Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Appreciate the Little Things

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are back; at least for the time being! We returned home on Sunday evening; and yesterday was a bit of a blur! Went non stop from early morning to about 4:30 pm, getting 'caught up' with things, until a dear friend popped in. It was the right timing! She happened to bring a bottle of champagne (chilled!) for me, to celebrate my recent birthday! It was a nice tid touch; and was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by us. She left around 7:00 pm. Had a roast (covered with fresh basil and rosemary from our bittid patio garden)cooking and it provided such a wonderful smell throughout our house! The roast was on sale; so with a tidbit of seasonings, it was delicious; along with roasted baby potatoes, a Caesar Salad, and a glass of our South African Red Wine. International evening again! Then we fell into our bed, like tired little puppies; and watched a James Bond Movie.

Just reread my last post (August 31st); and basically what I wrote, was what I learned from those three wonderful people. I do not think I can add anymore to their messages; save that check them out and 'check Him in!'

Has been a full day thus far; and we are about to head out for an appointment; about an hour's drive away. We have a few more committments this afternoon; before going to the hospital where Alan finally is getting an MRI for his knee; the one that was injured when he fell through a piece of rotting deck on Pasley last summer - Aug 27th, to be exact!

Tidbit - Appreciate the little things; and Praise Him in ALL Things.

Bittid - Have the FAITH that He always Provides; and as Robert Schuller said (see my post of Aug 31st, if you wish)'When you are down to nothing, He is up to something for you!' It is about having and taking the courageous 'Leap of Faith' in Him.

Have to go for a tid of a bit now. Hopefully will write later today and share a bit of tid re: our past week up at Pasley.

Love the above joyful photo! Methinks, you can refer to my earlier posts of March 14th etc. about the 'Almond Roca Man' if you wish.

God Bless.

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