Sunday, 30 March 2008

Epiphany; as in Smelling the Rose!

Good Afternoon and 'Skal!' I am saying 'Skal' and to 'Absent Friends' (a Norwegian custom) to primarily to our friend, 'John', and to a 'group of us' who were his Bohemian 'island buddies' over the years. I might add a tid, that I am joyfully raising a glass of champagne! 'John' would heartily appreciate this 'toast!'

However, am still feeling a bit 'sad' though, about our friend, 'John'. And, I can not help but think, that his 'death' is a strong illumination to those of us, still left on this secular earth, 'to love each other, and to support one another to the fullest!' I have to confess a tidbit; I have been quite disappointed with various so called 'fair weather friends'; but 'John's' message was /is extemely LOUD AND CLEAR. I plan to follow it through; plus there are lessons here, for me to learn as well. What I am also 'discerning' is, that generally people prefer things to be 'nicey nicey; and with minimal or no change' to the 'Status Quo'. It would appear, that it is so much easier to 'bear false witness against thy neighbour'; and / or 'run away'; rather, than take a stand for the Truth; which at times, takes you out of your 'comfort zone'. Thus living on the 'Edge'. (even Dr.Robert Schuller Sr made mention of 'Living on the Edge', today).

This morning, I watched the Vision T.V. (channel 105); and enjoyed a bittid of 'The Hour of Power'. Very inspirational! Robert Schuller Jr, suggested that music is a wonderful way to help uplift us. True! Robert Schuller Sr. also, was sharing that CONFIDENCE is so important; and that when you have FAITH in Him, you are given that confidence, BECAUSE you have ACCEPTED Him genuinely into your hearts. Robert Schuller Sr. shared a very wonderful story about the artist, Eric Sloan; and how his belief, "God's Providence Is Your Inheritance" brought about his great gift of art. You might wish to check it out on the website or T.V.

In 'Enjoying Everyday Life', that was excellent too! Have a Passion and a Purpose for your life. You may wonder, how to do that? Well, as a start, 'doing things for the RIGHT REASONS' is best! Also, 'Destiny unfolds and we take steps. He directs our steps, if we just let Him. And also, be full of zeal when you are 'corrected' by Him, because He LOVES you!'

And with Charles Price,(you can refer to earlier Sunday posts), he basically said, "The Lord will Provide". It depends how deep your roots are embedded in FAITH, within you. It is fine to Praise Him when there are blue skies and sunshine; but when there are darker times, of heat, drought, and famine, it is just as vital to be THANKFUL for all your Blessings. Thus, 'Praise Him in ALL Things', is so true!

Tidbit - 'The LORD will Provide; because HE is Eternally Sufficient. Do not rely on your own 'stuff'; turn it all over to Him to Provide the Solutions. Your roots in God, will secure you', ie in hardship. (If you wish, you can check into Joyce Meyers, 'Enjoying Every Day Life').

Bittid - There are times (when you are tested) when you get an 'Epiphany'; which brings you closer to Him; that is, if you let Him in.

'Well' (deep subject; wrote about it in an earlier post), the death of 'John' certainly did 'that' to me. ie I believe in my heart, that he was a Christian; even the rousing Hymn, "Onward Christian Soldiers", sung in closing, was completion. The minister, was tremendous, and he was requested by 'John' to give the Memorial Service.

Here in our part of the world, it ia a beautiful sunny afternoon; with a mix of dark clouds and blue skies! It is windy, with cool temperatures; BUT, you can see the magnificent mountains in the distance, covered with stark white caps! We thank Him for ALL our Blessings and for today!

Love the above photo image of the Queen Elizabeth Pink Rose, shown in full bloom! We are looking forward to the growth of our two pink Q.E. Roses, in our bittidz garden! Currently, there are budding tidbitz leaves starting to take colourful red / green form on those rose bushes! Also, our daffodils and tulips are now starting to blossom forth!

Am going to go outside and enjoy some fresh air and nature!

God Bless you all!

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