Sunday, 31 August 2008

Joyfulness & Confidence!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are about to return to our beloved Pasley and will not be 'home' til next Sunday or so.

Enjoyed a leisurely morning this morning (Alan made and brought me my coffee!), and watched 'The Hour of Power' (with the Schullers), 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (with Joyce Meyer); and 'Living Truth' (with Charles Price). All three T.V. broadcasts were terrific; and I simply have to share 'joyfulness' with you, before we leave town! ie. Please go to online and / or listen to these three remarkable people. They are 'right on' with their wonderful messages; and you might experience changes for the better; by listening (and doing) what they are teaching worldwide.

No coincidence; (there are no coincidences) but my recent blogs; (ie Aug 21st to present) touched on their teachings, which encourages me all the more to write a quick tidbit post, to inspire you to 'check them out'. Actually, you will be checking Him out; and then Checking Him into your hearts. I like that one! LOL!

Would just like to add a bittid, that you need to have the unseen FAITH and TRUST in Him and take the courageous 'Leap of Faith'. He IS there for you (because He LOVES you so; you are worthy!); just invite Him to dwell within you and He will never leave you.

When 'home' again, I will write up what I heard and learned today. Unfortunately, we have 'stuff' to do, before we leave; and we have a ferry to catch within the next short while. BUT, I wanted to joyfully share a bit, before leaving town; thinking it may be an uplift to some of you, or others you know that may appreciate a compassionate and 'helping hand'.

A tid - When I turned on 'The Hour of Power;, I happened to hear Wenley Phipps, singing magnificently the Hymn, 'AMAZING GRACE'. I LOVE that Hymn; so empowering! He wants us to be CONFIDENT, BOLD, AND JOYFUL.

Will also be joyfully reflecting upon Him (daily!); and ALL the Blessings and Bounty He has Given us. And, that in 'tough times' (as in the story of the storm on the Lake of Galilee) 'FEAR NOT'. (Everything is UNDER His Feet; in other words, not to worry or be anxious, when you are focused on Him!). Place your Faith and Trust in Him to handle eveything for you. 'It is when you are down to nothing, that He is up to something for you'; was the invigorating message from Robert Schuller Jr. Very true! Also Joyce shared that He loves you, that you are worthy and have value. Very enlightening. For those of you who feel downtrodden, insecure, worthless etc, please do yourselves a favour, and hear what she has to offer. Your lives will be enriched forever more!!!!

Have to go. Here is wishing you all a happy end to the last day of August and a great start to September.

Tidbit - Praise Him in ALL Things.

Bittid - Thank Him each and every day! Amazing what happens!

LOVE the above photo image - 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

God Bless.

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