Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Sleeping on things is a good idea!

Good Evening! We are now home after a full day! No complaints; although, we are glad to be at our chez maison, for the night!

'Sleeping on things' for a night, generally help provide clarity. I have been 'sleeping on things' since September 11/08.

Have you ever been in a situation where you are questioning someone's comments, supposedly to be the truth; wherein past experience has shown that there is deceit and confusion!? ie You really want to believe it to be the truth; but it may not be? Like, there may be a hidden agenda for manipulative purposes? Hmmmmmm 'They' are completely aware of your 'soft spots'; and 'they' know that you wish to always look on the bright side of things, and yet, 'they' do this to further their agenda?

Perhaps, I have 'enabled' them to do so (entitlement - posts of Aug 23rd & 30th etc); and that being said, NO MORE. Complete clarity and genuine upfront communication is what is vital. The problem it would appear, is that 'they' ARE avoiding, ignoring, and dodging the 'truth' or issues, hoping that 'it will go away'; and that everything can be 'glossed over' and forgotten. As I have mentioned in previous posts, 'Yesterday is gone ( no sense crying over spilt milk), tomorrow is promised to no one (no need to fret or worry), and today is the day that counts' (living joyfully in His Service); however, that is meant in a 'Spiritual Sense' ONLY. If something is NOT right, deal with it asap; 'clear the air', to help put 'things right'. However, it is a challenge when 'they' run away and not choose to deal with it; for whatever 'their' reasons.

The two movies that I enjoyed late last night, endorsed a few messages home to me. And that is, to simply stand up for what is right and honourable, to take a stand for what is equitable and just. Fortunately, we can all make choices; it is just a matter of making the 'right' choices'.

It is my son's birthday today; won't tell you how old he is; because that might suggest my age! LOL! Alan and I wish him all the best on his very special day. He is a very popular fellow; (must come from his mother! LOL!) so ENJOY this day to the fullest, and, 'Happy Birthday!'

We were out and about earlier today; and in fact, popped into our 'club' for a quick bittid lunch. Well, did we ever receive a 'tidbit!' We saw Serena Williams! She was in the parking lot and entering the club; apparently she had a match to play; but was practicing prior to it, at our club. We watched her and her coach practice on the tennis court, and WOW! So, that was a wonderful gift; an unexpected treat! We had to utilize our 'food bill'; inasmuch as we had not been there for a bittidz; so this was a perfect tidbitz to the day!

Have shared some tidbits / bittids with you; hope they are of bittids / tidbits encouragement.

Love the above photo image; that will be Alan and I tonight! LOL!

Good Night and God Bless.

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