Thursday, 11 October 2007

A happy Himalayan Goji start to the day!

Good Morning!

The day has already started for us! Received a phone call at approx 7:30 am our time; and that was that! Up and at it! Long distance call; with a 3 hr time difference! However, it was a good call; and I had an extra bounce in my step this am, when I took our Blue out for his "constitution".

Just reordered some "tools" to help us promote the Himalayan Goji Berry to others! ie "Breakthrough is Health" looks to be an excellent magazine, which includes an enclosed free audio CD with doctors' endorsements of the Himalayan Goji Berry. There are testimonials; on diabetes etc. This magazine was suggested to me by our doctor friend; who is also our upline. He is of tremendous resource and genuine support! Also "Acid is for Batteries" is a dual CD/DVD, whereby, a renowned cancer specialist / oncologist researcher, shares the cutting edge research on the Goji! Plus we received a packet of sample brochures, applicable to those with particular health needs. So, yes, that phone call, was a great beginning to the day, as I placed our repeat order. We just received our first "tools" yesterday; and I am looking forward to reading and listening to the material! We have already contacted a few of our friends (ie those that have health issues and / or athletes)and they would like us to send them this neat info!

We have been "involved" in a handful of "home based business"; but this one, is a "no brainer" and we are doing our due diligence with this one! This is a "keeper!" Guess you can tell, I am excited and for the longevity! (Goji means "happy"). It is a product driven company. Not only is the Himalayan Goji Berry juice an outstanding product; but the company is totally solid, here for the longterm; and is considered to be the microsoft of the health / wellness industry!!!

As a tid, I had a really sound sleep last night! Apparently, I was talking in my sleep! LOL! What was I saying!!! Himalayan Goji, Himalayn Goji! Himalayan Goji LOL!

This QUALITY and unique opportunity has come to us; and eventhough it is at a time, when we are very much on the go, we are going to envelope this gift into our daily lives! To enjoy as a personal use; and to help those who also wish to better their health and perhaps their pockets too!

Tidbit - If you see an opportunity; whatever it may be for you, "run with it!" They say, "enthusiasm sells!" It is not so much what you know; it is in the enthusiastism!!! Knowledge is very powerful; however, it is the heart that goes the furthest. I think the stats are 80% is enthusiasm and 20% is knowledge!

Bittid - Better to be on the go, then not! However, it is crucial to always treat yourself to a moment(s) each day "to smell the roses" (post of Oct 10th) and reflect on your blessings.

A further tidbitz - This past Thanksgiving was a very significant one for us. It is all about family. I honoured my parents, who alas, are no longer here. They were great people; and, regardless of their faults, they brought us into the world, and did their best for us. We all have our faults; and it is good to have empathy and compassion for others; it also keeps us humble. Without them, we would not have been here. It was also my Dad's birthday; he would have been 89 yrs old on Oct 7th. My Mum's birthday is coming up on the 12th of November; she would have been 90 yrs. She married a younger man! They were very happy with one another; and this past weekend, I had / have many grateful memories of earlier fun days. Also, my 2 grown up children are into their own thing; and I also had /have many wonderful memories of our Thanksgiving and Christmas family gatherings. I mentioned this bittidz in the Oct 9th post. Come to think of it, my Dad was a "Thanksgiving" baby; and my Mum was a "Remembrance Day" baby. So I am thankful to have had them as my parents, and I remember them for their good qualities!

Hope you all have a great day! God Bless!

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