Monday, 29 October 2007

Be grateful for the day, including its start!

Good Morning!

We were up early this am to go to the ultra sound for Alan's shoulder. He has been waiting for 3 mos to "get in"; and finally he was there at 8:15 am, for his long awaited appointment. It would appear there is a calcium build up in the inside of the tendons. Nothing is broken or torn; just calcified over the years, due to an old soccer injury, some 25 years ago!

We went extra early to the downtown hospital, to make sure we would find a nearby parking spot; which presented itself right away. It is nice, isn't it, to be a tid early for an appointment; instead of running a bit late?

Alan also woke up to a strange rash all over his body; with a severe itch. His scalp is really itchy as well? We think perhaps he was bitten by a spider yesterday, when he was doing a bittidz more of plant clipping in our tidbitz patio? Very unusual. He was due to go the dentist later this afternoon; fortunately, he was able to postpone it.

Since we have recently added our 2 new composts, Alan is very enthusiastic with methodically "collecting" all the tidbitical vegetable / fruit peels, pits, plant clippings, whatever fits, for future build up of wonderful soil. When the weather is drier, (we were really blessed with glorious sunshine on Sat), we will go and shovel (Alan shovels, I hold the bags) some 10 bags of soil, manure, and mix everything together. Come spring, we should have quite the bittidical stash! We can visualize a "happy" and well nutured garden; full of beautiful blooms and thriving life!

Tidbit - Be grateful for the day; including its start! Even if the weather is lousy or whatever befalls you. Be an optimist!

Bittid - Enjoy each and every tidbitz moment! And / or, change challenging circumstances into a more positive bittidz. You and others, will be happier, as a result.

Am going to go and enjoy our Himalayan Goji Juice, before zooming forth with the day! As a further tidbit, "goji" means "happy". I look forward to this full bittid week; remembering to appreciate each and every moment, of each and every day!

God Bless!

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