Saturday, 20 October 2007

The Art of the Close

Well, we just had an interesting tid experience! Our "puppy" Blue, enjoys a really natural blend of lamb dogfood. It shows up beautifully on him; although, I do think one egg per week, helps a bit! LOL! That helps maintain a shiny and healthy coat!

Our friend makes and then delivers the food to our doorstep. He is a really good guy. He has had his fair bittidz of challenges; however, he has weathered through them wonderfully well.

He was just here a few moments ago; and we gave him a taste of the Himalayan Goji Juice. He loved the taste; 'refreshing and berry good', he said. Hmmmmmm. We happened to have the Healtb Breakthrough Magazine and a DVD/CD (mentioned in an earlier recent post); that I wanted to give him; whereas, Alan kept hesitating most visibly. I was "Goji Gung Ho" on genuine enthusiasm; and Alan did not want to burden him with one more tidbitz thing, than he already had on his full plate. However, he said he had an open mind! That is the positive type of comment you like to hear!!! Our friend did not seem to mind in the slightest; particularly since he so enjoyed the taste, in a tid 2 oz liquer glass! May as well make it fun! It turns out that he has a dear friend, who has cancer; and we told him our "why", we became involved. Alan's Mum also has cancer; so we thought this would help her. Well, he ended up purchasing a bottle from us; because he wanted his friend on it, RIGHT AWAY! He then went on to say that he had various other clients - athletes, a famous, well known entrepreneur, and the like. So, who knows? You just never know who might be receptive.

Tidbit - In the "Art of the Close", no push. Just a gentle nudge! And, if they embrace it, awesome!

That just made my night; totally unexpected too!

Bittid - Praise Him in ALL Things!

A Goji Goodnight!

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