Wednesday, 31 October 2007

We are home!

Hi, Have not been home all that long; and it has just started to rain! Perfect timing!

Lots going on; I think it will be an early tidbitz to bed tonight.

Heard from Arthur; he has arrived safely! Bet he will just LOVE the place! Hope they have a wonderful, well deserved rest!

Alan is slowly on the bittidz mend; however, this latest bout with the spider bite and or toxic reaction to something "in the air", has really zapped his energy. Thank goodness for the Himalayan Goji Juice; however, he still is feeling pretty 'punk'. We are looking so forward to our vacation; where we will just enjoy "chilling out" in warmer / drier climes.

Tidbit - Appreciate your home! 'Home is where the heart is'; so very true! We are glad we are "in for the night!" The photo image is not our house; but it looks very cosy!

Bittid - We accomplished a fair tidbitz today; and, as there are only so many hours in a day, we will continue with the rest of the bittidz tomorrow. We have a memorial service to go to tomorrow afternoon; so we will work around everything.

Here is wishing you all a nice evening; and / or a nice day, whatever part of the world you live in.

God Bless!

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Enjoy a restful sleep!

Good Evening! And it was! Son, Arthur popped in for a tid visit tonight, before he leaves for "Zihua" tomorrow in the wee bit hours of the am. A friend of his will be accompanying him; so that will be a nice vacation break for them both! The place can handle four in a pinch; ie with a pullout sofa in the living room.

We gave them further tidbitz "tips"; including a contact name. We went there earlier this year; and we will be back again in the next short bititdz. So, upon their return, we look forward to hearing about their fun experiences amd any suggestions for restaurants / breathtaking excursions etc.

Alan and I heartily devoured the ribs that had been simmering in a gorgeous sauce, if I say a tid myself! LOL! As well as, an excellent Caesar salad! And, a glass of red vino, hit the spot too! And a warm fire was perfect.

Tidbit - Appreciate the end of the day; and be thankful. We are glad that my son dropped in; it was nice to see him; and to wish him well on his holiday.

Bittid - Have a restful sleep. I love this photo image of the bedroom pictured here. It looks so cosy.

Am now going to call it a night; as we have an early start tomorrow.

Good Night and God Bless.

An update!

Hi, Home now! For a tid anyway.

An update! Shortly after I published my earlier blog, we made our way downtown, for Alan to see his doctor. On route, we had a bit of info to pick up re: our future business expansions. Then Alan saw the doctor, then we picked up some tids of financial data re: Alan's parents. The primary POA does not want to be involved in the financial matters; and nor does she have spare time at this point. Because things are of the essence, she has "passed the torch" to Alan, who is the 'alternate Power of Attorney'. He will speak on her behalf; and his background, ironically is finances. Because Alan's siblings are 'what they are'; Alan was sagely chosen as the 'alternate' POA; so that a decorum of reasonable behaviour and conduct could occur between the siblings. Not so; they are not a happy lot, anyway. So, now we are going to resort to "hard ball" tactics; because the "soft ball" of being "nice" and "passive"; DOES not work, in this case. Then on to the hospital to see the old chap of 80+, whom we were originally told, had a stroke / heart attack. As it happens, he has been diagnosed with pneumonia; so that is preferable to what could have been as an outcome. The longtime female friend, died 2 weeks ago; hit by a semi-truck. We do not have the bit details; save that she got into her car, pulled out and directly head-on, collided with a semi-truck; and that was that. It has taken our friend 2 weeks to let us know; he just feels like you know what. There is a memorial / wake for her this upcoming Sunday afternoon. We will also be seeing Alan's parents on that day as well.

Most importantly, Alan! It turns out, or what the doctor believes; is that it is a reaction / outbreak of 'hives' due to a bite or "something in the air" outdoors. We were outside doing our bittidz fall/winter cleanup on our tidbitz patio on Saturday; so, possibly a nasty spider bite or ??? It was Sunday night that Alan noticed the welts etc. We are relieved, that it 'supposedly has nothing to do with his leg injury' of 2 mons ago; and also, it is NOT food poisoning! So, Alan has been equipped with "antihistamines"; and hopefully, this will do the job.

We also went to our favourite safeway; and there were some hunky hunky ribs on sale!!! You can guess what we are going to be enjoying tonight for dinner! Mmmmmmmm yum! And, with a sauce, 'extraordinaire', for basting and glazing purposes! Our house will smell wonderful! We have some beautiful scented candles, with a gorgeous fragrance; so you can imagine just how with these simple touches, will be a delight to our senses. I will light a cosy fire tonight; and it will be all the more appeciated! And, I think a glass of red wine will also be in order too!

Tidbit - Just reaffirms, that we never know; and that we should be truly grateful and thankful for what we have! Forget about the "stuff" we do not have; focus instead, on the positives; and make the most of it! Enjoy!

Bittid - Amazing what a 'good hair day' does for you too! Washed & styled my hair; and when you feel / look good, your whole outlook shines! Not only within you; but it spreads contagiously on to whomever you meet. A smile is a gift; and when it is returned, there is a wonderful appreciation, transformation, and empathy.

God Bless.

Something peaceful about this Autumn scene!

Well, the morning is still fairly young! And yet, a lot of tidbitz has already taken place this am.

At about 3 am, Alan telephoned the Emergency at the Hospital; about his unusual and sudden situation? ie welts, rashes, itchiness, severe headache, swollen right hand, and puffy eyes. Very strange bittidz indeed. It was suggested that perhaps food poisoning (which I could not fathom; given the every bit of tid care we take with our foods)was not the culprit; possibly a bite and / or a severe allergy/reaction. We are presently waiting for Alan's doctor to call to see whether Alan should see him or go directly to the Emergency. Very very weird; but then there has been a lot of strange "stuff" happening as of late; and "out of left field". Hmmmmmmm. For those of you, who are Spiritual Warriors, you can perhaps also identify with what I share.

Needless to say, my poor Alan did not get much sleep; so I was up earlier than usual; which was fine. It is a nice, cool, crisp fall morning; and Blue and I had a most refreshing wake up walk. After our "puppy" was fed his breakfast, I was going to light a cheery fire, and read the paper, along with a very much appreciated cup of coffee. Well, the phone rings; and one of Alan's best friends was calling to say that his longtime girlfriend had just been tragically killed in a car accident. And, also, his older friend, whom he gave shelter to at his apt, just suffered a stroke / heart attack early this morning; so he is now at the Emergency with him. Our friend will be back in touch with us in a tid to keep us apprised.

Tidbit - You never know what you have, until it is gone, or almost taken away from you. We are all so fragile; and, it is all the more imperative, that we are thankful for each and every day. Because, you never know when your number is up.

We have a funeral / memorial service to go to this coming Thursday; one of my Mum's oldest and closest friends just passed away. We will go out of respect for the life long friendship, and acknowledge that this woman is one of the last, in a very special era in history. My Mum was also one of the last in this league. She passed away 2 years ago, and would have been 90 years this coming November. And, not a day goes by, that I do not think of her, in a loving, kind, and compassionate way.

Bittid - "Best laid plans of mice and men". Somehow, the fire and reading the paper seem a bit far away; given what has just happened. Need now to re adjust our day; having already postponed projects from yesterday to "be on the docet" for today. I guess you can say, that there is never a dull moment!

Well, I had better go and get on with what lies before us; whatever unfolds, we are going with the flow.

Hope your day is a good one. I am enjoying the above photo image again! It looks so mistily peaceful; and a calm is what we need for today; and for each and every day.

God Bless.

Monday, 29 October 2007

Love this photo image! Alan is on the mend.

Good Evening! Glad it is the time it is now! Approaching dusk; AND the sun showed its face; and the reflective glow on the trees / leaves is breathtakingly gorgeous!

Alan may have had 'food poisoning'; possibly from some leftover potato salad. And, eventhough it was in the fridge, for a tid of a bit, that may have been a likely candidate; due to the fact, it had "been there" for awhile. And, Alan being a feisty "Scot", did not want to waste it. Well, it certainly wasted him a bit of a tid today.

Also, he was bitten by a spider; as I recognized the tid bites here and there. So, talk about everything happening all at once! Gently cooked (and WELL cooked!) scrambled eggs may have helped stabilize things for a bit. He was not ill (as in vomiting); but all the other symptoms of food poisoning appeared to show up. I even looked up "salmonella" on 'Google' and thought, hmmmmmmm. Food sources such as eggs, dairy products...

Tidbit - Make sure that your food is well cooked; and stored properly; not left out at room temperature, and so forth, that breeds bacteria.

Bittid - Happy it is the evening; now we can "rest" a bittidz. Although, Alan had to hit our bed after the ultra sound appointment, this morning; he sorely needed the 2 hour sleep; having had not much sleep, the night before. He is feeling a tidbitz better now. What we did not get done today, we have put it aside, til tomorrow. Sometimes, it is not that easy to do and, to know when to call it a day. So, we simply have "put things to bed" for another day; AND, being grateful for today; regardless. Praise Him in All Things is so true! Hope this was a bittid / tidbit of encouragement to you.

Good night and God Bless.

Be grateful for the day, including its start!

Good Morning!

We were up early this am to go to the ultra sound for Alan's shoulder. He has been waiting for 3 mos to "get in"; and finally he was there at 8:15 am, for his long awaited appointment. It would appear there is a calcium build up in the inside of the tendons. Nothing is broken or torn; just calcified over the years, due to an old soccer injury, some 25 years ago!

We went extra early to the downtown hospital, to make sure we would find a nearby parking spot; which presented itself right away. It is nice, isn't it, to be a tid early for an appointment; instead of running a bit late?

Alan also woke up to a strange rash all over his body; with a severe itch. His scalp is really itchy as well? We think perhaps he was bitten by a spider yesterday, when he was doing a bittidz more of plant clipping in our tidbitz patio? Very unusual. He was due to go the dentist later this afternoon; fortunately, he was able to postpone it.

Since we have recently added our 2 new composts, Alan is very enthusiastic with methodically "collecting" all the tidbitical vegetable / fruit peels, pits, plant clippings, whatever fits, for future build up of wonderful soil. When the weather is drier, (we were really blessed with glorious sunshine on Sat), we will go and shovel (Alan shovels, I hold the bags) some 10 bags of soil, manure, and mix everything together. Come spring, we should have quite the bittidical stash! We can visualize a "happy" and well nutured garden; full of beautiful blooms and thriving life!

Tidbit - Be grateful for the day; including its start! Even if the weather is lousy or whatever befalls you. Be an optimist!

Bittid - Enjoy each and every tidbitz moment! And / or, change challenging circumstances into a more positive bittidz. You and others, will be happier, as a result.

Am going to go and enjoy our Himalayan Goji Juice, before zooming forth with the day! As a further tidbit, "goji" means "happy". I look forward to this full bittid week; remembering to appreciate each and every moment, of each and every day!

God Bless!

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Taking a stand for what is right!


"Well" (can be a deep subject; as eluded to several posts ago! LOL!), we went with the flow! Alan picked up his parents and they came here for Alan's delectable homemade soup creation! AND, fresh fabulous multi grain sourdough bread from Costco. Amongst many other goodies, Costco has a wonderful tidbitz supply of bread!

Just returned from downstairs to devour the crust, along with a little bit of cheese. Costco also provides bittidz cheeses.....Mmmmmmm. Tastes so delicious and with a tid glass of red wine, magnifique! Skal!

The parents had a refreshing time; feeling the illuminating warmth of a friendly fire and relaxing in our cosy abode for the afternoon. Alan drove them to their 'prison', a short time ago. Alan's Dad broke down in tears; he is so glad that he and his son have re established their relationship. Not only that, Alan is the only one that is genuinely concerned for his parents' well being. Unfortunately, that is the truth.

We are 'sounding boards' for both Alan's Mum and Dad; as well as doing our best to restore their quality of life. We are dealing with a total mess; an all out war, in a nutshell. We have tried to do things "nicely"; however, we now have to play 'Hard ball;" to obtain the vital details. The 'Soft ball' has not been successful. This may set a legal precedent for other aged victims of the 'abuse', I blogged about earlier today. It is shameful, as to what goes on "behind closed doors". Old people being "shuffled" about, and at the mercy of "these" "predators". They will be exposed for what they have done.

We do live "outside the box" and travel " a road, less travelled". We do live "outside our comfort zone"; however, from that, comes an inner strength and resolve. Perhaps, it is character building? He says, "Fear not, for I am with you". We live in that belief daily! Perhaps some of you, know what I am posting about; and have been there / are there.

Tidbit - "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". Do NOT want to NOT try; even if we are faced with challenges, ridicule, or failure. Gotta try; and most importantly, for the right reasons.

Bittid - Gets easier to do, when you do live "outside the box".

We do not think it is "normal" to live "inside the box", as it is too "safe" or too "comfortable". It is easy to become "complacent", when you "dare not"; and do nothing to make a positive difference in the world.

There are people who do not like my Alan; and may never "approve" of him. However, I have found the "love of my life"; and I have learned so many things from him. Actually, Alan and I are "An Answer to Prayer", as to how we met! I have always had my own mind; however, over the years and experiences, sometimes, the 'stuffing' has a tendency to get knocked out of you a wee bit.

I grew up in an era, where "children should be seen, but not heard". Am sure some of you can relate to that tid type of upbringing. Am not knocking my parents; who unfortunately are both dead. However, I think of them everyday; and with loving and kind memories. They did their best; even if I did not always agree or think so. Alan, helped me, become "me"' and perhaps too, there are many who are 'puzzled' by a "change". Well, "change" is to be embraced and since I have found Him, things are that much more enlightening in our lives. THAT IS THE KEY; LET HIM IN; THEN THERE ARE CHANGES. It just happens that way! Some of you, may be too young to understand this; so perhaps down the road, you will grasp this and also embrace "change"; and appreciate of what I blog.

I think I have tidbitzed enough bittidz today. Am going to go and enjoy another bit slice of that outstanding bread and some cheese! And perhaps, a second glass of vino! Skal! As a tid, I love the above photo image of the Statue of Liberty! Exhileration! Freedom! We are all so blessed! Praise Him in All Things!

"Well", turned out to be quite the "well" at the depth or heart of things. I welcome your comments, if you would like to share your thoughts and or experiences.

Good Night and God Bless.

Soaring Spirits!

Good Morning! Sunday!

Was up quite a tid early; took our Blue out for his "constitution"; and the day took root. Alan usually takes our "puppy" (now 3 yrs young) for his am walks; however, thought he would appreciate an opportunity to sleep in for a bit.

Alan has really been helping his parents out; however, it does zap a bittidz of energy; given what he has to deal with; in championing for their best interests. There has not been a tid ounce of cooperation from his siblings, nor from the old age home / medical supervisors, the doctors in question, financial advisors, and the siblings' lawyer. Unfortunately, there has been a "conspiracy" between the siblings, the "guilty" doctors / old age home supervisors, and financial advisors. It is a "hornet's nest! A mess!" If Alan's parents have been treated in this shoddy manner, what about the masses of other aged folks, who are also being mistreated and ignored???

Alan's parents were "dumped" in there, and left to die. Period. And, they have been called "troublemakers". Why? Because they dared to inquire about their medications and so forth? Most of the older people are left to just wither away; they are but a calculated number in the money making system that eerily exacts their 'pound of flesh'. And, when they die, others solemnly take their place, and so forth. I tidbitz not here. This is serious stuff; not fluff. I hope that those of you who are experiencing this type of situation, take a courageous stand, and do what is just; particularly for the underdog. So many just gloss over things, and do not wish to be involved in what is not "comfortable" in their status quo.

Tidbit - Take a stand to help make a positive difference in someone's life. It may require you to think and act outside the box; and step out of your "comfort zone!"

Bittid - Family matters. For those of you, who have aging parents, please do not ignore them, or be indifferent to their needs, concerns, fears, problems, etc. Afterall, they are your parents, regardless. Remember, one day you too, will be "old". Do you want to be abandoned, forsaken, or forgotten, and then some?

It has been a rather heavy duty week; so it is nice today, to just appreciate a bit of R & R. It is a dark day outside; and the rain is fiercely taking over. Lit up a cheery fire; and, that brings such a tid of joy! Brightens up the whole room on these cool and forlorn days!

Speaking of parents, we will be seeing them today. They may feel happier to just come here and enjoy the gentle warmth of a cosy fire, whatever. However, since they do not wish to be "a burden"; they may still want to take us out to lunch. So, we will just go with the flow, and give them a nice afternoon!

Love the above inspirational image of "Soaring Spirits!"

God Bless.

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Happy Saturday!


This has been a full tidbitz of a day! It has been great! We started our patio bittidz after a bit of lunch, and finished a tid before 6:00 pm; and we now have our 2 composts in place! We tidied up our patio, washed the glass tables, moved the furniture under the protective roof eves. We are now able to enjoy sitting outside; as if we were inside. Well, minus the heat; but other than that, it looks pretty comfy for cooler weather. Eventually, we will treat ourselves to an outdoor "heater lamp"; that would be perfect!

Enjoyed a good dinner; and we are about to watch a movie in a few minutes.

Tidbit - Make the most of it! ie We thought it would take us 2 days to do what we did, in about 6 hrs; and eventhough the weather forecast was for sunshine for tomorrow as well, it is supposed to rain. So, we are glad we completed this task today!

Bittid - We have some more projects to do; however, Alan's parents are taking us out tomorrow for lunch; depending on how they feel. When we were at Costco the other day, we bought a good sized quiche. I can easily make one; but this looked so delicious; and it was already made up! Keep things bittid simple, is a good plan! We may end up having them over here tomorrow for quiche, a salad, a fire, and they can put their feet up and just relax for a tidbit.

Glad it is Saturday night, a good movie is on, and I can snuggle up to my hubby.

Good night, and God Bless.

Quiet morning Autumn mists

Have you ever had mornings that you sleep in?! Well, I did this am! Woke up just after 8 am; and stayed in bed til now. Enjoyed a tidful of ccffee, brought to me, by my Alan. It was so nice to simply gaze out the windows at the trees, their crimson leaves; and also, seeing mists of both the morning fall fog, and friendly smoke from neighbouring chimneys. A tranquil setting; and we can catch glimpses of the "blue" shapes of the mountains; which will soon be covered with snow. I love the above photo image; a "picture is worth a 1000 words"; or so it has been said.

Was reading a bitful excerpt as well; from "Enjoying Everyday Life", by Joyce Meyer. We receive this free magazine monthly, from the Joyce Meyer Ministries; and it is full of wonderful spiritual truths and uplifts. For those of you, who have not heard of her, she is excellent! You can find her online ( and / or on the Vision Channel (Channel 105) on Sundays.

Tidbit - "Winning the Bout with Fear and Doubt" - Basically, Fear Not, have the Faith and Belief in Him. The 'other force' does not wish you to 'win'; and is constantly lurking, awaiting to devour you as its prey; at all costs, to discourage you and bring you down through fear, doubt, confusion, envy, anger, etc. To quote Joyce, "In order to walk out the things God has spoken, you will need to IGNORE the bad reports that come your way, FOCUS on God alone, and KEEP ON KEEPING ON with what He has told you to do. When nothing seems to make sense, just keep putting one foot in front of the other as you give PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD. He will guide you each step of the way".

Bittid - To further quote Joyce, "Don't hang out with people who discourage you or laugh at the vision God has given you for your life".

Am sharing this tidbitz, because this is how I feel. This morning, having had a quiet bittidz, I was given further clarity and calm to reflect on "things". There is a spiritual battle; however, He has already won! For as Christ said, "Fear not, I have overcome the world!" So, be Bold, have Faith, Hope, and Fear Not; for He is with you. Just invite Him in. I recommnend Joyce Meyer; she says it how it is.

Hope this is of encouragement to all those who read this blog today. We always have something to be THANKFUL for.

God Bless.

Friday, 26 October 2007

Glad it is Friday! CHEERS!

Glad it is Friday! AGAIN, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!!!

Anyway, got a lot accomplished today! About to call it a day.

Whilst in our travels today, we picked up 2 composts at the recycling centre. "They" gave us an approximate size; when we telephoned in to inquire. "They" were rather in error; because the composts were twice as big as we were told. However, we ended up purchasing the two anyway. There was a bit of a lineup; and as we did not want to go back, and get a refund, and then do the tid waiting process, all over again, it was simpler and much much quicker to just keep the two composts. However, the way it worked out, was for the best; because we look forward to enjoying the fruits of our labours, two-fold!

This weekend is "supposed" to be nice and dry; so, tomorrow and Sunday, we will be tidbitzing up our bittidz garden; as well as our patio and covering our furniture. Our furniture will be moved into "fall / winter" ambience; so that we can seek refuge outside, while we are "under cover". Hmmmmmmmm. "Under cover" - that is an interesting word. Hmmmmmm. There is a lot of "that" going on in our world, isn't there? Lack of straightforwardness, whatever comes to your mind.

Tidbit - Appreciate what works out for the best. 'Best laid plans of mice and men', so "they" say.

Bittid - Reflect on your week; count your blessings; and look forward to a good weekend!

Here is wishing you all a really nice weekend! In our part of the world, we are wonderfully blessed with four seasons! When there is brilliant sunshine on an autumn day, it is even that much more magnificent to appreciate fall, in all its glory!

God Bless.

Thursday, 25 October 2007

A full larder

Whew! Glad to be home! Drove "everywhere" today, or so it seemed; the last stop being "Costco". We ended up buying more than our already lengthy list! LOL! However, that was all to the good; because Costco has such wonderful prices! A nice feeling, that our larder is now full again! I love the turquoise background, in the larder photo image!

Tidbit - You can look at your life like a larder. Is it full, overloaded, or quite empty, and always begging for more? Hmmmmm. that was tid of thought that just hit me! Our lives are a "full larder"; however, there are times, when it can be 'overloaded'.

Bittid - Just take a deep breath; and focus on what is most important to you. If there are ertain matters / projects that can be put off til tomorrow, let it calmly be so. There are also moments, when "putting things off" work out for the bit best; because often an even better solution turns up! Live one day at a time; and also know when to appreciate some "down time".

Blogging of "down time", that is just about what I am going to do. Had a very early start this am; and there is another "up and at it" wake up tomorrow! Am going to R & R this evening; and also, when tomorrow arrives, I look forward to enjoying the dawn of a new day. And then, the same thing, all over again! Day in, day out, like the tides coming in, coming out.

God Bless.

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Each and every moment is so precious!

Hi, A short tidbitz!

The sun is now out, and shining brilliantly! Go figure! Very cool and feisty bittidz breeze though.

My daughter's in-laws popped in today; actually they were delayed, because of the build up of lineups involved to get passports done; and only 2 booths were open? Hello? Well worth the bureaucratic wait, nonetheless. Makes us think that we will have to donate a good bit of time to going through the same tedious tid type of process, before too long.

We have not seen the "in-laws" for a bit; so it was nice to have a tid of a coffee visit with them. They were tidbitzing with us about a recent cruise they took; and it all sounded so awesome! The food apparently was "out of this world"; and there were 16 restaurants to choose from! And, the cruise ship carried some 2800 people; and, 1200 were staff! Wow! Blog about good service; 2 to 1 practically!

We got a lot accomplished since the wee bittidzing hours of this am; and now Alan has gone to see his Mum; as well as bringing her another bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice. She just loves the stuff; and she feels as if, it is "An Answer to her Prayers!" Afterall, Himalayan Goji Juice, is a pure, safe, and natural product; and, as she keeps saying to us and to others, "I have nothing to lose; and everything to gain, if this helps me!" We agree; and once again, that is our "why" as to why, we looked further to the unique opportunity. Good enough reason, for us.

Tidbit - Each and every moment is so precious! We enjoyed seeing the "in-laws", as it has been quite awhile. Most likely, it will be another tidbitz of time, before we see them next! It was as if we just saw them yesterday; which leaves you with a nice feeling. No doubt, you know what it feels like, to have a bittidz visit with someone you have not seen for a bit. And, that things carry right on, as if not a tid of time had flittered by!

Well..... That is a deep subject. I did a post on that some tidbitz of a while ago. I had best go and get on with some more bittidz!!!

God Bless.

Now, this looks GOOD!

Good Morning! or Good Afternoon, or Good Evening or Good Night! Whatever part of the world you live in!

In our area of the globe, it is morning; and what a dark am it is! The skies are black; and the drops of rain, are starting to become larger and more rapid; and the wind is drastically picking up! Just prepped up the hearth! We have company coming over this am; so with a ready made fire, pot of "gourmet" coffee, and / or good tasting tea, and tid but delicious, macaroons, we are set! Although, the Danish Pastries, in the photo image look so invitingly GOOD!

We have a lot happening; however, we will work around our unexpected guests. We have a bit of time before they arrive; so we will endeavour to get some calls done. There is a time difference of 3 hours; so it is better to conduct our business earlier anyway. Alan has been on the phone already.

Tidbit - Always find something "good" in a person / situation; regardless of the tidbitz. Best to give the benefit of a doubt and have empathy. If you have been mistreated or whatever, you have the ability to make choices. Rise above it, and act with grace instead. Can be challenging to do, but it becomes easier after a bittidz of practice.

Must go now; will post in later!

God Bless!

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Think I will follow my own advice!

Hi! Just LOVE the photo image of this beautiful rose! There is "something" illuminating about it, that catches my attention; so much so, that I am going to enjoy its presence again!
Blogging about 'catching my attention', I just reread my post from yesterday; and hmmmmm. Same stuff, different day. I have typed in 'stuff' instead of another word; which is quite appropro.

Tidbit - Follow your own advice! Like believe in Him, that He will provide the solutions! Because with Him, everything IS possible!

We just returned from our accountant's; as we had to take in our 2006 and most of our 2007 info for income tax filing. He may live an hour or bit away, but we would
drive to the ends of the earth for him; as he is such a noble guy. 'NOBLE', I appreciate that noble word; and, as an understatement, there are very few like him!

We also introduced the Himalayan Goji Berry to him; and he was most (nobly) impressed; particularly since there are doctors and other professionals taking a good look at this. We were just mentioning things in passing; however, he wanted some info; so we just "happened to have" some! LOL! Good to be always a tid prepared! As per his wish, we left him with some data; and he seriously said, 'none of us, can ever be too healthy!' Now that is food for thought! (the Himalayan Goji Berry is a pure and natural food, for those who do not know)

We have not been home long; and as, we have a Strata meeting tonight; I had best get dinner ready; would rather be there with food in my stomach, than empty!

Good night and God Bless.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Strange Day!

Hi, have you ever had a "Strange Day?" Like, things "happen"; but you just keep your chin up, and keep on going? (like the "Energizer Bunny) Right? That is always the preferred route! NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!!

Tidbit - Rely on Him to TOTALLY guide you! Do not be afraid to genuinely invite Him in to your hearts. Just simply ASK Him for HIS help and direction!!! Sounds simple enough; and for those who believe in Him; it becomes easier to do that step. Although, there are times, when that can be difficult to do; particularly when everything hits you all at once! However, the more often you ask Him for His "counsel", the better it is for you, to have a daily "conversation" with Him etc.

Bittid - There are NO coincidences, when "things happen". It is simply meant to happen; regardless of the consequences. And, as a note of encouragement to you all,'out of not so good situations, there is ultimately a GOOD and for the best' solution. Confide in Him; it is that SIMPLE; and He wants to keep things SIMPLE for your benefit. All you need to do, is to simply INVITE Him in; and He will provide the rest.

Hope this is of major tidbitz / bittidz to all who read this blog.

God Bless.

Sunday, 21 October 2007

A nice fire and compassion!

Sunday evening! Did not even get close to the tid paperwork / files!

There were "family" matters today with Alan's parents; and that caused a fair bit of distraction.

This week will be a significant one; and many things should start falling into place.

Enjoyed a nice warm fire this evening; actually 2 three hour fire logs; and it was so peaceful, giving out a protective comfort. There is a deluge of rain coming down; so a cosy fire is that much all the more appreciated!

One of Alan's Mum's closest and longtime friends, was very unkind and cast aspersions towards her today. Very sad. However, good on his Mum, for having the courage to let her know that she was in error; inasmuch, as she did not know the half of it.

Tidbit - Compassion, compassion, compassion - for others. Although, it is challenging at times, to feel genuine compassion for those who mistreat you; it is incumbent, to always have compassion! Ask Him to help you forgive those who maligne or conspire against you. It is amazing what if a huge weight has been released from your heart. Just as I read that, a mighty burden was just pulled from my sad and disappointed heart. We have recently experienced a bittidz of manipulation and, sensed ulterior motives. So, we have empathy for Alan's Mum; who was totally surprised by her "friend?"

Bittid - If your intuition is such, that you feel "something is just not quite right, or adding up..." trust your instinct. Sometimes, one overlooks things; thinks "no, it can't be...must be imagining things..." Not so, tidbitz. This is where discernment that He gives you, comes in; and guides you to see things more clearly; including extending compassion to all. Remember He has told us, to "Love one another, as I have Loved you"; and "Judge lest, ye be judged".

Praise Him in All Things. I say, "Thank you!" Good Night and God Bless.

Glad it is Sunday!

What a lovely morning! Pouring "cats and dogs" and all! We have so much to be thankful for! I am so glad it is Sunday! A "day of rest!" Alan brought me my Himalayan Goji Juice first, and then my coffee this am, while I was still in bed; and from our bedroom window, we can appreciate such a peaceful and lush view!- even with the falling rain!

In a bit, I will be bitputtzing about to tackle the remainder of the tidputzzing paperwork / files, that have been lying in wait for me.

As per the photo image of the beautiful "Queen Elizabeth Rose", the pink roses are still blooming magnificently! Fall has now ravaged our tid cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers; yet our romaine lettuce and green peppers are wonderfully thriving! Go figure!

Last night, Alan and I enjoyed a delicious meal of lasagne; AND, of course, the lettuce (had a fabulous Caesar Salad!) from our garden. Always appreciated with dinner, a tid glass or 2 of red wine! Red wine is good for the arteries, so "they" say! I beliee there is a bit of truth in that thought!

So much to be grateful and joyful for! I 'Praise Him in ALL Things'; all the time! And today, is even more of a reflective and encouraging endorsement!

Tidbit- Be blessed when you can count on your fingers, the number of true and dear friends you have in your life.

Bittid - We are sincerely appreciative of individuals, who choose to genuinely involve themselves in our lives, with NO ulterior motives. "The gate swings both ways"; and as Alan's family clan motto says, "We force no friends, and we fear no foe" is an accurate depiction.

Am sharing this tidbitz / bittidz, because some of you, may have had, or have friendships, that were / are not sincere and truthful. You know, and we know, that this is disappointing and saddening; not only to us; but to Him!

Saturday, 20 October 2007

The Art of the Close

Well, we just had an interesting tid experience! Our "puppy" Blue, enjoys a really natural blend of lamb dogfood. It shows up beautifully on him; although, I do think one egg per week, helps a bit! LOL! That helps maintain a shiny and healthy coat!

Our friend makes and then delivers the food to our doorstep. He is a really good guy. He has had his fair bittidz of challenges; however, he has weathered through them wonderfully well.

He was just here a few moments ago; and we gave him a taste of the Himalayan Goji Juice. He loved the taste; 'refreshing and berry good', he said. Hmmmmmm. We happened to have the Healtb Breakthrough Magazine and a DVD/CD (mentioned in an earlier recent post); that I wanted to give him; whereas, Alan kept hesitating most visibly. I was "Goji Gung Ho" on genuine enthusiasm; and Alan did not want to burden him with one more tidbitz thing, than he already had on his full plate. However, he said he had an open mind! That is the positive type of comment you like to hear!!! Our friend did not seem to mind in the slightest; particularly since he so enjoyed the taste, in a tid 2 oz liquer glass! May as well make it fun! It turns out that he has a dear friend, who has cancer; and we told him our "why", we became involved. Alan's Mum also has cancer; so we thought this would help her. Well, he ended up purchasing a bottle from us; because he wanted his friend on it, RIGHT AWAY! He then went on to say that he had various other clients - athletes, a famous, well known entrepreneur, and the like. So, who knows? You just never know who might be receptive.

Tidbit - In the "Art of the Close", no push. Just a gentle nudge! And, if they embrace it, awesome!

That just made my night; totally unexpected too!

Bittid - Praise Him in ALL Things!

A Goji Goodnight!

Genuine family relationships & friendships!


Hope you all had a good week; and enjoy the weekend! It is just pouring with rain! Indoors, is where I want to be today! A nice and warm cosy fire; with the doggie curled "comfy comfy" contentedly around our feet.

Alan's parents were here early this morning, for a medical appt re; Alan's Dad to access his legal competency. This was the 2nd doctor to see Alan's Dad; he is not "copis mentes"; but we need to have it all confirmed legally. Alan's Mum has been found to be legally competent. We are dealing with Alan's sibblings who have severely mistreated the parents; (you can refer to earlier posts; ie Power of Attorney changes, the parents' present inhumane living conditions) and unfortunately it is all about "control" over the 'purse strings;' and over deliberately wrongly prescribed medications. Pretty scary; and, it would appear that there is a "conspiracy". Too many factors have been pointing to this ultimate serious set of circumstances. The good thing is that we are on the right track; and the "others" do not appreciate us putting things "right." ie acting in their parents' best interests. This has been happening to Alan's parents, so how many others have been affected in this manner??? More common, than you wish to imagine! Unreal, how manipulative greed and pious power can step in. Fortunately, we are "checkmating" "their" behaviour and unscrupulous conduct / lack of integrity.

Tidbit - If you know something is not right, PLEASE do not be afraid to act, just take a stand for what is right and just.

Strange bittidz occured last night! We had a major thunder and lightning storm; flashes of lighting all around us; and thunder right above us. It was as if the whole house shook! Within a tidbitz of a couple of hours, we heard this huge crashing sound, as if glass was breaking everywhere! It turns out that one of our chandelier pieces, fell to our dining room table. We will endeavour to glue the stem / petals; and put it back into the lovely, antique, Czechoslovakian chandelier. At the moment, you can not really tell that a stem is absent from the mix; unless upon close inspection. We are wondering whether it was the tremulous vibration of the storm!

Bittid - Have strength and courage to do what is right; regardless of all the challenges associated with deceit, 'skullduggery', manipulation, lies, and even supposed "sweetness". Discernment is very powerful; just utilize the "gift" in good Faith, and distinguish between the Truth and evil. Also, "Love conquers ALL".

Today thus far, has been great. Illuminating reflections too, about friends and / or foes. We appreciate a few genuine friends; who are, amongst the tid precious "few and far between"; rather, than those who are artificial acquaintances; purporting or proclaiming to be our friends. We are also in the process of "trimming a bit more of the tree"; some of it sadly, but necessary. It may genuinely encourage new growth for some; and we welcome those (be it family members or friends), who are genuine with us. As for the foes, well, they know who they are; as do we.

We are glad it is Saturday; and we are going to "chill out" for the next day or so; before the week begins!

Perhaps, today's post may have enlightened and helped some of you in dealing with your own surrounding scenarios. It is the Truth; and what is right and just, that matters in the end. "He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light".

God Bless.

Friday, 19 October 2007



My hubby brought me my "Goji" Juice in bed this am! (as well as a cup of tea). What first class service! He spoils me every tid day!

Tidbit - Appreciate your spouse, or significant other; or whomever; and let them know that you love and appreciate them; and that they are "special!" If you can do this genuine bit, each and every day, it is to everyone's benefit!

Here it is Friday - again!

Since early am, we have had the painter here to paint our patio doors, which were finally installed last week. He is using a blow dryer to dry the first coat; before putting on the second coat. It looks like he will be here for the tidbitz of the day; but at least it wil be done properly! The doors have to be left open; rainfall and all; for several hours. We are helping Alan's parents; and there are legal and medical procedures involved in what is necessary, to put things "right". One of the key individuals, is away today; typical! So, we are rescheduling things for early next week.

Bittid - Always go right to the "top", to achieve your desired and transparent results. There has been a lot of "B.S." bittidz, "floating about'. Generally, when people do not want to be "found out" or, exposed to the truth, they appear to be most indignant; and / or to employ avoidance tactics. We have "uncovered" a lot; (re: the treatment of Alan's parents) and it is by "their" 'actions, words, and deeds', that "they", are convicting themselves. Very interesting and somewhat amusing, to discern and observe. Hmmmmmmm....

It is now starting to really pour with rain; think I will go and see if the nice painter would like a cup of coffee and a sandwich. "Best laid plans of mice and men"; is what has happened today; that is, with the major "culprit" being "away"; the painter being here for the day; so, this is all for the best!

Will blog in a bit. God Bless!

P.S. That is my hubby!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Good Night!

Good Evening and Good Night!

Just came home a few tid minutes ago, spent a fun evening with a very good friend of mine! She called me at 5:30 ish pm and wanted to know if " I was on for tonight?" I was a bit puzzled; at any rate, there was a 20% off evening at a lovely gift shop, close to where we both live. I ended up going; and we had the best time! There was wine, hors' d'oevres - fantastic! A brilliant marketing flair! Plus, I ran into some friends that I had not seen for years....and, yes, we bought a little bit of Christmas cheer. We ended up going to a spot for a "nightcap" and got caught up on a tid of "stuff". It turned out that the shop did not have our new mailing address; thus, I had no knowledge of tonight's event; so it was nice, I heard from my friend.

Tidbit - You just never know; always be ready and prepared!

Bittid - No need to be anxious about tomorrow; just live each day. Tomorrow will take care of itself; and yesterday is behind you.

Glad it is time for bed! Goji Good Night again; and God Bless!

Do you have a favourite time(s) of the day?

Good Morning! or Good Day or Good Evening! Whatever it is, in your part of the world!

It is a good morning here! Had a really good night's sleep; have been up for a tid; and have an appt within the 1/2 hour. It is pouring with rain; but then, that is why everything is so beautiful and lush green! My dear Alan will be driving me to my appt; so am glad for this extra bit of time!

Do you have a favourite time or times of the day? I have come to the Goji conclusion, that one of my most favourite times is enjoying a freshly brewed LARGE cup of coffee, and the blog! Somehow, it just propels me to a good and reflective start to the day! It is a quiet time of the day for me. Our "puppy" Blue, is curled up under and around my chair. I do not know how he can be comfortable, but he is! The photo you see is of Blue, at our Christmas party, from last year. We had recently moved; so this was a wonderful celebration / gathering of friends.

Tidbit - Appreciate a new day! Whatever happened the day before, let it go! Yes, you can learn from experiences; but do not beat yourself up for it. Today is yet another day; and you can begin afresh! Enjoy each and every day!

Please feel free to comment on your favourite time(s) of the day, if you wish!

God Bless.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007


The above "OH MY" Lady Head Vase is the most recent one that I have added to our collection! I just love her! Her colouring; and with her velvety green gloved hand; she looks even prettier than the photo! She is outstanding in our cabinet! I have always wanted to locate her; and finally the opportunity arrived!

Right now, it is absolutely teeming with rain; good night to be home!

We had another full full plate; eventhough, there were a few unexpected tids to our start of the day. Alan's parents came over this afternoon, stayed for dinner, and Alan now just returned, from driving them home. We enjoyed scrambled eggs, and warmed up buttered muffins. Surprisingly, they were a delicious combination! LOL! Alan's Dad is not eating much these days; so I was relieved that he digested a bit of food. Plus they both enjoyed a "Bailey's" in front of a cosy fire. In fact, we all had dinner in front of a warm crackling fire! I know they went home tired, but happy. Plus they are on the Himalayan Goji Juice; and they have noticed a positive difference! ie more energy; and a feeling of "well being". Same with us; and we have had incredible sleeps. Should also add, that Alan's Mum has had trouble sleeping at nights; well, since she has been on the Himalayan Goji Juice, she has enjoyed 10 to 12 hour sleeps! And, true, sleep is everything; because without a restful night's sleep, all sorts of health issues can crop up!

Tidbit - Reflect on your blessings and be thankful!

Anyway, wanted to show / share my "OH MY" photo image. She looks "right at home" in our house.

Hope you all had a good day; and now I am happily off to bed! Just had my Himalayan Goji Juice; so I will now 'goji' to bed.

Good Night and God Bless!

Go with the flow!

Good Morning! Have been up for a tid few hours! It is pouring with rain outside! A perfect day to stay indoors! However, we will be going out later this am and for early this afternoon. We had a couple of unexpected early am situations to deal with; so this has altered our itinerary for a bit of today.

Just in the process of rearranging and setting things up for next week. Plus, that will give us some weekend time to get caught up on the tidbitz paperwork / files, that still needs to be organized. Alan's parents are wonderful; however, we have given a lot of our time and energy to them; and certain "stuff" has not been done. Looking back in hindsight, maybe just as well, that we are not "cramming" everything in today. However, Alan's parents are coming over here later this afternoon; so it does not leave much time for us to attend to all the bittidz.

Tidbit - Go with the flow; and work cheerfully around changes; and / or things happpening 'out of left field'. The photo is of our beloved Blue; Oh to have a dog's life!!! LOL!

Must run; but wanted to wish you all a great day! Enjoyed our Himalayan Goji Juice this am!

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Sleep is everything!

Again, do not know where the day went...well, we just went by toooooooooooo fast!

Accomplished a lot today; and tomorrow we have a very very very early start; and we are "cramming" a whole bunch in one day. This is where I wish that there were more than 24 hours in a day. Perhaps you have "been there" as well!

Glad it is the evening; and that we will heartily enjoy a good night's rest!

Tidbit - Appreciate a good full day; and then a good full night's rest! Simple, I know; but, so true! Sleep is everything.

Good Night & God Bless.

Monday, 15 October 2007

Happy October!

Good Morning or Good Afternoon or Good Evening; whatever it is in your part of the world!

Enjoyed a peaceful morning excursion with Blue; picture perfect walk! So much to be thankful for! Our puppy enjoyed a fresh farm egg with his breakfast. An egg once or twice a week, is very beneficial to a dog's coat; and whether it is true or not, our "puppy" receives many fine compliments on his healthy coat and "look". I even gave him a tiny tid of Himalayan Goji Juice yesterday; there was a bit left in the almost empty bottle; and I wanted to make sure that it was 'good to the last drop!' "Waste not, want not" is an old saying. The Himalayan Goji Juice is wonderful for pets too; have heard and read about some incredible dog and cat testimonials!
It is now raining; Blue and I timed that reflective outing well! We are grateful for the rain; and for the part of the world we live in. Many other areas of the world are experiencing severe drought etc.

The freshly brewed large cup of coffee is hitting the spot this am. We ended up going 'out for lunch' at dinner time yesterday! LOL! Alan picked up his parents at lunch time; and they had already eaten lunch. Long story; no need to tidbitz about that. We spent the afternoon here; Alan's Mum had a peaceful nap; whilst Alan and his Dad watched the football game together (which was a nice bonding); and I retreated to our computer and got caught up on correspondence, and also read a bittidz more about the Himalayan Goji Juice.

As a tid, we passed by our neighbour's house; as it is on our am route. Normally 'Norm' is reading the paper in his chair; well this morning, 'Norm' AND his wife were sitting, cuddlying up on their couch, reading the "Breakthroughs in Health" magazine, that Alan gave 'Norm' yesterday. They are an older couple; and they looked soooooo cute together; wearing their glasses, as they bent over the contents of the information! He was in the health business; and his wife has some health issues. So, you just never know, a bit of Himalayan Goji Juice for thought! (and drink!):)

Tidbit - Be appreciative and joyful! Praise Him in All Things!

Wanted to blog now; as we have a full day before us!

God Bless.

Sunday, 14 October 2007

It is Sunday! Love Sundays!

Love Sundays! It is a "Day of Rest!" It feels "different!"Somehow all the "stuff" from the past week, is behind you; and you can enjoy some tranquil R & R! Whether it is sleeping in, having a nice brunch / lunch, putter bittidzing about or tidbitzing with family and friends, it is a wonderful day of the week!

Was out early early this am with our "puppy"; and the sunrise was unbelievably awesome! Beautiful colours in the sky; and birds were chirping happily away (chickadees, I think). It was so peaceful; no traffic or noise, save for the lively sounds of nature, awakening to a new day. Perhaps the tid birds were excitedly making their bit plans for the winter! Just like some of us! We are going back to "Zihua" in Dec; so we too, are looking forward to something "special!" We will be home for Christmas; however, we do not know what Christmas will bring this year; as mentioned in the post of October 9th.

Tidbit - Appreciate each and every moment! Sundays are great to reflect upon our blessings; as well as the recharging of the batteries! We are going to be seeing Alan's parents today for lunch; and eventhough I would prefer to have uninterrupted time, to complete the major task I unleashed on Friday,(blogged in the post of Oct 12th) this is by far the more important decision. To tidbitz, Alan's parents have really appreciated our help; and they want to take us out to lunch. So, it will be a fun visit and happy outing for us all!

Bittid - Life is so short; appreciate what IS important! In this case, the parents or the bittidz paperwork? Paperwork can lie in dusty wake; however, time waits for no one! Who knows how many precious moments each and every one of us have! So, let us make the most of it; and make meaningful choices; and distinguish between what is, and what is not important, concerning the matters of the heart!

Now I am going to go and enjoy some Himalayan Goji Juice!!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday; and God Bless.

Saturday, 13 October 2007

We found some Yellow Hotei!

Hi, Still is a beautiful pm! We went out mid morning; did some errands, as well as dropping off the magazine (refer to posting of Oct 11th)and some brochures, to a very wonderful friend. She lives a fair distance away; however, not a problem. She loves to read; and she is very appreciative of preventative health measures. She knows many people who would embrace both the product, and the opportunity; as well as herself.

Should retidbitz, but we are heavily involved in our own business; and we were not looking for this "extra" bittidz; save for the fact that we thought of Alan's Mum and Dad could really benefit from taking this awesome product. As previously mentioned, she has terminal cancer. It is a 90 day, money back guarantee; so there is virtually no risk; and, there is a 94% reorder rate.

Tidbit - Go the extra mile; show you genuinely care! That is what we did with our friend today; and a dear friend she is!

On our further travels, we went to the nursery and came across my beloved yellow Hotei Rhododendrum (as in the photo image). We picked up 2 small ones; as they were on sale and also 20% off! Here we are; already thinking of next spring! I wonder if it is the Himalayan Goji Juice that has "sprung" us into 'spring like' action! LOL!

Bittid - Always have something fun to look forward to! ie Yellow Hotei or whatever jumps out at you! And yet, be thankful for the day and its moments.

If there are any of you, who have a genuine interest in trying the product, and / or enjoying the opportunity. Or, if you know of someone who might benefit, please feel free to let me know. I would really enjoy getting back to you.

Am going to call it a night; as it was a rather early start for a Saturday! Hope you have a nice weekend.

A happy Saturday to you!

A Goji Good Morning!

Another beautiful sunny day! Had a good restful sleep and was up early this am. I put on the coffee, put my feet up, and listened to a call re: the serendipitous opportunity! Wow! There were doctors on the call; peoples' testimonials about the Himalayan Goji Juice, AND the integrity of the company! One of the doctors has a wife, who had IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)To put it a tid diplomatically, she could not leave her house; and this went on for 6 yrs! The poor woman! Imagine when she was introduced to the Himalayan Goji Juice; well in 3 months, her situation had cleared up; and she is now able to travel with her husband to their place in Mexico; where he loves to go fishing! Eventhough as a doctor, he still wanted to help people, he had concerns for his retirement and future income. Before his wife went on the product, his dog was introduced to it first! Dr. "Brian" is doing now what he wants to do; and has seen many awesome changes with his "patients". ie medications cut back or no longer (hypo thyroid - person is off the medications entirely); he himself lost some 20 pounds (the only thing different, was that he was on the Himalayan Goji juice), a child, not quite 2 yrs old; weighing 40 pounds, was uncontrollable and hyper active; well, when a bit of Himalayan Goji Juice was given to him, he quietened down within 3 mins; and was content, playing with toys on the floor. These are just some of the amazing experiences that were shared today on this call.

Tidbit - (The doctors' tidbit) Share this "gift" with all you meet; because the product (a natural. pure food) is safe for everyone of any age! However, with the opportunity, it is best to go with the ones that have an open mind.

Bittid - Timing is everything.

Well, I had best get on with things. Had my Himalayan Goji Juice! Feel great!

God Bless.

Friday, 12 October 2007

A happy Himalayan Goji before bedtime!

Good Evening!

The day has come and gone! Was up early this am; as we were expecting the replacement doors to be delivered at 8:00 am. We were told it was a 4 to 6 hr installation job; well it turned out to be more of a 10 hr job. The original doors were 'crooked'; so the new replacement doors had to be cut all the more to fit exactly into place. Plus, the alarm mechanism had to be connected as well; and the alarm man was coming between noon and 4 pm. It was on the installer's / alarm person's time; not ours; however it got done! A small fire that took place in the summer, damaged our 2 patio doors. Fortunately, it was only a tid of a fire; eventhough it did quite a bit of damage.

Meanwhile, we were continuing with our projects and organizing our paperwork for our accountant this coming Monday am. There were files and papers everywhere; as well as dust from the outdoors carpentry for the doors. Fortunately, we were blessed with beautiful weather; and a relatively warm day, in the sunshine. I am one of these people who creates a massive mess, before everything becomes ship shape! Perhaps, some of you, can relate! LOL!

In between tids and bits, we also shared the Himalayan Goji Juice! ie Our neighbour who was out for a walk, sees us outside, and stops by for a quick visit. She volunteered that she had to make sure she had her daily exercise, because she is a Type 2 Diabetic. And, it turns out, that her brother is one as well. Well, we gave her the excellent magazine that I referred to in my post, yesterday. She was ecstatic about the idea! Plus the construction/installer was feeling a tidbitz weary after a "10 hour workout"; well guess what? We gave him a magazine to peruse as well. He may be looking at it, also as a "serendipitous" opportunity. Alan's Mum is noticing improvement with each passing day; and, it will be most interesting when she next visits her doctor. And there were a few other friends that I spoke with today; and they were also very receptive. We have noticed that we have slept better; me in particular. And, if you do not have enough sleep, that is not a good bittidz.

Tidbit - If something grabs your attention, go for it! We were not looking for this opportunity; it found us. Because we were thinking of Alan's Mum, who has terminal cancer; we thought, wouldn't it be just great if this Himalayan Goji Juice helped her! Well, we have been doing our due diligence; and we are extremely impressed! I was asked today by one of my friends, if we were going to do this as a business....I took a deep breath and said, "Yes; as well as everything else. And, eventhough we have lots on our plate, we will work around things". I think that if one is open to new ideas, and comes to the conclusion that it all makes sense, why not!

Bittid - You just never know who you might run into, and whose life might be changed by this incredible product driven business. It never ceases to amaze me, what you find, when you are not looking for it!

Am just about to go and take in a movie. It will feel good to relax in bed and watch the show; after a full and productive day. We are both thankful for today. Before I "retire", I must go and have my Himalayan Goji Juice! And, it tastes so good too!

Here is wishing you all a Goji Good Night; and God Bless!

Thursday, 11 October 2007

A happy Himalayan Goji start to the day!

Good Morning!

The day has already started for us! Received a phone call at approx 7:30 am our time; and that was that! Up and at it! Long distance call; with a 3 hr time difference! However, it was a good call; and I had an extra bounce in my step this am, when I took our Blue out for his "constitution".

Just reordered some "tools" to help us promote the Himalayan Goji Berry to others! ie "Breakthrough is Health" looks to be an excellent magazine, which includes an enclosed free audio CD with doctors' endorsements of the Himalayan Goji Berry. There are testimonials; on diabetes etc. This magazine was suggested to me by our doctor friend; who is also our upline. He is of tremendous resource and genuine support! Also "Acid is for Batteries" is a dual CD/DVD, whereby, a renowned cancer specialist / oncologist researcher, shares the cutting edge research on the Goji! Plus we received a packet of sample brochures, applicable to those with particular health needs. So, yes, that phone call, was a great beginning to the day, as I placed our repeat order. We just received our first "tools" yesterday; and I am looking forward to reading and listening to the material! We have already contacted a few of our friends (ie those that have health issues and / or athletes)and they would like us to send them this neat info!

We have been "involved" in a handful of "home based business"; but this one, is a "no brainer" and we are doing our due diligence with this one! This is a "keeper!" Guess you can tell, I am excited and for the longevity! (Goji means "happy"). It is a product driven company. Not only is the Himalayan Goji Berry juice an outstanding product; but the company is totally solid, here for the longterm; and is considered to be the microsoft of the health / wellness industry!!!

As a tid, I had a really sound sleep last night! Apparently, I was talking in my sleep! LOL! What was I saying!!! Himalayan Goji, Himalayn Goji! Himalayan Goji LOL!

This QUALITY and unique opportunity has come to us; and eventhough it is at a time, when we are very much on the go, we are going to envelope this gift into our daily lives! To enjoy as a personal use; and to help those who also wish to better their health and perhaps their pockets too!

Tidbit - If you see an opportunity; whatever it may be for you, "run with it!" They say, "enthusiasm sells!" It is not so much what you know; it is in the enthusiastism!!! Knowledge is very powerful; however, it is the heart that goes the furthest. I think the stats are 80% is enthusiasm and 20% is knowledge!

Bittid - Better to be on the go, then not! However, it is crucial to always treat yourself to a moment(s) each day "to smell the roses" (post of Oct 10th) and reflect on your blessings.

A further tidbitz - This past Thanksgiving was a very significant one for us. It is all about family. I honoured my parents, who alas, are no longer here. They were great people; and, regardless of their faults, they brought us into the world, and did their best for us. We all have our faults; and it is good to have empathy and compassion for others; it also keeps us humble. Without them, we would not have been here. It was also my Dad's birthday; he would have been 89 yrs old on Oct 7th. My Mum's birthday is coming up on the 12th of November; she would have been 90 yrs. She married a younger man! They were very happy with one another; and this past weekend, I had / have many grateful memories of earlier fun days. Also, my 2 grown up children are into their own thing; and I also had /have many wonderful memories of our Thanksgiving and Christmas family gatherings. I mentioned this bittidz in the Oct 9th post. Come to think of it, my Dad was a "Thanksgiving" baby; and my Mum was a "Remembrance Day" baby. So I am thankful to have had them as my parents, and I remember them for their good qualities!

Hope you all have a great day! God Bless!

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

On the go and yet, take time out to smell the roses!

It has been a really busy on the go time! I prefer to not even mention the word, "busy"; because more often than not, busy does not always mean being busy. Busy is more of an excuse; and could also be illustrated to show up as "busyness". Hmmmm. Was going to spell it as 'business'; and interesting the word, "business" appears. Tidbitz for thought!

Tidbit - Remember to take a deep breath, when you find your life is really on the go! So often, one does not take that moment. It gets easier to put that into practice, when you make a point of doing that each day!

Bittid - I often find that people who are on the go; create time to fit something in; or they work around things. Ask someone who is on the go; or as "they" say, always ask a truly busy person, and you will find the job or whatever it is, gets done; regardless of how tied up they may be. However, when one says "too busy or sooooo busy", then hmmmmmmm.

Have to admit, that I have also said. "tooooo busy or soooooooo busy"; generally due to lack of interest. So now, I just say, 'thanks, but no thanks'; or 'perhaps at a another time'; or 'I will see what I can do'. Because when I say "I am tooooo busy or soooooooo busy"; that is a good reality check for me! Hmmmmmm.

When things appear overwhelming, I just step back, take a breather, appreciate a calm pause, say a Prayer, and then I feel much better. Things become crystal clear, and I find that I focus much more enthusiastically with whatever is on my plate!

Sadly, I have observed that there are people who are "on a constant treadmill"; or; "as gerbils going around and around in a cage"; or those, who are always "in a hurry" - because they are so "busy busy". That amuses me a bit when I encounter "busy busy" people and / or who always are "in a hurry!" Reminds me of the Mad Hatter!

As a futher tidbitical, when on the go, and if feeling anxious, stressed, overworked, or whatever, just slow down a tid and take a deep deep breath. Live one day at a time; challenges and all! Praise Him in All Things. It is amazing how your life becomes a joy and easier to manage. Please take the time out to smell the roses; before you no longer can! I hope this is a helpful bittidical.

God Bless.

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Thanksgiving Blessings

Hi Hi, or Gobble Gobble!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving! Hope you all did as well!

We left Sat am, caught the ferry, and then were picked up by a Russian "cigar" hydrofoil (the island boat is out of commission for the time being; so we had to make alternate boat plans). What a sleek machine! And the owner is a lovely guy! We will utilize him if we are ever in a tid of an emergency!

We were fortunate with the weather to a degree. ie it was pouring with rain before we left; and then on the boat ride over, there was a lull in the downpour; and then when we had unpacked, lit a fire, it really started to pour! There was a huge wind; the waves out front were at least 12 to 15ft high; and that was close by! We enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday night, with a nice bottle of South African red wine. Our dinner menu (prepared already; so we just had to warm it up in the propane gas stove) was turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, veggies, and the dessert was great too! An apple galette tart, with chantilly cream, and a caramel sauce (warmed up, was delicious!). I love pumpkin pie; but this was good too. On Sunday night, we enjoyed a Costco shepherd's pie; and that hit the spot as well! The wind was ferocious all night Sat and Sunday; and the pine cones that kept falling on the roof, was quite frightening to our Blue. Lots of branches fell; but no trees like last year's damage, which took out the other bit sleeping cabin. On the other side of the island, the force of the winds took down a few trees and wiped out a water system. So, we were glad that we personally were not as severly hit again. We had to pick up our summer clothing, our perishable foods, and we closed down the place. The sun came out yesterday; and we actually sat out on the porch, in our "winter jackets!" LOL! Thank goodness for the 2 fireplaces; one in the main house and one in our was quite cool up there.

Tidbit - Appreciation is key! I remembered my parents; and what they did for us. Sometimes, you do not know what you have lost, until it is gone! Well, thanks go to my parents for having been a part of Pasley; and introducing us to that wonderful spot! It was a bittidz sad; because I miss my parents; and I was able to remember the happy Thanksgivings I spent with them! And then, when I became older, I did the Thanksgiving dinners, which involved many family members. My Aunt Steph and my Uncle Fenn; they are no longer here either. I remember that every Thanksgiving and Christmas, I always had to sit next to my Uncle Fenn; he was an "old windbag"....talked about history non stop...and I was fascinated by his knowledge! No one else appeared to be interested. He was a diplomat; so I was intrigued by his adventures! Of course, I was a child then; but I remember him and my Aunt with much feeling. As a tidbitz, our Glass Green Hatted Lady Head Vase, is named " Aunt Steph" in memory of her! I shared that in an earlier post about the pair of Ladies.

My grown up children had set their plans already; so I hope they enjoyed their Thanksgiving celebration. I am thankful for the happy memories of us all being gathered together, each and every Thanksgiving / Christmas dinners for so many years. And, I am glad that I did all that! Eventhough it was lots of work, it was fun!

Our lives have changed...that perhaps we are no longer doing the big preparations. My parents reached a stage in their lives, whereby I felt that they had done their best for me; and I wanted to give back, what they gave me. This particular Thanksgiving was just Alan and I and our Blue. We have no idea what Christmas will entail this year; perhaps it will be just us 3 again, or perhaps we will be genuinely welcomed to partake in, or be included in a family Christmas dinner.

Bittid - Appreciate each and every day; as in a "Thanksgiving" and reflect daily with a grateful heart. Praise Him in All Things.

God Bless.

Saturday, 6 October 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

For those of you who may have read my post from yesterday, I have "slept on things", and made a few alterations. Upon re reading it this early am, it is a tid sad; so I have removed some of my bit sentiments.

Tidbit - Enjoy your Thanksgiving. To us, each and every day is like a Thanksgiving. Praise Him in All things.

Bittid - Once again, here is wishing you and your families a Happy Happy Thanksgiving; wherever you are in the World! This weekend is our Canadian Thanksgiving, for those of you, who do not know.

God Bless

Friday, 5 October 2007

The Weekend - The Thanksgiving Weekend!

We have so much to be thankful for! Each and every day is a special day to us; even when there are challenges and obstacles that occur unexpectedly. We praise Him always, in ALL things.

Yesterday, we had a full plate; and it looks as if this weekend, our plates will be full of turkey! Gobble gobble! LOL!

We are going to our beloved Pasley for Thanksgiving; leaving early tomorrow and back on Monday afternoon. We have never been up at this time of year; so this is indeed a very special treat. We invited my son to go; but he had already made other plans; and my daugther has her own life. At this time of year, Pasley is a bit cold for Alan's parents; so, we are going to enjoy a Thanksgiving for two, with our dear puppy, Blue! It will be a tid of a family get together!

Because the place is rustic and without electricity, we are keeping it simple! LOL! We are taking up a "gourmet" turkey dinner, already prepared by a creative caterer. All we need to do, is to just simply heat everything up in the oven; which is propane operated Speaking of propane, we are shutting down the fridge and propane; primarily, to conserve the propane expense during the fall and winter months; when no one is there. It is easy enough though, with the caretaker's help, to turn the propane back on again, should anyone wish to go up in the "off season" months. We are doing a bit of a closing of the place. It the weather is miserable, we will appreciate the cosy warmth of a fire. Alan can have his leg propped up on a stack of pillows; so we are looking forward to a quiet and tranquil R & R.

Tidbit - Thanksgiving, is a special time to be genuinely thankful for whatever you have! And, when families gather appreciatively together and reflect upon their blessings, it is that much more special!

Alan's Mum has "fallen in love" with the Gogi juice; and she is already sharing her experience, of her improved well being and her new lease on life. It will be further interesting when she sees the doctor; and what positive changes he will notice! She is 85 yrs young; participating in the business; and is tidbitzing with everyone she meets. That is a pretty powerful bittidz!

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend, and God Bless!

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Nothing like a relaxing bath before bedtime!


Yesterday was a blur! It just came and went! Apart from our ongoing business, we took Alan's parents to view a possible relocation for them. They both loved it; and this particular spot would certainly be a wonderful quality boost to their morale and spirits. We are in a bit of a "waiting" mode; the Penthouse tenant may have to move; so this would be ideal for Alan's parents. As his Mum said yesterday, "this would suit us just fine; we would have a life here!" It is a 2 bedroom Penthouse; which would work well for them; ie for any guests, and / or perhaps for a live-in caregiver, if needed, down the road.

Today also evaporated; lots of "stuff" going on! However, I just had a most relaxing bath; with tids of epsom salts. Very therapeutic! Now I am ready for bed! LOL! And, it is pouring with rain outside; Fall is very definitely here! So, the bath was appreciated all the more! We are so fortunate to live in a part of the world, where there is no huge shortage of water supply!

Tidbit - Appreciate the day; with ALL of its unfoldings. Praise Him in ALL things. Be glad for the gentle night; and the thought of a peaceful sleep.

Good night and God Bless.

Monday, 1 October 2007

Happy October 1st!

Hi, I know it has been a few days since I last blogged. Fall seems to be such a whirlwind! Alan's leg is still not 100%; however, this afternoon, we received our product, the Gogi berry juice. We are going to take 2 oz each, 2 x a day; in the am and then in the pm. We just had some; and it is delicious! Once opened, it needs to be refrigerated for best results; so I can imagine that the Gogi juice will taste even more refreshing! Alan's parents were over this afternoon; so we gave them a bottle; and they do not have a fridge; however, they can store it outside their tid window; that will work. They have signed up with us; 1)- to improve their health and spirits; and 2) - we will build a bit of a business for them. ie from customers, as well as those that also wish to enjoy some extra income. Alan's parents' package of Gogi juice will be arriving shortly; so we gave them a headstart! They are both really excited about the Gogi juice; and they have nothing to lose! I admire their zest!

The photo is the photo of a wonderful pair of Lady Head Vases that finally have been paid for; and are now housed in our cabinet! It has been well worth the wait!

A tid of a tidbit - I think one appreciates things a whole lot more, when you are not always able to have things "now!". "Sophia" and "Stephanie" are absolutely gorgeous; if I bittid a bit! Stephanie is named after my wonderful aunt, Aunt Steph. and Sophia is a name that I have always liked. So, Stephie and Sophie look right at home!

Over the weekend and a bit of yesterday, I dusted out our shelves, upon which all our Ladies are displayed. The dust was incredible; and it meant taking all the Lady Head Vases off the shelves and then putting them all back again; maximizing every tid of space! The time consuming part was the rearranging of all the Ladies. However, I am glad that it is now done; and it just further endorsed our passion of collecting these unique Ladies.

Tidbit - If you have a collection or thinking of starting a collection,(whatever it may be) appreciate and enjoy the moments associated with that interest! It makes for a very interesting life!

Bittid - Glad it is the Fall; do not mind the rain either. Tis a season to tackle many tasks; and you feel so good after a tid task is finally completed! Doing a little bit here and there, certainly helps!

There is a good movie that is about to start; so am going to call it a day. Here is wishing you all a Happy October 1st!

Good night and God Bless.