Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Be calmly confident

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

And, indeed, it is a good morning here! So much to be thankful for! The tid lush trees outside our bedroom window are still a vivid green, along with our pink, red, and white thriving geraniums in our bit balconey planters! Today's morning sunshine is glorious; and there is a magnificent glow on all the trees; particularly the ones that are 'with Autumn'.

Alan brought me my coffee in bed; and I am most appreciative of all our Blessings. I said my Prayers in the early morning quietness; and you do feel so much better when you leave everything to Him and simply ask Him to Provide Solutions. We have some challenges (but then, who doesn't it?); and we are 'waiting' with anticipation and joy; KNOWING that He will step in at the right time. Also, Pray for both your friends and your foes; for Him to 'touch their hearts'; so that they might enjoy a better life.

I have been reflecting (for some time) upon what is happening throughout the world; and have just started to read 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye. It is a book telling of the start of the 'End Times'; when wars, rumours of wars, political confusion / unrest, weather disruptions (earthquakes, volcanic activity) etc. start happening very quickly. Hmmmmmm. And now, with what is going on in the United States; interesting. Our country (Canada) is affected, but we are 'bystanders', in the sense that we can 'hang tough' and NOT panic. Basically we should 'keep our cool' and not give in to the Fear that is going around - be it with the oil and gas scenarios, real estate, mortgage companies, the works.

Tidbit - He says, 'Fear Not, For I Have Overcome the World'. I think during these times of trials and tribulations for us all, we need to have the FAITH, the size of a mustard seed. 'When you have the FAITH, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains'. I believe that to be so.

Bittid - Everyone should 'keep their cool' and THANK Him for their Blessings, and 'Praise Him In ALL Things' each and every day. I know that this is repetitive; however, it is the ONLY and BEST way to keep a calm, throughout all these turbulent moments.

Hope this has given you, a bit of tid hope to have a confident calm. Just turn to Him for Help, Guidance; and joyfully and patiently await His Solutions for you.

I love the 2 photo images of both the Mustard Seed(s) and Mustard Tree. Do you know that ONE seed produces such a majestic tree? Wow! Is all I can say!

We have a full day ahead of us; however, if there is more tid of a bit to share, I will, later in the day.

God Bless.

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