Saturday, 20 October 2007

Genuine family relationships & friendships!


Hope you all had a good week; and enjoy the weekend! It is just pouring with rain! Indoors, is where I want to be today! A nice and warm cosy fire; with the doggie curled "comfy comfy" contentedly around our feet.

Alan's parents were here early this morning, for a medical appt re; Alan's Dad to access his legal competency. This was the 2nd doctor to see Alan's Dad; he is not "copis mentes"; but we need to have it all confirmed legally. Alan's Mum has been found to be legally competent. We are dealing with Alan's sibblings who have severely mistreated the parents; (you can refer to earlier posts; ie Power of Attorney changes, the parents' present inhumane living conditions) and unfortunately it is all about "control" over the 'purse strings;' and over deliberately wrongly prescribed medications. Pretty scary; and, it would appear that there is a "conspiracy". Too many factors have been pointing to this ultimate serious set of circumstances. The good thing is that we are on the right track; and the "others" do not appreciate us putting things "right." ie acting in their parents' best interests. This has been happening to Alan's parents, so how many others have been affected in this manner??? More common, than you wish to imagine! Unreal, how manipulative greed and pious power can step in. Fortunately, we are "checkmating" "their" behaviour and unscrupulous conduct / lack of integrity.

Tidbit - If you know something is not right, PLEASE do not be afraid to act, just take a stand for what is right and just.

Strange bittidz occured last night! We had a major thunder and lightning storm; flashes of lighting all around us; and thunder right above us. It was as if the whole house shook! Within a tidbitz of a couple of hours, we heard this huge crashing sound, as if glass was breaking everywhere! It turns out that one of our chandelier pieces, fell to our dining room table. We will endeavour to glue the stem / petals; and put it back into the lovely, antique, Czechoslovakian chandelier. At the moment, you can not really tell that a stem is absent from the mix; unless upon close inspection. We are wondering whether it was the tremulous vibration of the storm!

Bittid - Have strength and courage to do what is right; regardless of all the challenges associated with deceit, 'skullduggery', manipulation, lies, and even supposed "sweetness". Discernment is very powerful; just utilize the "gift" in good Faith, and distinguish between the Truth and evil. Also, "Love conquers ALL".

Today thus far, has been great. Illuminating reflections too, about friends and / or foes. We appreciate a few genuine friends; who are, amongst the tid precious "few and far between"; rather, than those who are artificial acquaintances; purporting or proclaiming to be our friends. We are also in the process of "trimming a bit more of the tree"; some of it sadly, but necessary. It may genuinely encourage new growth for some; and we welcome those (be it family members or friends), who are genuine with us. As for the foes, well, they know who they are; as do we.

We are glad it is Saturday; and we are going to "chill out" for the next day or so; before the week begins!

Perhaps, today's post may have enlightened and helped some of you in dealing with your own surrounding scenarios. It is the Truth; and what is right and just, that matters in the end. "He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light".

God Bless.

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