Monday, 29 October 2007

Love this photo image! Alan is on the mend.

Good Evening! Glad it is the time it is now! Approaching dusk; AND the sun showed its face; and the reflective glow on the trees / leaves is breathtakingly gorgeous!

Alan may have had 'food poisoning'; possibly from some leftover potato salad. And, eventhough it was in the fridge, for a tid of a bit, that may have been a likely candidate; due to the fact, it had "been there" for awhile. And, Alan being a feisty "Scot", did not want to waste it. Well, it certainly wasted him a bit of a tid today.

Also, he was bitten by a spider; as I recognized the tid bites here and there. So, talk about everything happening all at once! Gently cooked (and WELL cooked!) scrambled eggs may have helped stabilize things for a bit. He was not ill (as in vomiting); but all the other symptoms of food poisoning appeared to show up. I even looked up "salmonella" on 'Google' and thought, hmmmmmmm. Food sources such as eggs, dairy products...

Tidbit - Make sure that your food is well cooked; and stored properly; not left out at room temperature, and so forth, that breeds bacteria.

Bittid - Happy it is the evening; now we can "rest" a bittidz. Although, Alan had to hit our bed after the ultra sound appointment, this morning; he sorely needed the 2 hour sleep; having had not much sleep, the night before. He is feeling a tidbitz better now. What we did not get done today, we have put it aside, til tomorrow. Sometimes, it is not that easy to do and, to know when to call it a day. So, we simply have "put things to bed" for another day; AND, being grateful for today; regardless. Praise Him in All Things is so true! Hope this was a bittid / tidbit of encouragement to you.

Good night and God Bless.

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