Thursday, 14 August 2008

Keep things simple

Good Evening or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today has remarkably just come and gone! It is very warm (no complaints!); and this is where the ocean air breeze would be most appealing and appeasing to us; had we still been up at Pasley. It is 92 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. However, it is great to be home again; as in 'there is no place like home!' We do have screens on the windows and a fan; so that really helps cool our abode.

We have accomplished a few tidbit projects; and hope to have the rest of the bittid matters completed before we leave again for Pasley. Have just booked for Zihua in December; and we look forward to revisiting that part of the world at that time. We will be home for Christmas. Perhaps one of these years, we might stay and experience a Christmas there. Eventhough we have received generous invitations, there is 'something to be said, for being home at Christmas'. Just a feeling you have. Am sure some of you, can relate.

Alan right now is watering all our flowers, plants, and garden herbs/home grown produce. The heat is taking a lot out them; so the water is a welcome relief to their parched roots. Our neighbour was wonderful to come in and water everything for us, while we were away; plus she loved helping herself to the tid cherry tomatoes etc! She very kindly offered; and of course when she is away, we will return her kindness and take care of her wondrous plants.

Tidbit - Keep everything SIMPLE. Things work a lot better that way.

Bittid - Holidays are beneficial to relax, reflect, and recharge; AND, to have the Faith, the Trust, and Calm in Him, that He will Provide for our needs. We have left everything to Him and are joyfully anticipating His Solutions. 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

Here is another bit photo of our 'pup', Blue. As you can see, he loves his sticks!

Good Night and God Bless.

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