Monday, 3 March 2008

Good Afternoon, or whatever the appropriate greeting is to you, in your part of the world.

Before I forget, here is a site that you can check out; as per the above title. I am not sure how to add it via the link; because our computer has certain bittidical limits; and I am not 'brilliant' on the computer tidbitical technology. So, here is a site; which is awesome! In a bit, I will give you a tid of other sites, that are tied in with this website. Also, I will keep on endeavouring to add it to my list of favourites, if I can!

The title: - A genuine friend of mine is very active with his Church; and he kindly sent me the sites. Very uplifting and inspirational; as you will see and hear, should you wish to check out this site and the others to follow.

Today has been another 'unique' day. A good way to simplify it. The sibling saga is there in full force; however, we have the FAITH, that He will PROVIDE His Solutions to the GOOD. All I can say is, that it is all very interesting; how things are and will unfold. AND, ONLY HE KNOWS! And the comfort is, that He has already WON the battle!

It is raining AND snowing at the same time. Can you believe it? In March? Not really a spiffy Spring day; but then our flowers / plants / trees are being watered! This is why our part of the world, is so beautiful, lush, and green! However, I have lit a crackling fire; and am enjoying our abode, along with the peace and quiet; during these turbulent moments.

Tidbit - Praise Him in ALL Things...That is a for sure! You feel better too, when you say that; and stating it 'out loud' feels even more positive to one's heart and soul! You should try it, it feels good!

Bittid - Bide your time; when faced with 'disruption' and whatever else is flailing about you. ENJOY the 'journey', while you wait upon Him to PREVAIL. If you can keep a 'CALM' and a 'JOY', that is the best. Music and Hymns are so upbeat too! Hope this is of help to those that are also in need of a bolstering up!

God Bless you, Friends and / or foes.

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