Sunday, 17 August 2008

'Peace Be Still'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday, I may have already mentioned was forecasted to be a hot day. Well it was a tid! 92 degrees F in the shade, as per our outdoor bit thermometer! And, we know it is accurate!

It was a very warm and muggy night; we had the fan on full blast, and are grateful for the screens on all the windows. However, I was awake for most of the night and I would like to share a bit of bittidz with you. Perhaps you have had your intrepidations too.

We (who doesn't, for the most part) have a number of projects on our plate; along with some tough challenges. I spent last night 'talking' to Him; basically, I was looking at all the 'stuff' we have going on in our lives; and we definitely need His Help for Solution. He does Provide; however, it is in His time and according to His Will; thus we are 'waiting' with patience and doing our best, to enjoy the journey while we 'wait'. It is vital that one has joy; then regardless of what is happening all around you, you are at Peace and enjoying your life. He has already WON. He HAS overcome the world; and says 'FEAR NOT'. Well, there are times when there is fear; and everyone experiences their own sets of fear at various times. I told Him that I am 'struggling' with some obstacles; and yet I have the unseen FAITH, that He will Provide; just do not know the when or the how. However, that is not up to me to worry. We are to RELY on Him; that is His Wish. He does not want us to worry or have angst (the other force does); and to maintain a confidence and a joyfulness of spirit. I know He heard my Prayer; when I said the word, 'struggling'. I also felt a huge lump well up in my throat, as well as tears streaming from my eyes, in my poignant plea for His Guidance and Help.

The long story made short, I said a very powerful Prayer; right from the bottom of my heart. In the wee hours of the morning, I had to go to the washroom; and I heard 'Be Still'. So, I returned to my bed and just lay there for the rest of the night; did not give in to the evil one to be up and puttering about; whether it was on the computer, doing housework, whatever. He wants us to rest; particularly when we lay our heads down on the pillow. Easier said than done, at times. This morning, approx 7:45 am; when I was back in the washroom, rain started to gently fall on our skylights; the exact moment I went into the washroom. The sound of the rain was a welcoming and comforting gentle relief to me. The rain did not last; only for a very few minutes; and it is a beautiful warm summer day. (82 degrees F now in the shade).

On Sunday mornings whenever it is possible, I enjoy watching and listening to the 'Hour of Power' (with the Schullers); 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer); and ' The Living Truth' (Charles Price). If you wish (if you are newcomers to my blog), please feel free to check out earlier posts. ie Nov 11/07 etc and that will give you a 'heads up'. When I was 'talking' with Him last night, I had expressed that perhaps there might be a 'gem of info' that I would learn in the morning from the televised programs' teachings. I also 'Praised Him in ALL Things'; and thanked Him for all of our Blessings, thus far. I also boldly said, that I KNOW He will Provide, as He (Jesus Christ) is our Saviour; and that He has a good (and the best!) plan for us.

Well, this morning with the Schullers, Robert Jr brilliantly touched upon 'the storm within'. ie our emotions and events can take over; whereas, if we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts, He IS there, living within us. ie "Peace be Still" (Mark 4, v 39) when He had the winds cease on the seas. He also shared the story about a friend of his, who Prayed on top of a high mountain; and when he said 'Amen', the winds and clouds ceased; just like that! And, he gave a plaque, '4610' to Robert Schuller Jr. Basically it is from Psalms 46, v 10 and where God is saying 'Be still, and know that I am God'. How incredible is that!!! Wow! Also, in the toughest of times, Jesus comes to us. Have Enthusiasm in God; and when He is in your heart, He is there! And here is another wow! Morris Robinson was the guest who has an awesome voice; just blew me away with his spiritual music; that he combined with classical composers! Perhaps some of you are familiar with him? He also used to play football. He was brought up in a singing family; and whenever times were tough, his Mum always broke into Gospel Songs; and thus they all learned to sing! Morris' two yr old son, is exercising his singing voice too! Morris has recognized his God given gifts and and is enjoying full use those special talents. Good on him! And God loves the sound of music! We all have been given precious gifts and talents; because each of us is unique and special to Him; we just have to recognize and appreciate (and not abuse the gifts) His Gifts to us.

Next with Joyce, there was the 'love language'; whereby 5 guests were interviewed as per their different personalities and how they deal with life. Very interesting. Basically, if you 'walk in Love', and you humble yourself before Him, you become better equipped to give more of a genuine uplift to others; as well as being able to adjust and adapt to various situations.

Last, but not least, with Charles, he was talking about Paul. ie Philippians 4, v 3 to 6. It is about being CONFIDENT. 'He who has began a good work in you, will bring it to completion'. We all may experience 'prisons', that restrict us at times; however, there are resources for life and for joy; no matter what your circumstances may be. Paul was saying that He was Sufficient with Him, even when he was in an actual prison. Looking both back and forward to the future, walk in Confidence amd permit Him to walk IN our shoes. A desire for Righteousness, Holiness, and Goodness; that is the presence of Jesus Christ living within us. And, be CONFIDENT seven days a week!

The above are tids of tidbitz which I hoped helped or encouraged you; it cerainly gave me a boost of enlightenment. I recommend listening or going online to check out these 3 magnificent International Bible Teachers; they are wonderful messengers!

Tidbit - He IS The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIGHT.

Bittid - 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'. ( I mentioned that last night to Him as well). I received further validation re: having the Confidence, to be Still, to delight in the Joy, and to Fear Not; because He wants the best for us all. Always.

Also, when we were at Pasley this last tid while, I was again 'talking' with Him; and lo and behold when I looked up, there was a gorgeous 'rainbow' in the sky! Wow! Actually, the rainbow was a 'ring around the sun'; which is a precursor to the arrival of inclement weather; which soon took place. However, the rain felt refreshingly good; and the smell of fresh rainfall upon the earth was a wonderful treat!

I guess in a bit of a nutshell, SIMPLY and genuinely turn to Him; and He will Change your life forever. He IS your best Guide to help you enjoy all the Blessings you deserve. He loves each and every one of us.

God Bless.

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