Tuesday 23 September 2008

Falling into Fall happily

Just remembered! Yesterday, was the first full day of Fall! I wrote a tid of a post on the 'First Day of Fall - Sept 21/07', last year; if you wish to refer to it. Methinks because it was a 'Leap Year' in February of this year, Fall was considered to be 'official' yesterday. There very definitely is a change in the temperatures; after 9:00 am today, it was not even a bit 50 degrees F!

It was overcast earlier this evening; now it is dark; with showers forecasted overnight; which makes staying home all the merrier! Our repas 'hit the spot'; and our bittid kitchen, having been 'rearranged' earlier, is definitely a tidbit nicer to the eyes and also roomier for the 'creative chefs'. LOL!

Tidbit - Appreciate your home; particularly after you have done a 'Fall' cleaning of shelves, cupboards, and drawers. Items that you have not used or seen for a bittidz, are like 'gifts' that provide a 'refreshing' tidbitz touch to your abode.

Bittid - Welcome a quiet evening at home; and reflect upon your Blessings; particularly with all that is going on around the world. When you 'Fall' off to sleep with a 'thankful heart'; you can enjoy a good night's rest.

Good Night and God Bless.

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