still immersed in the snow.
Peace and God Bless.
Friday, 13 February 2009
Friday, February 13th
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We have experienced some freaky 'Friday, the 13th' tid moments today. Unreal, out of 'left field'; not the best of days. Nevertheless, we are going to remain calmly confident, and have cooler heads prevail! (as per Rudyard Kipling). Am shaking my head; however, we are committing our TRUST more than ever in Him! As He says, 'Fear Not, for I have Overcome the World!'
In the meantime, speaking of 'heads', here are some photos of our Lady Head Vases; they are definitely keeping 'their cool'.
Have also been in 'blog touch' with my inspirational friend, Kris; whose blogsite, 'Ladies of the House', appears in my list of 'Other Blogs'. Kris writes an awesome Blog; you may wish to check it out! As per Kris' request, (methinks, she is a wonderful authority on Lady Head Vases!), I am posting some photos I took of our collection of 'Ladies'. Four of the photos are pictured in my post of January 26th, 'Our Lady Head Vase Collection'; and the other three pictures, were taken at Christmas 2008 (You can catch a glimpse of Christmas decorations!). Also, posts of February 11th ("Tids and bits of encouragement'), January 30th ('Reflective and meaningful moments!' - shows 'Horse Head' Vases) , and January 24th ('Food for Thought!') provide some more pictorial delights!
Now that I think about it, I have 'collected' a lot of pieces over the years. Be it Lady Head Vases, Oyster Plates, Cookbooks, Miniature Teapots, etc. 'They' say, one is considered a 'collector' if you have more than one item of the same type of collection. So, for all you 'would be collectors', and / or 'collectors', we share the same crazy mad passion of 'collecting enthusiasm!' LOL! It certainly makes life more interesting and fun; never a dull tidbit moment! History, 'swapping' bit tales, appreciation, meeting new friends, the whole nine yards!
Tidbit - 'Carry on, with your head held high', regardless of bittid obstacles. The beautifully uplifting song: 'Climb every mountain' is so true!
Bittid - Appreciate the joys of a 'collection'. Amazing how your mind / 'head' space becomes invigorated or refreshed by hobbies you enjoy! 'Challenges' tend to evaporate, when you 'take time out' or a 'siesta' to appreciate the Blessing of one's Collection - be it yours or of others!
Please feel at ease, to share your special stories of 'collecting'! Apart from myself, many others methinks, would appreciate hearing your 'collectible' tales!
Peace and God Bless.
P.S. Glad it is the weekend! (Again!) LOL!
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Trust in Him. He will Provide!
Good Evening,
To recap: (You can refer to my February 11th post of 'Tids & Bits of Encouragement', if you wish a bit of background).
'Living Truth' - Charles Price was / is sharing that 'an effective dynamic Church is the Body of Christ, and we are part of His Body'.
Suggested Passages from the Bible to read that Charles utilized, may shed a tidbit of light on Charles' insightful interpretations. ie. 1 Corinthians 12:27-31; 1 Corinthians 12:13, Ephesians 4:6; Romans 12:4-6. There are other verses he gave as examples, should you wish to seek his website - for intelligent enlightenment!
Each part of our body, has a key role to help our body function as a whole; if one part does not function, the whole body is affected. (supporting ligaments etc). It is the same with the Church; (not the denominational physical buildings) to determine which ones are effective and dynamic, in keeping with His Body and Teachings.
Also, we all have unique abilities / 'Gifts'; and yet, we need to discover what our 'Gifts' are from Him. The best way, is by Praying to Him for Guidance and Direction in this regard; so that you can use these in your daily life to uplift individuals, share the Message, whatever He Guides you to do. Be it in serving others, having Grace, whatever your 'Gifts' may be - DOING all for the common good. (1 Corinthians 12:7).
'Enjoying Everyday Life' - Joyce Meyer was / is sharing that 'the Glory of God is man fully alive!'
Have a 'passion' in what you do; and have a 'passion' to the bittid finish. Choose to do what is right and have a positive attitude! You can refer to Psalm 115 -17, and Matthew 8:22 for better clarity and understanding. Also, He has already WON! So, 'do not 'beat a dead horse', dismount, and get over it!' Basically, 'go to the party! Don't let others dissuade you!' 'Do it by decision; Trusting He will make things Right!
Interesting that last tid sentence! As of late, I have been 'led' to appreciatively explore / digest some of the beautiful Psalms. Methinks too, with the passing of my friend, Joan, I am all the more inquisitive (see February 8th post,'Be of good cheer!' if you wish). David (very dear to my heart) is saying to 'Trust in the Lord; and He will Provide'. That is what Alan and I do daily; struggles and all! Again, here is Joyce's website; - Methinks you will be greatly encouraged and uplifted by her inspiring interpretations!
The above are some tidbits and bittids; hope they give you a bittidz boost as well! Am enjoying reading Psalms; lots of sage and wonderfully good advice! If you would like to, please refer to my February 3rd post, 'Have Faith!' for further tidbitz background.
Eventhough dusk is falling upon us, it is still 'light' outside! Tonight, we will enjoy our homemade Split Pea Soup; which has served us well for the last few nights! We just keep adding more to the brew; very tasty; as well as economical!
Here is wishing you a nice evening and good night's rest! Love the above photo image!
Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.
Chuckling moments!
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Has been a full day thus far. Just finished a late lunch of tasty scrambled eggs, with chopped green peppers, old cheddar cheese bits, and onions, plus savory herb tids of seasonings. Hit the spot!
In yesterday's post, I mentioned that I would be sharing tidbits re: 'Living Truth'(Charles Price). I will be also be including bittids re: 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer); and I forgot to mention that bittid re: Joyce, in yesterday's tidbit post.
At the moment, we are in the midst of tackling tidbitz tasks; however, am appreciating this quiet R & R bittidz. Will be back when there is more quality time. Still best though, to check into their wonderful websites for your own interpretation and enlightenment. Please feel free to refer to yesterday's posts.
Tidbit - It is so easy when times are tough, to more readily 'take things out' on your spouse, partner, or person nearest and dearest to you. When you turn to Him, and Ask Him to Help Guide you, you will be given Understanding and Words of Wisdom to calmly and confidently combat any and all challenging issues.
Bittid - It is during these tougher times, that it is all the more important, to be supportive of one another; and to have 'extra' Compassion and Humility. Plus, letting your loved one(s) know how much you genuinely appreciate them; and that they are 'special' to you!
Thought this might be a tidbit of encouragement. The above photo is how Alan and I do our best to deal with bittid 'circumstances' each and every day. LOL! This 'loving froggie couple' rests contentedly at the foot of our stairs; and, we always enjoy a fresh 'chuckle' whenever we pass by 'Freddie and Fergie'. Thanking Him for our Blessings', and 'Praising Him In ALL Things', reinforces us to have a more upbeat attitude and joyful approach. When I say 'us', I mean all of us!
Also, a Happy Valentine's Day on February 14th! Alan and I have our hearts to give one another; and this particular Valentine's Day / Weekend, is all the more 'meaningful' to us!
Peace and God Bless.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Tids and bits of Encouragement
Good Afternoon,
'Well', there is a downfall to my baking delicious peanut butter cookies! I have enjoyed 4 of them! LOL!
Wanted to share some tidbit thoughts re: 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller), that I embraced last Sunday, on the Vision Channel; website being:
Also, websites for 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer)-; and
and 'Living Truth (Charles Price) -
Still best for those wishing to know more and to appreciate a greater understanding of Him, is to check these wonderful illuminating International Bible Teachers out for yourselves.
'Hour of Power' - James Ingram was the singer; good uplifting voice! Dr. Robert Schuller Snr shared that 'we are focusing on witnessing, not about preaching'. In other words, inviting people as guests, to share their own personal stories / experiences. ie their Blessings.
Catherine Lewis and her son, Rex Lewis-Clack, were guests on the 'Hour of Power'; and what an incredible story! Her son, Rex. was born blind, as well as having undergone a brain operation at birth. There were many attended difficulties, as one can only imagine! Making matters worse, the Mum endured a divorce, and she had to cope with all the challenges (and then some!) that a single, alone, and frightened woman had to face. She had guilty thoughts; and ended up going to Church to search for 'something'. Turns out, she was 'drawn' to Him; and 'was brought to her knees' by Jesus Christ. It was with His Help and Salvation, that she and her son, made it through their obstacles. Somewhere, somehow a 'keyboard' appeared, and the son was drawn to the keys on the keyboard, as they 'made sense' to him. He was / is a Savant! How awesome! As his Mum said, "the world gave him chaos and disfunction; and his music was his calm". I heard him play the piano; and what a Divine Gift! His Mum has written a book, called, 'Book of Rex'; I look forward to reading their enlightening story.
Another guest was / is Miroslav Volf, a Professor of Systematic Theology at Yale University. Revelation 21:5 - 'Behold, I make all things new'; is what Miroslav referred to for his excellent delivery. His 'interpretation' is a 'new past'; and 'that the past, does not need to oppress us; it is the New; whereby we can see and feel in the future from the past. The future is new and fresh, freed from the past'. I understood what he was sharing; made sense to me; and he gave good examples. YET, it is still better for you, to tune into 'Hour of Power' for your own interpretations. God has already forgiven us; see Psalm 103:12. In short, " We
are longing for the One who makes all things new!"
Tidbit - Regardless of our challenges, obstacles, diffiulties, etc, always think of others, who may be in a worse plight than you. ie Catherine and Rex's inspiring story!
Bittid - Have a perpetual fresh appreciation for your Blessings; and always be Thankful for a new day!
With regards to my post, earlier today, Alan called the individual's 'manager'; no names were mentioned; just wanted some tidbitz clarity for the benefit of all. The 'manager', who is a friend of mine, was genuinely appreciative of our valid concerns and customer feedback. He diplomatically reassured Alan that 'they' hope to provide a better service to us.
Have to continue with some other tid tasks. May be back later; if not, tomorrow re: 'Living Truth'. The above photo is of some of our lovely Lady Head Vases; as well as our artistic vase, filled with bright tulips! If you wish, you can refer to my February 10th post - 'A Refreshing Ambience!' for a bit of background.
Will also add an encouraging bittidz: that it is what we do each and every day of the week; - to continue to Seek Him. Making sure, it is not just by attending Church on Sundays, and then forgetting about the message in the Service, until the next time we attend Church. We can not forget that the Church is NOT the building, but the Body of Christ.
Peace and God Bless.
Keep on trekking!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
'Well' (there is that 'well' word again; if you wish you can refer to my post of June 13/07 re: 'well'), it has been a morning of major decisions and upheaval.
Was 'elected' to take on the job of being the 'bad cop'; however, awkward mission accomplished. There are tidbit times when if something is not right, you simply have to take a stand for what is right and set things bittid straight. I believe I feel better; inasmuch as Honour, Truth, and personal Integrity were / are involved in this challenging matter. I knew the individual would be 'upset' (putting it most mildly); and I was the one who received his angry outrage and verbal abuse.
Kept silently Praying to Him, to please 'Give me Words of Wisdom, Grace, Empathy, Understanding, Guidance, Confidence, Calm, and Humility' etc; fortunately He did / does. I was gently firm; bit my lip (with difficulty); and weathered the nasty storm of words. It was as if I had done this person, a woeful wrong or an indignant injustice. Truly NOT so; and, as God is my Witness! Interesting that he did his best to make me feel 'guilty', blaming ne / us all the while, as well as 'casting even more aspersions', left, right, and centre. I am thinking, 'well', it is for the best and will leave it at that.
Am extra thankful, that it is a beautiful sunny day; that uplifts us a tidbitz! Our area did not receive the forecasted snowfall of last night; although it was about 32 degrees Fahrenheit at 7:30 am. I have made approx 3 dozen peanut butter cookies (one of my fall blogs of 2008 has the recipe);just after 8:00 am; and it is nice to have freshly baked goodies; plus the comforting smell of home baking! Alan was wondering whether 'I had lost it!' (baking at that time of day?) LOL! My comment was 'once in a blue moon!' LOL!
We now have some more appointments; but will be back in a bittidz.
God Bless.