Saturday, 27 October 2007

Quiet morning Autumn mists

Have you ever had mornings that you sleep in?! Well, I did this am! Woke up just after 8 am; and stayed in bed til now. Enjoyed a tidful of ccffee, brought to me, by my Alan. It was so nice to simply gaze out the windows at the trees, their crimson leaves; and also, seeing mists of both the morning fall fog, and friendly smoke from neighbouring chimneys. A tranquil setting; and we can catch glimpses of the "blue" shapes of the mountains; which will soon be covered with snow. I love the above photo image; a "picture is worth a 1000 words"; or so it has been said.

Was reading a bitful excerpt as well; from "Enjoying Everyday Life", by Joyce Meyer. We receive this free magazine monthly, from the Joyce Meyer Ministries; and it is full of wonderful spiritual truths and uplifts. For those of you, who have not heard of her, she is excellent! You can find her online ( and / or on the Vision Channel (Channel 105) on Sundays.

Tidbit - "Winning the Bout with Fear and Doubt" - Basically, Fear Not, have the Faith and Belief in Him. The 'other force' does not wish you to 'win'; and is constantly lurking, awaiting to devour you as its prey; at all costs, to discourage you and bring you down through fear, doubt, confusion, envy, anger, etc. To quote Joyce, "In order to walk out the things God has spoken, you will need to IGNORE the bad reports that come your way, FOCUS on God alone, and KEEP ON KEEPING ON with what He has told you to do. When nothing seems to make sense, just keep putting one foot in front of the other as you give PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD. He will guide you each step of the way".

Bittid - To further quote Joyce, "Don't hang out with people who discourage you or laugh at the vision God has given you for your life".

Am sharing this tidbitz, because this is how I feel. This morning, having had a quiet bittidz, I was given further clarity and calm to reflect on "things". There is a spiritual battle; however, He has already won! For as Christ said, "Fear not, I have overcome the world!" So, be Bold, have Faith, Hope, and Fear Not; for He is with you. Just invite Him in. I recommnend Joyce Meyer; she says it how it is.

Hope this is of encouragement to all those who read this blog today. We always have something to be THANKFUL for.

God Bless.

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