Friday, 21 March 2008

Good Friday

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am so thankful it is SPRING! It is such a wonderful time of year; new growth etc!

We were at my daughter's and son-in-law's last night for dinner; and it was a very lovely tidbitz visit. She served roast beef; we have not had roast beef for a bittidz age! It was one of the best roast beefs, that I have ever relished! I can still taste it! Mmmmmm. Yum. Delicious! Not over cooked, rare where needed, and wonderfully sliced thin! 'Grandma' made the gravy; which was very good, if I tid a bit myself! LOL! I am the first person to say something tastes good or not good; when I make it! LOL!

The twins were full of motion; RAN a bit here and a tid there on their wee legs; and were enthusiastically into everything! I even ran a tid around the table, playing hide and go seek. 'Kid at heart' comes to mind! Have you ever tried running around, hunched right over? Hmmmm. The older bones say; it actually was / is a good bit of exercise! LOL! Our 'Aussie puppy' and their ' Pug pup', once they re acquainted themselves, also frolicked happily about! My son was there as well; he brought the red wine; so a good time was had by all! A contented family scene; and we are looking forward to spending many delightful moments with our family!

Tidbit - Appreciate your family, whenever you see them. Focus on enjoying one another! As HE says, 'Love one another, as I have Loved you'.

Bittid - Always have something to look forward to; ie the next family visit!

Also, my son-in-law showed me how to use our digital camera! So yes, folks, ultimately I will be able to take some tid photos and post them, from time to time on the blogs! However, I will still always appreciate various 'borrowed' photo bit images; like the one above, of the beautiful bouquet of fresh Spring flowers!

Today is Good Friday; and is a time to reflect and to be grateful for what Christ gave up for us. Praise Him in All Things.

God Bless.

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