Monday, 29 September 2008

All to the Good!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a full bittidz of a day! Phone calls, setting up appointments, fruition of projects, you name it!

Wanted to share with you a tidbitz of yesterday's messages from the three inspirational International Bible teachers. (You can refer to yesterday's post if you wish).

With Robert Schuller Jr, he was sharing that ' Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!' ( you can see and order his book, if you wish), plus ten basic pointers about how to deal with things positively!

With Joyce, she was saying that we are as 'Soldiers of the Lord; armed and dangerous' . In other words, 'Be on guard, as in 'Eagle Christians' and have discernment and wisdom', against the lies and deception of the devil, as he is a Deceiver. To have peace in your lives, change a few things - ie not to always be in such a hurry; and if need be, choose better friends; and instead of having a job that demands all your time, pick a less paying job that gives you more time to spend with your family. Also take joy in what you can do for someone else; not always being concerned about you. And, if you are going to to disagree, disagree agreeably (spouses etc). When you Pray, Pray in His Name and in FAITH - Jesus; because of the POWER in His name. He wants you to dream BIG and come BOLDLY before Him! I liked what Joyce said about her 'being a kid in her old age!' ie. If you have had a poor and / or sad childhood, decide to 'change' and not let your past feelings / situations dictate the rest of your life. Because, the evil one wants you to be constantly downtrodden, feeling guilty, angry etc. Or if someone offends you, just think, 'NO, I am not going to be offended'; and the devil thus will have less of a 'grip' on you.

With Charles, he was giving his insights on demons. In case some of you are not aware, 1/3 of the angels (hence, fallen angels) joined 'Lucifer' ( who was the Morning Star) in his rebellion against God; and thus were cast out of the Kingdom of Heaven. As a result, the demons try non stop, to tempt people to sin and / or to possess people. Eventhough, the devil (Lucifer / Satan) is well versed in the Scriptures (the Bible), he deliberately takes things out of context; to corrupt and deceive those who are 'non believers', as well as those who no longer believe in Jesus. Satan is also present in many Church pews. Charles suggests that you show Respect, you Resist, and that you are in constant Readiness, to take your FIRM stand against the devil and his demons. The 'Armour of God' is awesome; (you can refer to my post of Sept 25th, if you like; I LOVE this photo image of the 'Armour of God'); and take STRONG comfort,in knowing, that the devil has already been DEFEATED by Him. Have CONFIDENCE always in the TRUTH, as 'The Truth sets you free!' (The evil one does not like to be exposed to the Truth and runs away).

Methinks, it is better for you, if you can glean from the T.V. programs on the Vision Channel, or even from the online / radio broadcasts; because then you can genuinely appreciate their messages first hand.

It has been a beautiful 'Indian Summer' day here; warm and pleasant temperatures; and our tid colourful flowers are still blooming magnificently!

Tidbit - 'Praise Him in ALL Things'; each and every day!

Bittid - Step back a bit, and reflect upon your Blessings; and have the FAITH, that He will Provide Solutions, that are to the good, and in the end, the best for you.

Love the above happy photo image! Reminds me of my late wonderful friend! (You can refer to my blog of March 14/08 and later posts if you wish some background on the plate etc). The gleeful facial expression and amusing antics, reminds me of my dear friend, 'Mr. Almond Roca Man'.

Good Night and God Bless.

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