Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Simply Fall

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This morning, is typically Fall; cooler temperatures, overcast grey skies, and rain. There is still lots of lush greenery (the trees); and we are the only ones that have colourful flowers BLOOMING in our window boxes as well as on our patio. Everyone else's window boxes etc are bare. Alan also brought me my freshly brewed elixir of coffee; and I am extra appreciative of it this am; as I ended up watching some 'goofy' but hilariously funny movie, into the morning tid hours!

Am glad too, we do not have any appointments set for today; it is a perfect day to attack the tidbitz task of organizing our files and correspondence, as well as vacuuming our house from 'head to toe'. The vacuum person was here not so long ago; and he checked and cleaned our vacuum & power system; so apparently, this will make a noticeable difference, with a better result!

We have a lot of 'irons in the fire' at this time; but then, who doesn't? Particularly during these bittidz times. We are 'in the storm'; however, we will weather it. We have calmly resigned ourselves to be patient; and to enjoy the journey while we wait for Him to Provide Solutions to our earthly needs. We also look to Him for Guidance, His Words of Wisdom; and we have the Faith that He always has our best interests at heart.

Tidbit - If you can 'Thank' Him daily and 'Praise Him in ALL Things' (the positive as well as the negative experiences), it makes your day an easier one to live and enjoy to the fullest. Know that He is there (when you genuinely invite Jesus into your heart) and that He will never leave you; as He will reside in you forever. He always has a purpose for you; and it is always to the good; because He LOVES you.

Bittid - Anticipate His Goodness and Him Providing your needs and Solutions; even if you do not know how it is going to happen. Just be calmly content and joyfully confident that you will be taken care of by Him. It may not be immediate; but He always has the best plans for you.

I feel that during these trying times, a bit of FAITH goes a long way; and just by asking Him to 'carry your burdens', gives you a major lift and 'sets you free'.

I LOVE the above photo image of a " Misty Fall Morning'; it looks so peaceful and quite artistic. You can refer to my post of 'Saturday Morning' - A Good Morning!', dated November 24/07, if you wish. In our community, eventhough there are a few scattered trees that herald the glorious Autumn colours; most of the trees are still a prevalent green.

God Bless.

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