Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Nothing like a relaxing bath before bedtime!


Yesterday was a blur! It just came and went! Apart from our ongoing business, we took Alan's parents to view a possible relocation for them. They both loved it; and this particular spot would certainly be a wonderful quality boost to their morale and spirits. We are in a bit of a "waiting" mode; the Penthouse tenant may have to move; so this would be ideal for Alan's parents. As his Mum said yesterday, "this would suit us just fine; we would have a life here!" It is a 2 bedroom Penthouse; which would work well for them; ie for any guests, and / or perhaps for a live-in caregiver, if needed, down the road.

Today also evaporated; lots of "stuff" going on! However, I just had a most relaxing bath; with tids of epsom salts. Very therapeutic! Now I am ready for bed! LOL! And, it is pouring with rain outside; Fall is very definitely here! So, the bath was appreciated all the more! We are so fortunate to live in a part of the world, where there is no huge shortage of water supply!

Tidbit - Appreciate the day; with ALL of its unfoldings. Praise Him in ALL things. Be glad for the gentle night; and the thought of a peaceful sleep.

Good night and God Bless.

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