Saturday, 30 August 2008

Appreciate Life as a Privilege

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yes, we are back....not for long though.

We returned yesterday, and will be heading back up to Pasley tomorrow afternoon. The weather has not been / is not the best; and it is not even 60 degrees F yet! We LOVE Pasley; but with heavy rains and winds for this past week, we were just as happy to relocate to 'home' for a short bittidz. We will be restocking / replenishing our supplies; as well as enjoying the running of hot water, electricity etc. before going back to Pasley. Also, the generator was not functional for most of the time; inasmuch as the batteries need to be charged and recharged by light and sunshine. We do have a solar panel; however, the weather was quite dark and damp.

To give a re cap of the week, here goes! You might want or need (LOL!) to pour yourself a cup or glass of something!

On Monday, Aug 25th, found us tidying up the house (like a clean house to come home to!). packing odds and sods of food supplies, already in our fridge and larder. "Waste Not, Want Not" applies! As mentioned, we had a number of telephone calls re: our business (up country) and received some good news as well. Will share that tidbitz when things are in place.

It looks as if our harvested efforts are coming to 'Fruition'. Remember I shared about having FAITH in Him to Provide your needs; and that it takes COURAGE to have the UNSEEN BELIEF / FAITH. It is good to believe in Him etc; but then to actually put it into practice! Alan and I do our best to do that, each and every day; however there are moments when that can be a struggle. ie actually taking the 'Leap of Faith'. Apart from 'things coming to fruition;, we still have some hurdles.

Would like to share an experience I had prior, to us leaving for Pasley. Because the water is such a precious commodity at Pasley, I decided I would enjoy the bath (and water!) all the more. As I was soaking in the tub, I said outloud (in a resigned, yet genuine tone) to Him - "I KNOW You know we are in a bit of a 'sticky wicket' with a few things; however, I KNOW You will Provide for us; as we are Your children. I do not know how, the when, or the where, but I KNOW You have a purpose and a good plan for Alan and I. So, I am going to ENJOY the journey, while we wait for You, to supply our needs. Thank You. Praise You In ALL Things. Amen".

At the very moment I said, 'Amen', sunshine immediately filled / dazzled our bathroom, as it brilliantly shone through our skylight! The skies had just been darkly overcast, threatening rain any second! Although, earlier in the morning, there was a tid of blue sky and a sliver of sunshine. I immediately was in 'AWE' and I thanked Him for the majestic sunshine, that just 'appeared' so glowingly. I felt as if He was 'smiling' and that perhaps by my 'surrendering' with all my heart, that is to RELY and totally DEPEND upon Him. Then, certain 'pieces of the puzzle'(ie the good news, I earlier referred to), started to happen; just like a 'domino effect'. Like, 'WOW!'

Whilst on route to catch the ferry, we picked up a few more reinforcements. The island boat as mentioned, was still out of service, so we had to make alternative arrangements. (You may wish to refer to my post of Oct 8/07 - Thanksgiving re: the exiting 'Cigar Boat' experience). The same gentleman, same sleek boat, cheerfully picked us up. He was just as charming and genuine as before; and in fact, we invited both him and his wife to 'pop in', sometime for a visit.

It was lovely to be back up at our cosy Pasley. We enjoyed a delicious pasta dinner, along with a Caesar Salad (a pre made mix of greens & dressing), French Bread, and a glass or two of South African Red Wine. It was an 'International' evening, as appreciated with the simple and tasty combination. We also fell thankfully asleep; always enjoy the best 'sleeps' up there! Even our Blue, 'comfy comfy', on an old torn up sleeping bag! LOL!

Tuesday, Aug 26th. There are tidbits of sunshine, poking through the clouds and bittids of blue sky; although heavy winds and rainfall is in the forecast. You can well tell by the breezes picking up; both on the ocean and on the island. The branches, the leaves of the trees turn in such a way, that alerts your senses to a stormy downpour. At the moment, we are similar to Ernest Hemingway sitting on the beach deck chairs (I really enjoyed his books; must re read them again!). We are most appreciative of our 'Bohemian' paradise. As a tidbit, there is a wonderful publike restaurant in Oslo, Norway, called 'Bloms'. Apparently, this historical restaurant was one of Ernest Hemingway's favourite haunts; I had occasion to go there and can definitely see why Ernest Hemingway would be drawn to such a unique spot!

I made mention of the word ' PRIVILEGE' in an earlier post; and it is, indeed, a 'privilege' to come up to Pasley. (Actually, Life is a 'privilege'). Alan and I are very Blessed, in our Legacy from my Mum and Dad; and we are forever thankful for this magnificent spot; so dear to our hearts. We equitably share it with my brother and his family; and we are all working towards longterm enjoyment for both families and the ongoing generations. Even when Alan and I visited our neighbours later in the rainy afternoon, the theme of 'entitlement' came up (actually by the 40 yr old and then followed through with his Mum and Dad) that Pasley is not a 'right' but is a 'PRIVILEGE'. Touche!

When my parents were alive, they enjoyed the full 'specialness' of Pasley throughout their lifetimes; and we were included, if we wished to be; and yet we were never allowed to take Pasley for granted. My brother and I respect the same 'privilege' of spending time up there; and eventhough we have had personal issues with one another, we are concentrating on putting our past differences behind us. We trust and Pray that the generations after us, will treat Pasley also as a 'privilege' and not merely as a 'right'. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing our neighbours; a great way of getting caught up on 'island history', as well as being warm and cosy indoors!

Wednesday, August 27th. Rained 'cats and dogs' the night before, along with harsh winds. For a bittid of 30 minutes, when the rains and winds subsided; I squeezed in my morning walk with Blue; and it was so peaceful in amongst all the trees, along the trails. Wonderful mists rising from the treetops and the occasional brightness in open spaces. Fall is very definitely in the air. Later in the afternoon, our neighbours (the parents of the 40 yr old) came over and it was a great time had by all. PLUS, the sun came out in full regalia and warmth for the Pasley hour they were there! Incredible timing! Both Alan and I were joyful to see them; however, I was just extra glad! Do not know why; save that they are lovely, genuine, and 'down to earth people'. They are approx 10 - 12 years older than us; and their 'kids' are approx 15 - 19 yrs younger than us; so we are right tid in the middle; which makes it extra nice. (I enjoy friends of all ages!).

It is said, that you are 'only as old as you feel'. I have always heartily believed that to be the case! 'Laugh and the World laughs with you; Weep and you weep alone'. My Dad always said those wise words to me; and it is true. Alas, there are many sad (even sour) people today; that enable themselves to be in an 'empty' situation. (You can refer to my Aug 20th post - Reflections and Discernment). However, if they turn to Him, and invite Him in to their hearts, they will be forever changed; and will look at life in a much happier and simpler way!

Thursday, Aug 28th. Came and went! Major rains and ocean swells. Miserable actually; but it just made us that much more appreciative of our Blessings. In fact later that evening, we were sitting underneath the partial roof eves, and eventhough it was cold and just pouring with rain, we were happy! Enjoyed a glass of red wine and said, 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. Also, earlier in the afternoon, another neighbour came over, and we enjoyed her visit and hearing what was new with her. In short, we reconnected with quite a few of our neighbours.

Should mention too, that when we are at Pasley, I LOVE to cook! The kitchen may be sparse and spartan; but perhaps it is just the 'bohemian ambience'; and very often, the best meals and / or 'creative concoctions' appear!' LOL! We had glorious salmon steaks; and it was delicious, if I say so myself! LOL! Cooked the salmon in the frying pan (I know that that is not the healthiest way) with oil and margarine; along with honey mustard and brown sugar generously sprinkled on both sides of the salmon. The usual seasonings; but I did not need to apply lemon; as the tid of lime added the extra bit of 'oompf'. Plus some green peppers from our bittid patio vegetable garden; along with store bought yellow and orange peppers cooked much in the same manner; but in a separate pan. Peas were also thrown into the medley; and our tidbit cherry tomatoes (also from our home freshly grown produce), gave a bit of colour!

Friday, August 29th. We came home; via the 'Cigar Boat'; and typically, the sun came out. Then on the ferry, our car was in a 'view spot'; so we had a wonderful vista of the surrounding islands! However, we had to return to the city; as we had our banking and other things that needed doing.

We were tired but contented little puppies last night; and inasmuch as the weather was 'iffier' this am, we made the decision not to go up to Pasley, til tomorrow. Plus the forecast is not looking good for this evening. So after we enjoy our Sunday morning programs (You can refer to my Nov 11th, Nov 18th and other posts, if you wish), we will leisurely head back up to Pasley; doing a bit of shopping on route. Love the above photo, that I took of Pasley 'at sunset'. (You can see actual pictures in post of July 28/08 - Holidays are Good).

Hope I have not worn you out with the last tid few days of journal 'catch up'; as I also wanted to share some special tidbits / bittids with whomever, reads my posts. May be back in a bit of a tid; or if not, next week!

Here is wishing you all a great Labour Day Weekend. Happens to be my birthday on the 2nd of September; and I feel that each and every year is a Blessing. We will be 'celebrating' my birthday up there....just chilling out and being appreciative and joyful for each and every day, let alone each passing year.

God Bless.

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