Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Spring is on route!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Today is gorgeous outside...clear blue skies, Spring is definitely on route! Various tulips, daffodils etc wonderfully 'popping up!'

It has been a 'nonstop' day of activity; and I just took a tid of a few moments to appreciate this glorious day! The beautiful sunshine on my face was / is warm and gentle.

Thus my bit thoughts, as well...warm and gentle.

Tidbit - My Dad used to say to me: 'Put your finger in the dirt'. That basically plummets you to earth 'reality' of various situations. I thank him for that wise message; it is so very true. By doing that, you gain 'stock' on what is or what isn't. Very clear.

Bittid - Be appreciative for what you have; not for what you do not have! 'Angst not', keeps coming to my mind at this time.

God Bless.

P.S. Love that Hymn (see yesterday's post!)- so uplifting and a great way to start your day!

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