Thursday, 25 October 2007

A full larder

Whew! Glad to be home! Drove "everywhere" today, or so it seemed; the last stop being "Costco". We ended up buying more than our already lengthy list! LOL! However, that was all to the good; because Costco has such wonderful prices! A nice feeling, that our larder is now full again! I love the turquoise background, in the larder photo image!

Tidbit - You can look at your life like a larder. Is it full, overloaded, or quite empty, and always begging for more? Hmmmmm. that was tid of thought that just hit me! Our lives are a "full larder"; however, there are times, when it can be 'overloaded'.

Bittid - Just take a deep breath; and focus on what is most important to you. If there are ertain matters / projects that can be put off til tomorrow, let it calmly be so. There are also moments, when "putting things off" work out for the bit best; because often an even better solution turns up! Live one day at a time; and also know when to appreciate some "down time".

Blogging of "down time", that is just about what I am going to do. Had a very early start this am; and there is another "up and at it" wake up tomorrow! Am going to R & R this evening; and also, when tomorrow arrives, I look forward to enjoying the dawn of a new day. And then, the same thing, all over again! Day in, day out, like the tides coming in, coming out.

God Bless.

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