Tuesday, 19 August 2008

In Appreciation

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today it is raining; but we are thankful for the cooler temperatures and relief from the recent muggy nights etc. Plus all the flowers / plants are being watered naturally.

Have been going through some clothing of my Mum, who passed away in the summer of 2005. There is not a day that goes by, that I do not think of her. (or for the most tid part). I am remembering our good times together. As I write, am enjoying wearing an old plaid coloured short sleeved comfy shirt, along with a pair of sporty teal green shorts; and this classic ensemble, just makes me feel good! I have finally organized and rearranged my closet(s), so that I can readily enjoy her 'movie star' clothing, as opposed to leaving them buried in hibernation. With the way things cost today, I am hanging on to her quality clothing (the outfits that fit of course; and what does not creatively work, I will happily give away!) and will appreciate wearing them all the more.

When my daughter married, I wore the glamorous, yet elegantly simple dress that my Mum wore to the wedding of Alan and I. I had to get the dress taken in a bit; but it really is 'one of a kind'. There are not too many dresses made like that anymore!

Tidbit - Appreciate mixing the 'old' with the new. When it comes to clothing, the classic look never goes out of style!

Bittid - When there is a loved one that has passed away, remembering the special moments and the good times spent together, means much, and is of gentle solace. Very often, one does not know what they have missed, until it is gone. Am not lamenting my Mum; just remembering her; and that in her way, she did the best she could for me. Thanks Mum. And, I know that she is at peace.

The above photo is a picture of my Mum in the dress, along with myself, and my daughter, taken a few years ago.

God Bless.

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